In Dong Chizhou, on the edge of a red wall at the edge of the Land of Death, Zhu Siming and Xiao Hongfei stood beside Fangyuan Fairy, and the three talked freely.

Fang Yuan Fairy said: “Zhu Fellow Daoist, Lu Pavilion Lord, but the Nascent Soul cultivator, is just a Core Formation Stage cultivator, let the Land Pavilion Lord come over in person, this is not very good.”

Zhu Siming means profoundly: “Fangy Fairy, there is a temporary residence of the Refining Club. If Fairy talks smoothly with the Lu Pavilion Lord, if it is unpleasant, Fairy will be hard to come out.”

Fang Yuan understood it as soon as she heard it. According to her old Ancestor, the refining cabinet was in a dormant stage. If she ventured forward, wouldn’t she expose that place?

Fang Yuan Fairy whispered: “many thanks Zhu Fellow Daoist reminds that it is really inappropriate to go directly.”

Zhu Siming suddenly looked up towards the West, and his eyes showed a strange color: “He came, hey, what is this technique.”

After a while, Fang Yuan and Xiao Hongfei also sensed something and looked surprised.

I saw the distant sky, there is a silhouette running in the air, running like a mortal, the air under his feet is like a solid ground, every step is spurting the distance of several ten zhang, the speed is amazing.

After ten breaths, the tall and sturdy man with a strong wind, falling on the peak of Chibi, a strange pressure filled.

The skin of the three people unconsciously raised the goose bumps, the heart beats faster, the chest is dull, as if there is an invisible pressure, squeezing their flesh same.

This feeling only lasted for one breath, and disappeared without a trace, as if it were an illusion.

Lu Kun took the first two steps and looked at Zhu Siming of full of energy. His eyes showed a respectful color: “Martial Uncle Zhu, you are finally back.”

Zhu Siming looked sad and said: “My old bones are alive, but unfortunately Nie Wufeng, he…”

Then he shouted the head and said: “I will say later, right, Lu Kun, you are already a Nascent Soul cultivator, you don’t need to call me Martial Uncle, we should reverse it.”

Lu Kun Zheng Zhongdao: “Martial Uncle Zhu, the refining body is only about the generation, regardless of the cultivation base, and the treasure house is the Sect of the inheritance skill. Naturally, it is also divided into the first generation. Without you and Master-Uncle Nie, Lu may not be able to Going to this step today.”

“You have always been my Martial Uncle.”

Zhu Siming hearing this, feeling very incomparable, can not help but recall the more than 100 years ago, Yueyang Sect Refining Peak, he helped Lu Kun, Lu Kun did not help him.

With the perfect Sensing Divinity Technique, he will enter the Core Formation Stage when life essence is going to end.

Zhu Siming rejoiced: “Well, but Martial Nephew’s name can’t be called, but I will call you the Pavilion Lord.”

Lu Kun didn’t refute it. After saying hello to Xiao Hongfei, he looked to the tall woman. He said indifferently: “This is Fangy Fairy of Spirit Sect. Listen to Senior Brother Qin, Fairy has something to do. Looking for Lu to talk, I don’t know what it is.”

When Fang Yuan appeared in Lu Kun, he carefully looked at the old creator that Old Ancestor said. With her Divine Ability, she could not feel the breath of the Lu Pavilion Lord except the initial pressure.

Even in the air, there is no fluctuation in the spell. Isn’t the so-called cultivation completely out of the Immortal Cultivator category, so it is the arrival of Heavenly Tribulation?

Fangy Fairy, who was thinking about it, decided to set her mind. She succumbed to her sorrow: “When you meet Fang Yuan, you have seen the Land Pavilion Lord and take the liberty to visit. There is indeed something to discuss.”

While speaking, her light blue eyes squint at Zhu Siming and Xiao Hongfei.

Lu Kun frowned , opened the mouth and said : “Martial Uncle Zhu , Xiao Xiong, you go to the meeting point first, there are some simple ones, you need two to help improve.”

Zhu Siming and Xiao Hongfei understand Lu Kun’s meaning, their magic power surging, turning into two dawns, rushing away from the distance.

When the two of the treasures left, Lu Kun expressionlessly said: “Before Fang Yuan Fairy said, can you tell me where Fairy heard the refining cabinet and how to know Lu Kun cultivation base.”

In his impression, only Sanyo Zhenjun of Fierce Sun Sect knows this. Is Sanyang Zhenjun spreading his news completely?

Fang Yuan Fairy said calmly: “The cultivation base of the Refining Pavilion and the Land Pavilion Lord is told by the old Ancestor.”

