Not only is Ais's swordsmanship teacher, but also a god from the Otherworld.

Such an identity filled Loki's curiosity directly, and the family members of Loki's family were also full of interest in this god from the Otherworld.

For adventurers, the dungeon and the city of Orari are basically the whole of the world, and things in other cities are just like the legendary anecdotes.

Not to mention the complete Otherworld.

Although Loki really wanted to continue to ask Lu Yu for information about the Otherworld, she didn't really understand etiquette, so naturally she wouldn't be so rude.

"Little ones, in order to welcome the arrival of Mr. Lu Yu, the teacher of Essence, there is a banquet at noon today!"

Loki loudly announced the noon event.

"Banquet banquet!

Hearing this arrangement, Loki's family members immediately cheered.

Although adventurers are not as precarious as pirates, the risk factor is not low.

So they, like the pirates in the pirate world, like to hold a lively banquet.

"The atmosphere of your family feels good!

Lu Yu looked at the vigorous Loki's family and praised him.

The atmosphere among the members of the Loki Familia was very relaxed and efficient, and it seemed to be quite similar to the atmosphere of the Whitebeard Pirates that Lu Yu had seen before.

Hearing the praise of Lu Yu, the god of the Otherworld, Loki seemed very happy, and she proudly patted her cliff.

"Of course, our Loki family is Oralee's premier family!"

Being praised by the gods of the Otherworld, both the leader Finn and the deputy leader Riviria also showed a proud smile.

It's a testament to their efforts being recognized.

Soon, the members of the Loki Familiar packed their clothes and weapons one by one, and walked out of their residence with Loki and Lu Yu.

"Teacher, this way."

Ace took the initiative to lead the way.

This move made Loki eat again.

"Lord Lu Yu, the gatherings of our Loki Familiar are usually held in a tavern called the Mistress of Plenty. The food and wine in this restaurant are first-class among Orari!"

The enthusiastic and cheerful Amazon female warrior Tiona came over and introduced.

Although the atmosphere is similar to the pirate group in the pirate world, Orari is a fixed city after all, not an isolated sea drifting ship.

Therefore, the division of labor and cooperation between the families is quite common. The Loki family is famous for the size of the adventurer, and there are other families who are good at assistance or business.

On the whole, the existence of relatives in the wrong world can be roughly regarded as a large enterprise with a lifetime employment system.

It's just that the mainstream here is still undoubtedly the adventurer and the battle.

The Loki Familiar is good at fighting, and although they are not completely incapable of cooking, the taste can only be said to be not bad.

For this rare banquet, it is natural to find a restaurant with good taste to hold it.

A group of people swaggered across the street.

The Loki Familia, who often act together in groups, did not cause much commotion, but many passersby noticed Lu Yu, who was surrounded by the Loki Familia in the middle.

And next to Lu Yu, the blond sword girl Ais.

This is an extremely rare situation. The Sword Princess, who is famous throughout the city, has never had much contact with men, even if she is a companion of the same family.

So this is the first man to be so close to Ais Wallenstein.

For a while, the gossip was flying all over the sky. Except for some smart people who guessed Lu Yu's identity, who should be the teacher mentioned by Jian Ji, most people thought that this was Ais finally falling in love.

As the center of the topic, the Loki family was not in the sight of the unexpected world.

Soon, the group arrived at the selected banquet location.

The rich hostess - the hotel with that name written on it.

The store is very lively, it seems that the popularity of this store is indeed not low.

It's just that for some reason, there was a girl in front of the store squatting with her stomach covered.

When Loki saw this scene, he didn't rush in. Instead, he raised his eyebrows with an expression he wanted to make fun of when he saw something interesting. He took two steps forward and patted the girl who was squatting at the door on the shoulder. .

It looks like they are old acquaintances.

"Hey! Hestia, what are you doing here?""

Loki asked carelessly.


Suddenly attacked, the girl with a blue ribbon around her body seemed to be taken aback.

After she turned around and found that it was Loki, she first breathed a sigh of relief, as if she had thought of something, and her expression immediately became tense.

"No, nothing! I'm just admiring the scenery here, none of your business!"


Loki looked around suspiciously, there was no scenery at all.

"Isn't it... Hestia, you have no money to eat, so you are squatting here? 35

She looked at the child face Loli in front of her with a smirk, and couldn't help poking Hestia's face.

"I've heard that Hephaestus swept you out of the house because of the reason why you, a rice bug, stayed at home to eat every day and couldn't go out to work!"

"You are the rice bug!"

Hestia displeased Loki's hand, and then puffed out her cheeks in dissatisfaction.

"I wasn't swept out of the house... I, I, I just thought Hephaestus was too hard to be separated from her! And now that I'm eating well and living well, your worries are unnecessary! 39

She didn't want to lose face in front of her nemesis.

Just finished speaking.

"Goo! Goo!"

Hestia's stomach let out a groan.

It was so loud that everyone around could hear it.

The atmosphere suddenly became awkward.

"Pfft! Hahaha!

Tiona, who was onlookers, couldn't help laughing.

She didn't mean to laugh at Hestia, she just couldn't hold back.

"Wow... I have no face to meet anyone!

Hestia's cheeks flushed with baby fat, and she covered her face in despair.

She felt like her reputation was over, and it was definitely the most embarrassing time she had ever experienced in her life.

In this most desperate trough.

A warm hand covered her head.

A strange and gentle male voice sounded.

"Meeting is fate, do you mind having a meal together?"

Hestia raised her head in disbelief, and saw the handsome man with black hair and black eyes who had invited her through his fingers.

"have a meal together?"

Hestia whispered: "But I have no money."

It doesn't make sense to tell lies at this time, so she honestly confessed.

"Money is just an extraneous thing. If you feel bad about it, you can exchange stories and information. I just came to Orari, and I don't know many things."

Noticing the other party's self-esteem, Lu Yu said in a considerate manner.

"Story and information?!

Hestia's eyes lit up when she heard this.

"I will do this!"

She raised her hands excitedly.

When she stayed at Hephaestus' house, what she read most was books, she knew a lot whether it was storytelling or things about Orari.

It's great to be able to use it to pay for meals!

What Hestia didn't notice was that after she happily agreed, Loki and Lu Yu looked at each other and nodded in agreement.

The reason why Lu Yu chose to shoot was not because he had a good impression of Hestia.

Purely because I can't stand the awkward communication between these two gods.

In fact, Loki wanted to help Hestia, but her habitual opening was mockery, which made Hestia subconsciously resist her help.

If it wasn't for Lu Yu's intervention, maybe Hestia would just run away with tears in her arms on an empty stomach.

That would be too miserable.

PS: I changed the cover to see if it works.

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