An Infinite Dimension Store

370 Pure White Dependents

After Nangong agreed to take care of Aurora that month, several people left from the underground ruins.

All the roads along the way were covered with frost.

The island that was originally in the tropics and had never seen ice and snow was now covered with ice, and even the sky was drifting with fine snow.

The more they went out, the more shocked Liana and Nangong felt in that month.

They were in the ruins, protected by Lu Yu, and they never thought that the attack of the original Fourth Primogenitor, just the aftermath, could cause such a wide-ranging impact.

It is one thing to know that the power of the original Fourth Primogenitor has become extremely powerful, and it is another thing to witness it with his own eyes.

Not to mention this island, even the horizon of the sea that can be observed with the best eyesight has been completely frozen at this time.

It is not difficult to imagine that the sea area around this island must have all turned into ice caps at this time.

The power of the original Fourth Primogenitor almost created a small Antarctica in the Mediterranean Sea.

But even with such a terrifying power, he was defeated by the man in front of him in an instant.

Even the most imaginative myths, the scenes of the battle between gods and demons, are far less exciting and mysterious than the scenes they have seen.

It's so mysterious that they still don't understand it.

But exploring too much is not a good thing, both Nangong Nayue and Liana are well aware of this.



"It's my pure white family!"

Aurora looked at the fine snow falling from the sky, her eyes lit up immediately, and she cheered happily.

As the body of the preserved beast "Beast of the Beast", she naturally likes things like ice and snow.

In addition, this is the first time she has left the ruins, and seeing the outside world, she is naturally very curious about everything.

She immediately ran into the untrodden snow and left her petite footprints.

"Wow! 35

Probably stepped on a hole, Aurora ran halfway, fell directly into the snow, fell a dog and gnawed the mud.

The dignified fourth primogenitor, his small face was directly printed on the snow, and he ate a lot of snow in his mouth.

It is no different from a child who sees snow for the first time.

Seeing this scene, Nangong Nayue sighed.

just one by one

Is it really reliable for such a powerful force to be handed over to such a child?

Even if it is not very reliable, no one can change the decision of the manager of Lu Yu.

Liana didn't have so much emotion.

Seeing Aurora fall, she rushed over immediately, knelt down halfway, and helped the blond little girl up.

"Lord Aurora, are you alright? 35

she asked nervously.

As a servant, it is natural to serve the master well, but she never thought that the master she served could not even walk steadily.

For the demons, wrestling in the snow and wrestling on the ground is not much different!

"No Four!"

Aurora shook her head and said a little unclearly.

Liana, who was slapping snow on Aurora, was a little strange.

Although Aurora-sama looks young, there is no problem with the language, so it should not be slurred.

She looked at Aurora's face with some concern, and then she was stunned.

This blond little girl has bulging cheeks and is chewing something, and it is because of this that her speech is a little vague.

"What are you eating!"

Liana panicked like a kindergarten teacher who saw a child eating indiscriminately.

"If you eat unclean things, you will have a stomach upset! 35

Liana said anxiously and helplessly.

"no problem!"

Aurora shook her head confidently.

"The pure white family... will never betray me!""

It turned out to be snow.

Liana could roughly guess what Aurora meant, and immediately relaxed.

However, according to scientific theory, the snow condensed in the sky is not clean, and the core inside is dust.

Although it is strange to say that it is a bit strange to spread scientific knowledge to the true ancestor as a demon.

Swallowing Bai Xue in one gulp, Aurora ran to Lu Yu's side with a disappointed expression. After pulling (bddb) Lu Yu's shirt, she raised her face and looked at Lu Yu suspiciously.

"Lu Yu, why can't my family please please me?"

"You mean snow doesn't taste good? Isn't it delicious?"5

Lu Yu raised his eyebrows and translated Aurora's words.


Aurora nodded and was very satisfied with Lu Yu's full-point translation.

"Probably because you like sweets, and Baishui doesn't have many people like it."

Lu Yu remembered Aurora's preferences in the original book, but he knew the type that Aurora likes.

"There is something called ice cream outside, with the shape and sweet taste of ice and snow, and I will take you to eat it when the time comes!

He touched Aurora's head and promised her.

"oh oh!"

Aurora was instantly excited.

"Is the world still the one that still has such a miraculous creation? It's a miracle! 99

The little blond girl opened her arms diligently and happily expressed her joy.

"Is ice cream a miracle... Your standard is too low."

Lu Yu raised his forehead and sighed.

"Besides, you haven't eaten it yet. It's not too late to evaluate it after you eat it."

"I trust Lu Yu's recommendation.

Aurora said firmly, seeming to believe him more than Lu Yu himself.

"Is that so... I would have recommended devil peppers to you if I knew earlier.

Lu Yu looked at the blond girl in front of him with a teasing look.

"The way Aurora is crying must be interesting too!

He gave a wicked smile.


Hearing this, Aurora shuddered, she looked at Lu Yu with some fear, but did not let go of the hand that held Lu Yu's clothes.

Although she didn't know what devil peppers were, she still understood the words being cried.

"Lu Yu! Are you possessed by a demon?!"

she asked in disbelief.

"Yes, the devil asked me to eat you now!"

Lu Yu nodded solemnly.

No matter how stupid Aurora was, she knew at this moment that Lu Yu was joking, she immediately made a face, and ran away.

"Lu Yu won't eat me!


Lu Yu shook his head.

At this moment, Nangong Nayue's voice sounded.

"Don't be fooling around, the two of you seem to be coming from the investigation team.

The witch in the gap pointed forward a little tiredly.

The investigation team stationed here before may not have time to leave, or may not plan to leave. After seeing the figures of Lu Yu and his party, a few people approached.


Sensing that an outsider was approaching, Aurora, who was very lively just now, immediately hid behind Lu Yu.

Her character is still quite timid and fearful.

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