An Infinite Dimension Store

405 Hestia's Dream

Seeing Lu Yu's expression, Loki, who was good at observing words and expressions, realized something.

she asked bluntly.

"Lu Yu, do you need a magic stone?"

Lu Yu felt that there was no need to hide it, and it was impossible to hide it, so he nodded.

"I need a lot of magic stones, which I can exchange for Origin Points - a kind of currency.


Loki liked Lu Yu's candid attitude.

It is convenient to deal with such people, and to understand each other's requirements, whether it is doing business or making friends, it is very refreshing, and there is no need to worry about being stabbed in the back.

"Indeed, I remember you said that you are not only the god of Otherworld, but also a shopkeeper called 'Dimension Store'!"

Thinking of Lu Yu's previous self-introduction, Loki was not surprised by Lu Yu's demand.

Since it is the owner of the store, the pursuit of profit and valuable things is a matter of course.

"The gods of the Otherworld?"

Hestia next to him was stunned when he heard the news for the first time.

Unlike Loki, she does not make extensive friends, and can even be said to be a very nerdy character. She used to regard Lu Yu as a kind-hearted god she did not know before.

After hearing this, I realized that Lu Yu didn't seem to be the god of this world.

"Is the teacher the 280 god of Otherworld?""

Ais tilted her head and asked dumbly.


Hearing this, Loki almost spit out his drink.

"Aisi-chan! Why don't you know the teacher you recognize yourself!"

She suddenly remembered that when Lu Yu introduced herself before, Ais' expression was as surprised as everyone else's, and it seemed that she really didn't know anything about the teacher she recognized.

"I don't know, I didn't notice the outside world at the time.

Ace answered honestly.

At that time, she really didn't notice that it was Otherworld.

Seeing Ace's natural look, Loki couldn't help covering his face and began to reflect on his education.

It seems that it is not a good thing to raise this child so simple, it feels like he can be tricked by a lollipop.

"That's right."

Lu Yu nodded, using a god as a vest would easily be accepted by the gods in this world, so he naturally wouldn't deny the title.


Hestia began to wonder.

She asked Lu Yu curiously.

"In the other world, will there be (bddb) children who want to be adventurers, and if so, can they be introduced to my family?

Hestia's eyes lit up when she mentioned the family.

Ever since she was kicked out by her friend Hephaestus, she realized that if she wanted to survive in this world, she had to establish a family.

And to be honest, the atmosphere between the feudal enemy Loki's clan is also an existence that Hestia yearns for.

She also really wants to get a family, and then live a less lonely life!

Thinking of this, Hestia secretly glanced at Lu Yu.

In fact, if she could, she really hoped that Lu Yu, who helped her with kindness, could join her family.

It's a pity that Lu Yu is a god, so this is totally impossible.

"A family?"

Lu Yu pondered for a few seconds, then nodded under Hestia's excited eyes.

"Our store does not engage in human trafficking, but if there are people who have the resources to become the family of the gods, we can indeed introduce them to you."

It is not impossible for a world like Doomsday, or other girls with unsatisfactory life, to agree to go to Otherworld to become a family of gods.

"Human trafficking - you wouldn't ask for this!

Hestia looked embarrassed and quickly waved her hand.

She's not the type that likes to force others.

Besides, she doesn't want the relatives she can get by force.

Hestia is the kitchen god, and belongs to the goddess who guards the family, so she is looking forward to a family with a family-like atmosphere.

"However, if there are children who are willing to become my family members, please introduce them to me, and I will definitely treat them seriously and responsibly!"

Hestia puffed out her chest and said seriously.

To be honest, she has given up hope now that she has hit a wall too many times to find a family in Orari.

In terms of competition, Hestia, who was poor and could not even support herself, was completely inferior to other gods' families.

The appearance of Lu Yu was like a dawn for Hestia.

——If no one in this world wants to be her family, you can go to the Otherworld to find it!

With hope, Hestia was completely refreshed.

However, at this time.

The voice she least wanted to hear sounded.

Loki looked at the excited Hestia with a smirk and said.

"Have you forgotten, little dwarf, you are not the only one here!""


Hestia was startled, she suddenly realized what Loki was going to say.

But there was no way to stop it.

"Whether it is an adventurer in this world or an adventurer in the other world, you should have the autonomy to choose your family. If you deceive them and you can only choose you and deprive them of their right to choose, it is not a moral act.

Loki pointed out Hestia's careful thinking, and then boasted confidently.

"And if you let go of all the family members and let the people from Otherworld choose, I don't think their selection criteria will be any different from this world! Compared to you, you don't have enough food and clothing, and you don't even have a place to live. The Ruined Familiar, how can we see that our Loki Familiar is more worthy of choice?!


Hestia is blocked.

Loki was clearly speaking the truth.

It is also a family, no matter how you look at it, a family with reliable companions and a stable rookie model like the Loki family is trustworthy.

In the modern society, Hestia's family is equivalent to a company with no insurance, housing, canteen, and even a small salary.

As long as it is a normal applicant, it will never choose such a position.

The innate disadvantage of the Hestia family is too great. Whether it is this world or the other world, when there is a choice, basically no one will choose her.

So even if she asks Lu Yu for help, she seems unable to get her family.

Hestia, who had been shattered by her dream, gritted her teeth and looked at Loki unhappily, her ponytails almost floating in the air.

"You dead chopping block! Do you have to fight me for a family member! 35

"Oh, you goddess of a waste house with big breasts and no brains! This is just normal business competition!"

Loki sneered at each other.

"If the competition doesn't win me, it only shows that you are useless!"

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