Half a year later, Lu Kun returned to the demon island. Before returning to the island, he met Pan Yan of the holy city of Warrior, knowing that Xiao Hongfei and Lu Xiao were retreating, and Qin Yushu was at the treasure house of Deep Abyss Island.

To his great surprise, Zhao Xueer also entered the bones period, it seems to use a special method, a generation of discipline except Pan Yan, went to St. Poison Sect, Zhao Qingtian wants in a spurt of energy to control St. Poison Sect.

Lu Kun didn’t plan to intervene. St. Poison Sect had five Core Formation Stage cultivators left. There was only one Core Formation mid-term to protect the poison. No need to worry about anything.

During this time, in addition to purchasing materials, he also experienced a new chaotic magic power.

Chaotic magic power In addition to the difference between the attribute and the lightning magic power, the generated white light film is extremely resistant to Five Elements spell, and its defense power is stronger than the previous Royal Lei Shield.

Although the chaotic magic power has the level of Core Formation Great Perfection, the mosaic of the mature bones is more expensive. I am afraid that the Nascent Soul level of magic power can spur more than 200 pieces of bone treasure.

After the Great Accomplishment, Lu Kun’s physical strength directly reached 400,000 jin. If Divine Ability is applied, it will increase 50% and reach the horror level of six hundred thousand jin. With the magic power of Great Perfection, it can be almost Casting 90 attacks.

It is a pity that there is no physical strength. Unless he stands on the Breaking Dragon Stone, he will not be able to spread the amazing brute force.

Entering the Great Accomplishment, his Strength of Divine Sense has once again proliferated, and the scope of exploration has almost reached 30 li. I am afraid that it is almost the same as the real Nascent Soul.

If this time, Lu Kun will fight with Bayon Kay at least, evenly matched.

At the maturity of the bone treasure, even if there is no magic power blessing, it can also hardly pick up Ba Yongkai’s magic weapon attack without hurting, but in the face of Nascent Soul’s strength, he can not play all the strength.

But if Lu Kun has the physical strength, he can play the power of six hundred thousand pounds in midair, and Ba Yongkai is definitely not his opponent!

Lu Kun is coming back this time, is ready to break through the body!

He flew over Ba Linggu and took out several Sound Transmission Talismans. He whispered a few words and threw them out. He said hello to Xiao Hongfei, who was retreating.


After entering Cave Mansion, Lu Kun took out a piece of material and arranged a rather complicated array in the practice room. The rune above is far from the current cultivation world. It seems to be some kind of ancient text.

“According to my inference, the conditions for the physical production of the body are: the physical integration, and the physical presence of the body.”

“If you use the method of refining, when the body becomes a whole, it will be turned into a shovel material, and it is impossible to generate active power.”

Lu Kun portrays the array, and at the same time takes out a piece of magic stone inlaid among them, his eyes flashing inexplicable color.

“There is no refining device, and there is only one last resort, that is, relying on the magic of blood!”

This array is exactly what he got in the bloodline memory, the origin of the cloud through the formation of the formation array!

It was originally modified from the Enlight Race of Demon Race, and after the change of Hong Yuntong, it became the origin of Yuntong Refining. Without it, it could not generate the magic of blood.

“Hong Yuntong, when using the Yuntong refining body to break through the Core Formation, the quilt’s blood and magic power swallowed and died; Hong Yuntian, the cultivation of the evil stagnation, and finally the breakthrough Nascent Soul, the blood and blood magic swallowed the whole body, turned into A pool of liquid.”

“The failure of both people is because the blood and blood magic swallowed the flesh!”

Lu Kun’s eyes showed a bit of pride: “But my Lu Kun is different, the mature skeleton, even the Nascent Soul cultivator is helpless, not to mention the magical power of the district.”

“Hong Yuntian finally attached to the devil’s body, and then the body of the flesh appeared. I Lu Kun, I only need to rely on the entity of bone treasure, and I don’t need to rely on foreign objects!”

Lu Kun quickly set up this rather complicated array according to his memory.

At the beginning of Hong Yuntong, to make up for his blood essence through blood sacrifice, he barely cultivated the magic of blood, and Lu Kun’s blood is extremely strong, and he does not need blood sacrifice at all.

To prevent the blood magic from colliding with the magic of blood, he was exhausted by the blood magic on his way back.

Lu Kun sits in the middle of the formation array, deep took a deep breath, and Strength of Divine Sense operates in a unique way in meridian and array.

All around the array, gradually lit up the black glow, the magic in the magic stone along the line of the array, slowly immersed in his within the body, rushed into the empty meridian.

Like the ordinary Demon Path cultivation technique, the Yuntong refining body works magically in the meridian.

Lu Kun slightly agitated the blood, and the powerful blood and blood entered the meridian. It was almost a moment, a very weak, but exuding the magic of extreme greed, appeared in the meridian.

This magic seems to be aware of Lu Kun within the body’s huge blood, a bit of fear, but exudes extreme desire.

Lu Kun perceives this magic, and a sneer smirk at the corner of his mouth. He re-adjusts the formation array underneath and modifies it into a arrogant array, and places a dozen pieces of magic stones in it.

Then he made a move and practiced according to the way Yuntong refining the body. The blood was stirred and he took the initiative to send the huge force of blood to the meridian.