Lu Kun frowned said: “According to Lu, the Spirit Sect seems to be dedicated to only one level eight demon, no Nascent Soul period, who is this Old Ancestor?”

Fang Yuan Fairy reveals the proud color: “This An Old Obstor is Chu State’s only Divine Transformation period cultivator.”

Lu Kun lightly said with a smile : “If the road says that they have the Divine Transformation period cultivator, Lu will believe that a few points, the Spirit Sect is Chu State’s ordinary Sect, and how can there be Divine Transformation period cultivator? ”

Fang Yuan Fairy knows that Lu Kun can’t believe it, she said slowly: “Lu Pavilion Lord turned into a konjac, and when the last thunder was over, Old Ancestor was in the sea of ​​chaos.”

“The old man witnessed the Divine Ability, which was used by the Lord Pavilion to use the devil, to kill Tu Tiancheng and scare away Sanyang Zhenjun. The strength is strong and comparable to the Great Cultivator.”

Upon hearing this sentence, Lu Kun’s face changed slightly. Fang Yuan could actually tell the scene of his transformation into the konjac. With his physical characteristics, the spy of the Great Cultivator can be sensed. Is it really the Divine Transformation period cultivator? .

The arms of the konjac, the devil’s Divine Ability, these are the secrets of Yi Yuan Sect, this person actually knows, is it related to the relationship between Spirit Sect and Yi Yuan Sect?

Lu Kun said solemnly: “Lu has some doubts, your sect. Since there is a Divine Transformation cultivator, why is there no Nascent Soul cultivator?”

Fang Yuan Fairy said with a bitter smile : “The Land Pavilion Lord does not know, the stone of this vows stipulates that this discipline can only cultivate its own cultivation technique, and Old Ancestor insists on this.”

“This cultivation technique is closely related to Monster Beast. To cross the great realm, you must tame an eight-level Monster Beast. Now you can separate the inner and outer seas. The high-level demon repairs are all in the open sea, even if it is a great Cultivator. I don’t dare to go deep.”

Lu Kun wondered: “In this case, the Spirit Sect is less likely to have a Divine Transformation cultivator.”

Fang Yuan Fairy paused, showing the proud color: “Lu Pavilion Lord did not know, in the mighty thousand years ago, I turned the Spirit Sect’s strength to Chu State, is the well-deserved number one Sect, not only Divine Transformation like Old Ancestor The cultivator, Nascent Soul Elder Qi, has more than twenty.”

“And this Elder, with the help of their respective Monster Beast, is able to compete against two powerhouses of the same order, and can fight more and more.”

“In that glorious period, we commander Chu State cultivation industry, to the overseas land, to seize a large number of cultivation resources.”

“Unexpectedly, 1 Flood Dragon awakened the True Dragon Bloodline and broke through the ten-level bottleneck to reach the legendary Monster King.”

“This Flood Dragon battle innate talent is amazing, Old Ancestor even with the help of the mysterious monster Monster King, but with a tie, countless years of war, let the demon repair and Immortal Cultivator death and injury, and finally they have to set a truce. ”

“Since then, Chu State Immortal Cultivator and overseas demon repairs are bounded by the inner and outer seas. Old Ancestor and the Flood Dragon are not allowed to cross the border. The battle between human race and overseas Monster Race has completely come to an end.”

Speaking of this, Fang Yuan Fairy reveals helplessness:

“It’s been a thousand years since Old Ancestor discovered that the Spirit Sect was designed by Monster King.”

“The high-end Monster Race has all been removed from the open sea. As long as the Immortal Cultivator enters the outer sea, the Flood Dragon King can be completely shot, so the Spirit Sect can only capture the unconscious Monster Beast in the inner sea, and maintain the number of Core Formation Stage cultivators. “”

“To know that there is no inheritance in the demon, unless it is refining the eight-level demon, it is impossible to enter the level of the eighth or higher. With the loss of Nascent Soul Elder Qi life essence, the Nascent Soul period cultivator of this class has entered the fault.”

Fang Yuan Fairy reveals the admiration of color: “Old Ancestor angered, and the symbiosis of the mysterious turtle Monster King at great cost, making life essence soar, want to rely on the mysterious life essence of the mysterious turtle, the Flood Dragon King Die, then kill the sea.”

Then her expression was weird: “The King of Flood Dragon is also a temper. After knowing the practice of Old Ancestor, it burned True Dragon blood essence, locked the Monster King cultivation base and extended life essence.”

“This person has been stunned for 30,000 years…”

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