An Infinite Dimension Store

425 Loki's Stunt

I saw Loki looking flustered.

Then he looked at Lu Yu who had just cut off the earth and the sky with one sword.

The members of the Loki Familia sighed in succession.

The same is the god, why is the gap so big.

As Loki ran over, the aftermath of the tremors on the ground gradually calmed down.

It doesn't look like there will be aftershocks.

So Loki breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately I ran fast... Hey! What are your eyes?! 35

Patting her chest, she raised her head.

Then he saw the sighs of his family members.

For some reason, Loki felt that he was invisible and despised, and immediately raised his fist in protest.

"Lord Loki, this is not an earthquake!"

Tiona took a step forward and said enthusiastically to her own god, turning away the attention of the goddess with familiarity at the same time.

"It's just the movement caused by Lord Lu Yu teaching us swordsmanship."


Loki made a suspicious sound.

"Are you saying that the movement just now wasn't an earthquake...but a swordsmanship?

She immediately put her hands on her hips and looked at the main player of her family's 290 with a foolish expression.

"The weather is not hot now, why are you talking nonsense like you have a heat stroke, how is it possible that swordsmanship can cause earthquakes, even if you are fooling the gods, you must be a little more serious..."

Halfway through Loki's words, Tiona took a step to the side and let her gods see the scene behind her.

The earth, the mountains, and the sky that were directly cut open.

So Loki stammered for a moment, staring back and forth at the ordinary one-handed sword in Lu Yu's hand, and the abyss-like crack in the ground in front of him.


Finally, speechless.

It is not surprising that Lu Yu used divine power to do such a thing.

Although Loki himself cannot do this, it is not difficult for gods such as Valkyries and War Gods to use their powers.

But since it's swordsmanship teaching, it's natural not to use power, a method that adventurers have no way to learn.

In other words, Lu Yu achieved this purely by relying on his extraordinary sword skills.

What level of monster is this?

Could this guy be able to duel gods with sword skills alone?!

Although it has long been known that Lu Yu's strength is very terrifying.

(bddb) But this exposed tip of the iceberg still made Loki feel deeply shocked.

too strong!

From skills to weapons to strength, there is no dead end for the power!

Fortunately, such an existence is his friend. If he really came to dominate the world, Loki suspects that the group of gods who have been addicted to entertainment for a long time in their world are simply not enough to beat each other with one hand.

Thinking of this, Loki's expression relaxed.

If you are a friend, you don't need to worry too much.


"...Fortunately, there are barren mountains over there, so you don't need to lose money."

After a long silence, Loki breathed a sigh of relief.

"So—is this how you feel?!"

Tiona was dumbfounded.

"Otherwise, what else could it be? If this sword is slashed on the house of other family members, the origin point that this goddess finally obtained will be lost! You really don't know how expensive firewood, rice, oil and salt are!

Loki said stingly.

This sentence is indeed true.

If Lu Yu's sword was cut to the nearby residential area.

Not counting casualties, the value of the destroyed buildings alone is enough for the Loki Familiar to lose all their underwear.

The housing prices in the city of Orari are not expensive, but the scope of Lu Yu's sword qi sweep is too broad.

Sweep it casually, few hundreds of thousands of buildings have been destroyed.

It is indeed difficult to pay with the financial resources of just one family.

"However, people thought that according to Lord Loki's normal character, he would unyieldingly show some stunts commensurate with his status as a god!

Tiona complained slightly coquettishly.

"Who knew that was your first sentence!"

"Do you mean that my current appearance is not commensurate with the status of a god? Is that what you mean?"

Loki glanced at the idiot angrily, and then knocked Tiona's head hard.

"As the god of fire and the god of mischief, our gods have sealed the divine power after the lower realm, and even if we have any stunts, we can't use them at all. You should be clear about this kind of thing?! 35

"It hurts!"

Tiona did not dare to resist the atrocities of her own gods, and covered her head while begging for mercy.

She murmured softly after dodging Loki's knock.

"But Lu Yu-sama's swordsmanship doesn't use divine power either!


Loki's expression froze.

Indeed, Lu Yu's swordsmanship has nothing to do with divine power or anything.

If you compare it like this, it seems that you are inferior.

This will not work!

After thinking about it, Loki said.

"If I have to say it, it's not that I don't have stunts."

This sentence attracted everyone's attention.


That Lord Loki, who is laughing and laughing all the time, actually has any hidden stunts?

And looking at Loki's expression, it seems to be a skill that does not lose to Lord Lu Yu?

Even Ace looked over with great concern.

"Cough cough!

Loki cleared his throat and quietly took two steps to the side, walking around Ais.

"Although all the powers of being a Vulcan have been sealed, that's right.

"But just like Freya's ability to charm is still left, as a god, I actually have a basic ability left."

Loki explained it earnestly.

"Although it can't compare to Lu Yu's swordsmanship ability, I am a god no matter what, and the skills I have left behind are quite useful.

After selling for a long time, Loki secretly showed a bad smile when he saw that everyone's curiosity was about to reach its peak.

"As the god of fire and the god of mischief, after the power of the god of fire is lost, what is naturally left is the ability to mischief!""

Speaking of which, Loki was caught off guard and rushed towards Ais.

"That's right, the power of this goddess is the power of mischief!"

It turned out that the previous words were all foreshadowing.

All of them were obstacles that were set up to sneak up on Ais.

"Aisi sauce, eat my salty pig hand! Hahahaha!!!"

Loki jumped at Aisi's slender waist without everyone reacting.

It seems to be trying to take advantage of it.


"Loki, you're out of luck.

Lu Yu thought to himself.

If it was the previous Ais, there was a real possibility that a person who was trusted by someone who was caught off guard would not be able to react.

But the current Ace, after being trained by Lu Yu, keeps her movements in a state of being able to charge up in time.

Even if it was Loki's surprise attack, with her reaction speed, she would definitely be able to react.

So... the outcome is doomed.

Lu Yu couldn't bear to watch it.

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