"If you have a godhead, no matter what adventurer you are, you can become the strongest. Even a level 9 adventurer can't surpass the power of the godhead holder."

"It's okay, it's just human nature."

"Loki, don't cry.

Lu Yu waved his hand, not paying attention.

Fortunately, the other party is generous enough and didn't care about it with himself.

Riviria had never seen Loki like this before, so she was a little flustered for a while.

How can there be so many regrets.

Even the cute Ais realized something, she put her hand on Loki's head and reassured her awkwardly.

However, after being so troubled by Hestia, she recovered her emotions.

"What's the use of grilling me at this time, you idiot! I'm not weak enough to be comforted by you idiot!

Except for Hestia, who has been staying at a friend's house, most of the other gods have experienced the moment of separation from the human beings they love.

"Thank you for your understanding! 99

After her emotions recovered, she naturally realized that her words were very unreasonable.

Although he felt that it was unreasonable to say so, there was a fog in Loki's eyes.

Hestia did this, and Loki, who was in grief, couldn't help but be speechless.

"There are no side effects at all, and you can easily become stronger without risking your life. This is the godhead.

If it wasn't for Lu Yu who had shown his extraordinary strength before and was a god of the Otherworld who was unrestrained in the slightest, there would have been adventurers who would take the risk and want to directly snatch the godhead card from Lu Yu's hand.

々Do you want to eat?"

If there was such a thing long ago, she would do everything she could to exchange for a godhead.

Loki breathed a sigh of relief and unknowingly used honorifics.

The more sensitive people thought more, and they immediately understood that the power of the gods was not the whole of the godhead.

Whether it is in Euleri or in the outside world, it is normal for gods and humans to form bonds.

Humans, when they are irrational, are actually no different from moths fighting a fire.

Tiona, who has always been cheerful, doesn't know what to do anymore. She has indeed comforted other companions, but she has never comforted the gods!

Like Ace.

Even if he is heartless like Loki, he has experienced the scene of being separated from the human he loves many times.

All the adventurers' eyes could not help but focus on the thin card in Lu Yu's hand.

"Are you all right?"

"If only you could show up earlier々.!95

Witnessing the death of the human beings they love is also the scar of the gods.

Moreover, now she is cared and cared about by so many family members, and it is not the time when she is bound by the past.

And even if Lu Yu showed his power beyond the standard that he could use divine power, there were still a lot of people who were still eager to move.

"Sorry, I just lost control of my emotions!"

Fiery, longing, greedy...

For the first time, adventurers who have always thought gods are noble and unreachable realize that there is still a way to make human beings gods in this world.


If she can bestow her divine status, then she will no longer have to worry about parting with Ais, but will be able to accompany her forever.

It was even quieter than when the powerful King's Treasure showed his powerful aura before.


The head of the group, Finn, asked with a concerned look.

She was afraid of making Lu Yu angry because of her own words. If Lu Yu refused to sell her Godhead, wouldn't it be over?

Shock, unparalleled shock!

The significance of the Godhead is not only in the incomparable power, it is not the most important point.

From the very beginning, it was an irreversible matter.

In this world, the lifespan of gods is endless, but human beings, as dependents, have a limit to their lifespan.

That is the heartache engraved in the hearts of all the gods.

Not power, but long life!

For a long time, the god Loki was the one who comforted others.

Loki, who has always been carefree and looks like a tomboy, has his eyes red for the first time in history.

They had seen with their own eyes that Lu Yu took out so many god-level weapons before, and they had no doubts about what Lu Yu said at this time.

Human life is limited, but God's life is unlimited.

All kinds of strong eyes are focused on the card.


For the gods who already possessed divine power, fighting and fighting fiercely has long been a thing of the past. Even though the power of the gods is powerful for humans, for the gods who voluntarily seal their divine power, it is something they have long abandoned.

Loki murmured tremblingly.

Lu Yu introduced with a smile.

Soon, she recalled the memories that she usually suppressed in the memory corner.

Besides, Loki didn't say anything, so it's totally irrelevant.

Seeing Loki like this, the Loki family members who were originally focused on the Godhead card immediately retracted their gazes and gathered around Loki with concern.

No matter how much she opened her mind, she would never have expected that Lu Yu still had such a precious commodity in her hands.

In addition to strength, the more important point for human beings is—

The family members who were sent away by her——

When it comes to people who are important to you, whether it is a human or a god, it is difficult to keep sane, which is normal.

"You, you...don't cry!"

As soon as the voice fell, the entire tavern fell silent.

If one's relatives can have a godhead, it will mean eternal companionship.

That is to say, this card named Godhead can really directly transfer people into gods, and make people have god-level power.

Even now, the godhead is something that Lu Yu owns, even if he doesn't sell it to others, it is completely his freedom, and outsiders have no room for criticism.

Ignoring Hestia, who was scolded as an idiot and resentful even though he was well-meaning to comfort him, Loki looked at Lu Yu, then bowed his head and apologized.

Seeing so many people comforting Loki, Hestia, who had been burying her head in eating, looked at her nemesis with red eyes from crying, hesitated, and handed over her plate of barbecue.

Lu Yu, who had never known him before, naturally had no reason to appear in advance for her.

She has not yet established a family, so she can't fully understand Loki's mood at this time.

His willingness to sell Godhead is already very worthy of gratitude.

It's not about strength, it's about longevity!

Because of this, she immediately realized the true value of the Godhead.

"Lord Loki?"

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