An Infinite Dimension Store

397 The Natural Enemy

In the evening, Shokuhou Kauki and Misaka Mikoto were arguing loudly, from evening to night, clearly forming a pair of enemies.

Lu Yu has been watching with interest.

It wasn't until the time was almost up that he reminded.

"I remember that your Tokiwadai Middle School has access control, right?!

Misaka Mikoto, who was originally diametrically opposed to Shokuhou Misaki, turned pale when she heard this.

"It's over!"

The access control... arguing that she almost forgot about it.

Tokiwadai Middle School's access control is very strict, and the dormitory teacher is never afraid to use force and punishment for students who miss the access control.

Even as LV5, Misaka Mikoto is still very afraid of the dormitory teacher.

Seeing that it was too late, even if she used her ability to run between the roofs, she would not be able to meet the time limit for "two seven three" to go to the door, and her whole body turned gray.

"Oh, is Misaka-san going to violate the access control of Tokiwadai Middle School?"

Shokuhou Misaki seized the opportunity and taunted.

"It's really the behavior of a barbarian. If you don't go back to the dormitory so late, who knows if Misaka-san is doing something shameful?

This wave of ridicule made Misaka Mikoto, who was already troubled by the lack of access control, very unhappy.

"What do you mean by doing something shameful, if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have missed the access control!"

After refuting one sentence, Misaka Mikoto found a blind spot.

"Hey, Shokuhou-san, why are you not panicking at all, are you planning to use your superpowers to modify the memory of the dorm teacher?

"So despicable!

Although she said she was despicable, Misaka Mikoto was actually envious.

Her ability allows her to bypass electronic surveillance, but it is useless for human surveillance.

And Shokuhou Caoqi's ability is best at dealing with humans, and it is easy to rewrite the memory of the housekeeper's mind that he missed the door.

"Don't call what you can't do mean!

Shokuhou Misaki covered his mouth and chuckled, but he acquiesced to Misaka Mikoto's statement.

At this time, Lu Yu suddenly remembered a meme he saw on the Internet before.

"Speaking of which, Xiao Qi came to rewrite human memory, Misaka, you can rewrite surveillance and machine storage records, the two of you together are equivalent to a perfect criminal combination!

When the two girls cooperated, they would leave almost no evidence other than the lingering loop, and both witness evidence and surveillance evidence would be arbitrarily rewritten.

"The Perfect Crime Combination...'

Shokuhou Caoqi twitched the corners of his mouth and looked at Lu Yu.

"Are you serious?"

She had no intention of becoming a criminal.

Misaka Mikoto shook her head in disgust.

"I wouldn't make any combination with this kind of woman!"

For her now, Shokuhou Misaki can be said to be the person she hates the most. Without one, how could it be possible to form a team with this guy.

"You can't talk too much..."

Lu Yu smiled meaningfully.

In the original work, the contradiction between Shokuhou Kaori and Misaka Mikoto is bigger than it is now, and they have not been together.

The law of true incense is one of the essence of human beings.

"Anyway, if I have time, I'll take you back!

he suggested.

"Are you taking us back?

Misaka Mikoto was stunned.

"But it's too late now - no, Director Lu Yu, you have the ability to space!"

Misaka Mikoto immediately remembered the attitude of Director Lu Yu when he easily defeated the fantasy beast. At that time, he had indeed used his space ability, and his space ability was much stronger than that of Kuroko Shirai.

If Lu Yu is really willing to help her, she can indeed return to the dormitory within the specified time.

"Then thank you boss!"

Shokuhou Misaki directly sticks to Lu Yu's side happily.

"Actually, it's enough to give it to someone. With Misaka-san's beast-like leg strength, it's actually beneficial to run back to exercise for a while."

Saying that, Misaka Mikoto was also hurt.

"Who is the beast!"

Misaka Mikoto looked at Shokuhou Misaka's slender figure in dissatisfaction, and gritted her teeth.

"It's better than you physical scumbag! 35

"Physical waste?"

Shokuhou Caoqi was stabbed in a weakness and immediately retorted.

"People can't run just because they are too good. Unlike Misaka-san's smooth deck, there is no need to consider the problem of resistance."

The two quarreled again...

Lu Yu sighed.

"If the two of you quarrel again, I will put the two of you in the same dormitory, and see which of the two of you can come out alive!

The two were silent for a while, they didn't want to live under the same roof as each other.

With the blond girl and the brown-haired girl staring at each other, Lu Yu grabbed their hands and directly transferred them to Tokiwadai's dormitory.

Since he was not familiar with the dormitory here, he left in the blink of an eye after delivering the two to the dormitory hall.

He didn't want to leave behind the urban legend of breaking into the girls' dormitory late at night.

But in the blink of an eye, Shokuhou Misaki and Misaka Mikoto appeared in the hall of the dormitory.

"It's a one-time transfer?

Misaka Mikoto looked at the surrounding scene, her eyes widened in disbelief.

Even though she knew that Director Lu Yu's ability was much stronger than Kuroko, she still thought that she would teleport several times to reach the end like Shirai Kuroko did.

I didn't expect that such a long distance could be delivered at one time.

This overturned her perception of spatial abilities.

It seems that Director Lu Yu's strength is more terrifying than she imagined.

On the other side, Shokuhou Caoqi watched Lu Yu hold his position, hesitating to say anything.

She originally wanted to have the courage to invite the store manager to speak in her room, but she didn't expect the store manager to leave so fast that she couldn't say the invitation.

Shokuhou Misaki bit his lip regretfully.

——It must be because Misaka Mikoto is here, so the manager can go so fast, if he is alone, he can go directly to the room!

The more I think about it, the more angry I get.

Shokuhou Misaki gave Misaka Mikoto an unhappy look.

"It's all your Bilibili's fault!"


Meow meow meow?

Suddenly being accused, Misaka Mikoto looked confused.

I provoked you to provoke you, didn't I just say a truce!

"Sure enough, you and I will never get along!"

Misaka Mikoto gritted her teeth and returned.

The hostility between the two that had just been suppressed by Lu Yu rekindled.

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