Lu Yu does not shy away from this.

In order to obtain godhood and weapons, all the adventurers of Orari will inevitably be motivated by the goods provided by Lu Yu, so that they can live a much harder life than before.

After the opening of my branch here, the atmosphere of the whole Orali is bound to be much more compact than before.

Roughly equivalent to switching from busy farming to workers, the average daily working hours of adventurers will inevitably be greatly extended.

As Hestia realized, the joyous life between the retinues and the gods was bound to shrink as a result.

For this, Hestia, who valued the relationship with her family, was somewhat unacceptable.

She didn't want to let her family live such a tired life.

Loki had a different view.

"If you want to obtain excellent weapons and godhood, this level of effort is a matter of course, so Lu Yu, don't care about that!"

She is very open-minded.

Although it is said that adventurers will increase their labor hours because of these things, life will inevitably be a lot tiring.

But this kind of life is everyone's choice.

Moreover, as long as you pay the corresponding labor, you can obtain weapons with stronger and better quality.

It is even possible to save enough money to buy a godhead that can make people go to the sky in one step. This is a good thing that has not been 283 for thousands of years.

If it is placed elsewhere, even if only one godhead is taken out, it is enough to cause an uproar all over the world.

The blood and blood rain that a godhead can roll up is very likely to cause tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or even millions of slaughter.

But now, such a precious item, it is possible to get it just by constantly spawning monsters to get magic stones.

This set of plans given by Lu Yu is already quite a good condition.

At least Loki thinks it's overpriced.

"There is no such thing as easy in the world. If you don't pay, there will be no return. If you lazy bastard doesn't want to work, why don't you buy new weapons and godheads? No one forces you!"

Loki said something that Hestia could not explain.

Other Loki's family members also nodded.

Something as incomparably precious as the Godhead is itself an elusive treasure.

It was impossible to get it easily.

The god of the Otherworld, such a plan proposed, is already friendly enough.

In the eyes of both parties, this transaction is a double (bddb) win.

After knowing the actual price of the godhead, Loki was in no hurry to exchange the magic stone.

This kind of sky-high item is not a quantity that can be collected through exchange.

So the adventurers who ran out after hearing the news were just doing nothing.

At this moment, Lu Yu spoke.

"Speaking of which, I forgot one thing."

"whats the matter?"

Loki asked curiously.

"Is there any other special product?

The existence of the godhead is already shocking enough. Could it be that there are other more outrageous products in the dimension store?

"Although there are indeed a lot of special products, but this is not what I want to say."

Lu Yu shook his head.

"What I want to say is that in addition to exchanging Origin Points with magic stones, there is another way to obtain Origin Points.

As soon as these words came out, they immediately attracted people's attention.

It is obvious that exchanging magic stones for Origin Points requires a long-term struggle to obtain sufficient results. If there are other more convenient channels, it is obvious that Origin Points can be quickly accumulated through this.

"In what way?"

Loki asked immediately.

"That is recycling, the Dimension Store has a recycling business that can recycle things like weapons or magic books that you don't need.

Lu Yu introduced it carefully.

"Whether it is the power of gods, or things like swordsmanship, swordsmanship, magic, etc. can be recycled as origin points. 35

Obviously, Lu Yu was eyeing the power of the gods.

Although there are many differences in the character of the gods of the Earth and wrong worlds from those recorded in the myths of other worlds, their powers as gods are completely the same.

Before Lu Yu was in the world of the godslayer, he had harvested all the powers of the Fusang gods.

But the powers of other gods have not gained much.

Taking this opportunity, he intends to harvest the power of other gods.

"The power of the gods..."

Loki groaned.

It can be quite offensive to the gods of other worlds to have them sell their abilities.

In a tense place in the world, even the information about one's own abilities is hidden information, let alone buying and selling.

But only the wrong world is different.

This is a world where gods get tired of fighting, choose to seal their divine power, and then play happily in the lower world.

The power of the gods itself is not a sensitive topic.

However, it is not so easy to agree to sell.

After all, this is the foundation of the gods.

"If someone chooses to recover abilities such as magic or swordsmanship, will they lose this ability permanently?

Loki asked the point.

If it is said that after recovering the swordsmanship, all his own swordsmanship is forgotten, it is not a good choice for adventurers.

Similarly, as a god, if he chooses to reclaim his power and then lose that power, then even if the gods are in a state of sealing their power, they are still very concerned about this.

This is not something that can be easily sold with a smile.

"If you choose to recycle directly, that's true.

Lu Yu nodded without concealment.

"The seller will directly lose his ability, but it is not permanently lost. If you exercise yourself, it is still possible to get it back."9

In other words, the ability will disappear after the sale, but not permanently.

For adventurers, swordsmanship may be able to be practiced again.

But for the gods, the lost power cannot be returned.

In this case, power cannot be easily sold.

Thinking so, Loki suddenly noticed Lu Yu's words.

"If you recycle directly, you will lose your ability... Do you mean there is indirect recycling or something else?"

she asked immediately.


Lu Yu nodded, thinking that Loki had finally taken the bait.

"There is another method, which is to copy the template, which can copy all the relevant data templates of life ability. In this case, although the recovery price will be lower, it will not harm the gods or adventurers themselves."

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