I have to say that Kanzaki Kaori's figure is indeed very suitable for a fallen angel's maid outfit.

It's a pity that this female saint looks like Onee-san, but she is actually a girl who is too innocent.

Even in compliance with the bet, he didn't run away after being put on this maid costume, and let Lu Yu watch with a blushing face.

But he also strongly resisted Lu Yu continuing to change into other clothes.

This made Lu Yu a little regretful.

He also wanted Kanzaki to try a maid outfit of the Inu-ear girl type. It must be very suitable for a loyal dog character like Kanzaki. Especially, there is a movable tail at the back of the maid outfit, which looks very cute.

Although he mastered the Golden Great Evolution Technique, he could force Kanzaki to change into this suit without consent, but Lu Yu did not have the habit of forcing others.

The twisted melon quenched his thirst, but he is not thirsty now.

Finally, with Kanzaki's blushing pleading, Lu Yu changed her costume back to the original "two sixty" look.

"Actually, it's not too bad!

Lu Yu touched his chin and said.

"A lot better!

Kanzaki blushed and wanted to cry without tears.

What is not much difference, does it have to wear nothing to make a difference?

Finally, I made a bet, thinking that I would have a chance to have a few words with Index, but I didn't expect to steal the chicken and not lose the rice.

After the sad and angry Kanzaki left, he directly opened the window and jumped to the opposite tall building as if he was fleeing.

Under the setting sun, the back of the long black hair reflected the golden color of the sun, making Kanzaki's figure as pitiful as a bullied golden retriever.

"As for what..."

Lu Yu shook his head.

"Make it look like I'm some kind of big devil."

What he didn't know was that in Kanzaki's heart, his image was indeed the same as that of the Great Demon King.

The incident was resolved, and none of the students were injured.

Naturally, there is no need for director Lu Yu to do the next post-processing, and the Anbu organization of Academy City will help him deal with it.

So Lu Yu didn't stay here too much, and didn't directly use the space to transfer back.

Instead, I chose to walk.

He hasn't wandered in Academy City for a long time since he obtained the Dimension Store.

This rare outing was just a chance to relive the feeling of walking in the streets of Academy City.

It was early evening, and it was still during the vacation of Academy City, so the number of students was very large.

In addition to the students in Misawa Juku who participated in tutoring, there were many people who held study meetings in restaurants or cafes as the holidays approached.

Of course, most of them copied homework in the name of holding a study meeting.

This is also the tradition of students, and the waiters of the restaurant are not surprised.

Lu Yu walked briskly through this commercial street, without stopping too much where the youthful students were, but turned directly into the dark alley on the edge of the bustling shopping street.

Poor eating and sleeping.

Although Lu Yu is not interested in this aspect, living in this city will inevitably find fault with bad boys, and he is familiar with the behavior patterns of these gangsters.

In order to strike up a conversation or extort, these bad guys will basically not be too far from the main road, but they will not directly robbery near such a bustling commercial street.

The Disciplinary Committee is not a vegetarian.

Therefore, the places where they gather are generally near the less prosperous streets, and are free at the edge of the alley.

"Hum hum hum~"

Lu Yu hummed a song happily, wandering one alley after another.

He didn't plan to use the induction ability, and it was rare to get interested, and it was boring to play.

In places that conform to bad living habits, it is easy to find them with only two turns.

Although this statement is very similar to finding cockroaches in the cracks of the table, it may sound a bit rude, but it is the truth.

But a few minutes later, after Lu Yu stepped into a small alley, he heard a bad movement.

"Little sister, do you want to go out and play with big brother!"

"Big brothers will take good care of you!"9

"I'll take you back to the dormitory tomorrow morning... hehe!

Wretched laughter, coupled with the classic rhetoric.

Obviously, this pure taste is the bad group of Academy City.

Lu Yu smiled slightly, and a long black steel rod—a crowbar—slipped out of the sleeve of his right hand.

This is his usual weapon in the alleys of Academy City.

As a researcher, it's normal to carry a holy sword of physics with you when you go out, right?!

With this thought in mind, Lu Yu approached the place where the voice came from, leisurely and quickly.

- Just around the corner ahead.

"Nurima, your emperor is back!

Holding up the holy sword of physics, Lu Yu shouted the slogan of the return of the king.

In the evening, the light is dim.

A man dressed in a white coat and a lab coat, holding a crowbar high and shouting suspicious slogans, suddenly appeared in front of the bad guys who were molesting the girl...

The setting sun shone on his face, like the light of the righteous path.

The scene quieted down for a while.

Not only the bad guy was stunned, but the girl who was being "molested" was also stunned.

"Director Lu Yu?!"

After being stunned for two seconds, the girl called out Lu Yu's name with a tone of disbelief.


Unexpectedly, his name would be called out unexpectedly. Lu Yu, who didn't pay attention to the other party, was a little surprised and followed the voice.

Then he saw a girl with a familiar face.

Brown hair, pretty face, modest chest...

"Misaka Mikoto, it's such a coincidence that you also came to talk to the bad guys!"

Lu Yu greeted him naturally.

It is known from the original work that Misaka Mikoto is not a well-behaved Tokiwadai lady, who often likes to fish to find fault with the bad.

So he wasn't surprised at all.

It's just that two people who like fishing happened to meet, it's a normal thing.


For Misaka Mikoto, this experience is not at all normal.

——What should I do if I encounter a great leader when I find faults in fishing? Wait online, urgent!

No one could give her any good ideas at this time, so Misaka Mikoto had to bite the bullet and give her a dry laugh.

"Ahaha, what a coincidence, Director Lu Yu—"

Halfway through the dry smile, she suddenly noticed the weapon in Lu Yu's hand.

"What's in your hands—?

She looked incredible.

Why does the dignified director have such a brutal cold weapon in his hand?

Besides, why would he run into the bad pile with a crowbar, and he seems to be so skilled?

"This one!

Seeing where Misaka Mikoto was paying attention, Lu Yu waved the holy sword of physics, and the black steel whistled in the air.

Even though it was a crowbar, she wielded the sharpness of a sword. Misaka Mikoto was far from the crowbar, but she could still feel the sound of the wind being cut, and it was as sharp as a knife.

Waving this steel-made prop with ease, Lu Yu said sincerely:

"This is experimental equipment. After all, as you know, I am a helpless researcher. Isn't it normal to carry some experimental equipment with me for self-defense?".

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