After defeating the student version of the Gregorian Choir, Kanzaki Kaori was about to continue his exploration.

"Tah! Tah! 35

The loud sound of leather shoes sounded from the stairs.

No impatience, no intention to lower his voice at all, no hiding of killing intent at all, but also no intention to strike first from the shadows.

This is by no means for the weak.

A few seconds later, a man in elegant leather shoes and a white suit walked up to Kanzaki Kaori.

His hair is green, this unnatural hair color is not born, but dyed, symbolizing one of the five elements "earth"


Apart from Oreos, naturally it would not be anyone else.

"Sure enough, I said why the Ewolue Choir was so easily defeated, it turned out that I sent you here!"

The green-haired alchemist said slowly.

He clearly knew Kanzaki's identity and the power behind it, but he didn't show any signs of fear.

"As expected of a saint, even I, who have mastered the entire enchantment, don't know how you got the core of the chant team, I want to praise you for this! 95

Oreos praised sincerely.

Although I don't know how the other party did it, the result is indeed enough to make people admire13.

Oreos originally wanted to attract people to the place where the core of the Gregorian Choir was, but for some reason the core appeared on the first floor of the building, which really surprised him.

"...I didn't actually do this."

In the face of Oreos' praise, Kanzaki Kaori rarely showed an embarrassed look.

She didn't get the core of the chorus. From just now, before she had time to act, she was directly solved by Lu Yu behind her.

With this person here, there is absolutely no room for her to play!

"Who else could it be if it wasn't you? Could it be the ordinary person behind you?"

Aureos glanced at Lu Yu suspiciously.

He didn't feel any magic in Lu Yu, and he didn't look like a student, so he wouldn't be a superpower.

No matter how you look at it, he is just an ordinary person, probably a representative sent by Academy City to monitor the saint!

"Ordinary people

Ordinary people are fine.

After repeating these words, Kanzaki Kaori's expression became strange.

To say that a great magician who hangs and beat saints is an ordinary person... This is how blind his eyes are.

But now is not the time to care about that.

The students around Kanzaki Kaori watched to the end, their tone became serious.

"Aureos, what are you trying to do? Why use these students?"

Faced with this question, Aureos didn't mean to answer directly, and didn't even think it was a question.

"These students?

He casually glanced at the children who fell to the ground, and then said indifferently.

"It's just some experimental materials. Is there anything I need to pay attention to?"

This sentence comes out.


The sound of a blade unsheathed sounded.

With a gloomy expression, Kanzaki Kaori pulled out the Seven Heavens and Seven Swords from his waist.

"Sure enough, you have fallen into the evil way!

She looked at the alchemist in front of her disappointedly.

If Oreos showed a hint of unbearable expression on his face, it was still in the category of salvage, and she would not be so disappointed.

But looking at his appearance, it was clear that he no longer took the lives of these students seriously.

It doesn't matter whether his original intention is to save Index or anything else, this kind of magician doesn't deserve to live in this world.

"Do you want to fight head-on, I really haven't played against a saint yet.

Oreos took out a golden dart from his pocket.

"Exactly, I also want to see how my 'instant alchemy' technique works on saints, just let—"

The words stopped halfway through.

Because Kanzaki Kaori didn't want to listen anymore.

With the sharp blade unsheathed, Kanzaki Kaori didn't even think about keeping his hand under extreme anger.

Even in the face of such a weak opponent, she still used her own unique skills.

A cold and sharp white sword light flashed.

"Only Flash!"

This is a move that liberates the power of the saint and uses the power of the stigmata in an instant.

One hit kills, one knife cuts in two.

It's just that at the moment when he didn't even need to breathe, Kanzaki Kaori appeared behind Aureos in a posture of half kneeling on the ground, and the long and narrow seven swords for seven days were sheathed.


Oreos' body was directly split in half by the speed cut, and the body fell to the ground.


Kanzaki Kaori said silently in his heart.

Perhaps as a battle, such an ending is very unattractive, but the battle between a saint and an ordinary magician is so boring.

It belongs to the extent that as long as you are serious, you will definitely be able to solve it.

No matter how confident Oreos had shown before, as a magician, the gap in performance would be difficult to make up for.

In particular, Kanzaki Kaori, who has liberated the stigmata, is simply not something that ordinary magicians can deal with.

After finishing Oreos, Kanzaki remembered the bet he made with Lu Yu.

Even after Aureos appeared, it only took less than a minute to add up, and he was solved by himself.

So this bet is her victory!

Thinking of this, she immediately got up and looked at Lu Yu.

"Lord Lu Yu, the previous bet?"

The promise of the bet was that if Kanzaki won, Lu Yu would be able to help pass a message to Index.

With Index avoiding her somewhat, this bet was very important to her.

Seeing Kanzaki make a bet, Lu Yu shook his head unexpectedly.

Of course he won't regret it.


"Aureos is not dead.

Lu Yu pointed this out.

"What you killed before was just a clone."

Kanzaki lowered his head to pay attention, and sure enough, the inside of Oreos' corpse that fell to the ground was not blood, but a scorching golden liquid.

Obviously, the one who just fought Kanzaki was nothing more than a clone made of alchemy.

Originally, Kanzaki could distinguish this point, but because of her previous excitement, she ignored many verses 257, so she didn't see it clearly.

What a shame.

Just when she was about to say something, the space suddenly changed.

She and Lu Yu moved at the same time and appeared on the top floor of the Misawa Juku Building.

In front of the floor-to-ceiling windows on the top floor, stood Aureos who looked exactly like before.

But unlike the previous clones, this one is the real thing.

"As expected of a saint, he defeated my clone so quickly."

Oreos said with a smile.

"What's going on?! 35

Kanzaki Kaori didn't have time to pay attention to Oreos' false praise, but looked at the surrounding environment in surprise, confirming that this was not an illusion.

He actually transferred himself in space without being noticed at all?

Although it is not too difficult to perform space manipulation in the enchantment, she does not remember that the alchemists of the Zurich faction know this skill.

"It's just the effect of magic.

Oreos replied calmly.

"Miss Kanzaki, sit down and have a cup of tea first."

It's just a casual greeting, but it has a different meaning at this moment.

After the voice fell, Kanzaki Kaori found that he couldn't control his body suddenly, and sat down directly as if he had followed the law.

Around her, tables and chairs appeared directly out of thin air, along with a cup of hot tea.

When she came back to her senses, she had already sat down and started drinking tea quietly as Aureos had instructed.

The dignified saint was completely unable to resist throughout the whole process.

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