An Infinite Dimension Store

375 stagnation loop

The bet is established, and the question now is how to find the magician.

At this point, Kanzaki Kaori, a saint on the magical side, was naturally useless, and he had to rely on Lu Yu, the director of Academy City.

Lu Yu thought about it, sat down at his desk, opened the drawer, and took out a tool like tweezers.

Strictly speaking, this is a maneuverable robotic arm.

Kanzaki Kaori leaned over curiously.

"I heard that the science side also has its own unique method of searching for prisoners. Is this the familiar used to investigate?"

"It's almost the same as a familiar. 35

Lu Yu nodded.

The machines on the scientific side and the familiars on the magic side are very different in principle, but they are very similar in function.

They are all tools that perform certain functions in place of humans.

"I call this thing tweezers. If you want to collect information inside Academy City, this guy is the most reliable."

Lu Yu explained casually.

"As expected of His Excellency Lu Yu! 35

Kanzaki Kaori didn't understand much, but it didn't prevent her from admiring Lu Yu.

As a magician, she herself is not very good at technology products.

At most, it is only enough to be able to use a mobile phone to make a call, and it is enough to operate a washing machine.

In her eyes, the computer is completely a scientific side prop with extremely complicated operation.

So seeing that a magician like Lu Yu can manipulate computers so proficiently, Kanzaki Kaori's admiration grew even stronger.

As expected of a high-level magician, he actually knows so much about both magic and science.

What Kanzaki Kaori didn't know was that although Lu Yu said it easily, the existence of the manipulative mechanical arm called "tweezers" in his hand was one of the top secrets of Academy City.

In order to monitor all the conditions of Academy City, in addition to the normal monitoring installed on the street outside, Aleister also created a thing called the [Dwelling Loop].

[Hysteresis loop] is manufactured by the most advanced nanotechnology, the parent body is only seventy nanometers of nanometer-level monitors.

Its shape is similar to a sphere, and three on each side protrude from the two sides of the sphere, (bddb) a total of six wire-like cilia. The movement method is not walking on the ground, but similar to floating in the air.

This extremely small machine is subjected to air convection to generate electricity by itself, collect information semi-permanently, and at the same time transfer the quantum signals generated in the body between the "stagnant loops" through linear electron rays, forming a unique network.

To put it simply, it was a network of monitors that spread across the entire Academy City like dust.

There are as many as fifty million of them.

Therefore, it can be said that everything that happened in Academy City was not fortified by the network of the [Dwelling Loop].

If you want to obtain intelligence from the [Zhenkong Loop] network, you must use the tool "tweezers", and the "tweezers" themselves are the authority to access the [Zhangkong loop] intelligence network.

In the entire Academy City, there are only two people who have "tweezers", that is, people who have the permission to view the [Hangkong Loop].

One is Aleister, the founder of Academy City, and the other is Lu Yu.

After Lu Yu traded with Aleister, Aleister was basically addicted to getting more Origin Points and continued to smoke jars.

The attitude towards Academy City is basically a hands-off shopkeeper.

Therefore, in a practical sense, the only person who can use the stagnant loop is Lu Yu.

In other words, all the information of Academy City, for Lu Yu, has nothing to hide.

It is also very useful for finding people.

After putting the "tweezers" in his hands, Lu Yu took out a small sealed bottle from the drawer.

The vial contains a nanomonitor.

Lu Yu naturally does not allow the stagnant loop to monitor the interior of his dimensional store, and the nano-monitor he saves is purely for the purpose of connecting to the stagnant loop's network.

Under the action of electromagnetic force, the nanorobot, which cannot be recognized by the human eye, is quickly captured by the robotic arm "tweezers", and then the signal starts to link.

After the signal connection is completed, Lu Yu can access the intelligence network of the [Dwelling Loop] through the computer.

After two taps on the computer, he quickly opened a special software called [Dwelling Loop].

In an instant, a small mosaic-like screen covered the entire display screen, and the small screen was full of ongoing real-time monitoring images.

The situation of the entire Academy City was exposed in front of Lu Yu's eyes.

Whether it's a busy store or a murder in a dark alley, it's all in sight.

Although due to the limited performance of the computer, it is impossible to play the pictures of 50 million monitors at the same time, but the existing pictures are enough to make people's scalp tingle.

Such a cluttered page, with too many distractions, is not a good place to look for information.

Lu Yu turned off the monitor display, then switched several pages and found the intelligence search interface.

Post the photo of Oreos in the email sent by Aleister, and search it.

After about two minutes, the supercomputer [tree map calculator] in outer space retrieved the information Lu Yu needed from the massive information and transmitted it back.

Seeing the information displayed on the computer screen, Lu Yu was a little surprised.

"This guy actually went to Misawa Juku!"

Originally, Oreos chose Misawa Juku as his base because of the goddess Qiusha.

Lu Yu thought that after he told Jishen Qiusha not to go out, Oreos' goal would be shifted, but he didn't expect that he still chose the building of Misawa School as his base camp.

This is a little strange.

"Could it be that you know Kanzaki and you will come to arrest him?

Lu Yu turned his eyes to the saint beside him.

There is no other explanation other than that.

"You mean, Oreos knew that I would come to catch him, so he chose to arrange his magic position in advance?"

Kanzaki Kaori thought for a moment, but it made sense.

"It is indeed possible, but if he knew that I was going to hunt him down, Aureos should have known that resistance was useless.

She said very confidently.

She had worked with Aureos for a while, and knew Aureos' strength.

Even if he built a magic position several years in advance and tried his best, he was not his own enemy.

The gap between saints and ordinary magicians cannot be easily bridged.

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