That kind of blood and blood magic, immediately devours blood and magic, and grows rapidly.

In the bloodline memory, Lu Kun witnessed Hong Yuntong’s blood magic, and after swallowing the body of the little monkey body, from the initial establishment of Foundation Establishment, it suddenly increased to the Core Formation’s realm.

He knows very well the nature of this magic, as long as there is no lack of magic and blood, it can grow all the time, and Lu Kun’s current body, blood essence alone, is enough to let the blood magic to eat spit.

The magical power of the gas in meridian grew rapidly. In less than a day, it turned into a liquid state and entered the level of Foundation Establishment Stage. The bottleneck of Foundation Establishment Stage did not seem to exist.

At this time, Lu Kun’s blood essence only cost a small section, and Lu Kun did not have any surprises and continued to practice.

Foundation Establishment Initial…Foundation Establishment Mid-term…Foundation Establishment Late.

The huge whirlpool of magic reverberates around him, under the circumstance of a path of horror, a dark red, with a rich and bloody Golden Core, suspended in the dantian of Lu Kun.

Hongyun ventilated blood is insufficient, relying on the essence of the true magic pool breakthrough, his Lu Kun blood is like a river, the blood magic is easily condensed into a Golden Core.

At this time, Lu Kun, his face was slightly white, and the high-density blood that the Gorefiend sculpt practiced also consumed a little.

The bloody sorcerer feels Lu Kun’s still fleshy body, and there is a longing for the idea of ​​eagerness.

Lu Kun didn’t stop and continued to work. He was eager to absorb his blood essence, and a large number of magic stones were consumed.

After three days and three nights, the bloody demon dan was full of a small circle, with a strange dark red luster on it, exuding the magical atmosphere of the Core Formation and the amazing blood.

Lu Kun is pale at this time, and the essence energy of the blood has been completely consumed by the blood and magic. I don’t know if it’s a coincidence. The level of blood and magic is exactly the same as the blood magic that he had cultivated before. Core Formation mid-term.

“Is it the reason for the nine-star physique?”

His brows were picked, the law was changed, the magic of blood was rolling, and the blood of the horror was re-emerged in the blood. His face was rosy again, and he was in the same state as he did not repair the blood of Refining Qi.

The blood essence of Lu Kun has formed a symbiotic relationship with the bloody demon!

There is no blood essence in the blood and magic, there will be no middle level of Core Formation, and Lu Kun’s blood needs the blessing of blood and magic to restore the best condition.

“Very good, although the blood magic is incomparably evil and greedy, but completely listen to my command, control is the same as magic power.”

The memory of Lu Kun’s memory is only the cultivation method of Core Formation. After all, the original Hong Yuntong died when he condensed blood and blood.

However, after how to cultivate, Lu Kun had his own method. He showed a hint of twilight. The bloody dan of Dantian appeared a fissure, and the violent magic wave appeared in its with the body.

Broken Dan!

In the middle of the Core Formation, the magic of blood and blood is coming out. Because of the lack of energy, it is impossible to turn into Nascent Soul. Lu Kun is ready to control his blood and use the blood magic to operate to attract the evil magic of losing the storage space. .

Those qi and blood magic, immediately found a pinning, rushed into the blood like crazy.

“Unsurprisingly, my blood and magic are different from Hong Yuntong. It only relies on blood essence to grow up, so the Golden Core is broken, and the experience of blood magic is very smooth.”

Although it has been deduced many times before, after he is really successful, he is still sighed in relief, and the blood magic is really combined with blood before he can proceed to the next step.

Lu Kun has a little sweat on his forehead. The risk of this step is under his control. Even if the magic of the blood dissipates with the Golden Core, he is just a loss of blood. With magic power, the bone marrow can regenerate blood for up to a year. The blood essence can be made up.

Lu Kun slowed down the tension, became familiar with the blood and blood in the blood, and discovered the magical nature, not at all any changes.

Then he was able to rise to the sky with the huge gods of the Nascent Soul period, suppressing the greedy impulse of the blood and magic, and then began to run the method of blood and meat concentration.

The reason why Lu Kun needs to repair the refining Qi blood magic is to unify his flesh and blood through these deformed energies.

After the flesh and blood is concentrated, the blood and blood magic in the blood, under the instinctive desire, naturally devours his internal organs essence and tendon essence.

In this way, the flesh and blood essence is in the depths of the bones, and has become a whole!

Through the bloodline memory and Hong Yuntian’s handwriting, Lu Kun knows that although the magic of blood is extremely evil, there is an advantage that it is the symbiosis with the flesh.

Due to the symbiotic nature of blood and blood! The blood and blood magic has a great chance to restore the flesh and blood extract, and Lu Kun restores the flesh through the method of flesh and blood enrichment.

The method of concentrating flesh and blood is that he founded it for this stage! As early as Secret Realm, Lu Kun thought of this road!

But this still has great risks. In case his judgment is wrong, the blood and magic can’t restore the flesh and blood essence, then the body will die completely, leaving only one skeleton!

“To be the source of the flesh, this is the only direction! How can you not take risks!”

Lu Kun’s brain flashed with decisive thoughts. The burly body was concentrated at the speed visible by the naked eye, and gradually became a jade bone wearing a robe. Sitting on the ground, it looked very strange.

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