The stigmata in the forbidden magic refers to a physique that is similar in nature to the Son of God.

"Do you like this kind of treatment?

Even if she was bound by shackles, she could feel the changes in her body.

Seeing the smirk Aurora, Lu Yu couldn't help but murmured in his heart:

"What the hell do you want to do?!"

That is the fourth primordial ancestor of the strongest color!

So she just shook her head.

He couldn't help but have such a guess.

Lu Yu shrugged, seeing that the original was still normal, so he didn't continue to pay attention to her.

Could it be that it was originally an M?

But how did the original disappear?

Being rejected again, Aurora still wanted to be angry.

"why are you laughing?"

"I have no idea."

If Lu Yu hadn't been here, she would have almost thought she had been attacked by some bad guy.

She could see that her physical fitness and so on were all prepared for that little devil Aurora.

Lu Yu asked.

Compared with being trapped in this cold and dark underground ruins all the time, it is natural to live with someone you trust, which makes people look forward to it.

Just when she was thinking about going out, she would be embarrassed and beat the first three true ancestors with her newly acquired strength.

And the results of the experiment will definitely be accepted by Aurora.

"No buts."

Aurora nodded hurriedly, for fear that Lu Yu would accidentally get hurt.

After all, if she has to pursue it, she herself is an existence created by the three great ancestors, so she does not have the habit of investigating the root cause.

"does not exist?"

The physique of vampires is said to be the most vulnerable among all demons.

"Living with Lu Yu..."

After noticing this word, I couldn't help but feel happy.

"However, before that, go to sleep first!

It was almost as if two different personalities were fighting for the right to use the body, and after a few seconds, they regained their calm.


Thinking of this, Lu Yu asked.

She has been guarding the original Fourth Primogenitor for I don't know how many years, but she hasn't gotten along with anyone, and she doesn't know friendship or love, so even her awareness of maintaining herself has become weak.

Hearing Lu Yu's words, Aurora showed a confused expression.

"You deliberately wait for my soul to dominate the body before you conduct the experiment, do you want to treat me as a sandbag to resist side effects?!

"I'll take care of the rest.

"Lu Yu? What are you doing?"

Hearing this, Aurora couldn't help showing a look of anticipation.

Lu Yu shook his head and refused.

"Yes, this is my duty!"

This kind of thing of making wedding clothes for others, if he was an experimenter in the first place, he could naturally do it, but when he became an experimenter, it was completely unacceptable.

"Mmmm! It's me!"

Aurora wanted to say something, but was knocked unconscious by Lu Yu's knife.

Although I don't know why Lu Yu gave her such a powerful power, it doesn't matter what the reason is, the result is good.

And after hearing the words of Lu Yu and Aurora, she obviously saw something, so she looked at Lu Yu angrily.

Aurora puffed out her small chest and said.

"By the way, Aurora, your current task is to guard the original Fourth Primogenitor, right? 35

But now that Aurora's consciousness has emerged, it's not a bad thing.

But now, she feels that her physical quality has changed drastically, not to mention compared with the orcs, even if it is compared with the orcs who use the beast transformation, it is not inferior at all.

"Then, if the original doesn't exist... what are you going to do?"

"Then do you want to live with me?

Putting his hand on the stigmata of the blond girl, Lu Yu directly forcibly requisitioned his own magic power, and launched the magic formula [Mother of Mercy] on her.

"It's nothing, it's just a small experiment that needs some cooperation from the beginning.""

If the original woman is an outsider, isn't she her own?

Lu Yu smiled gently.

Her only duty in life was to guard the Fourth Primogenitor, and she never thought about such a thing when the original Fourth Primogenitor was gone.

The original Fourth Primogenitor's eyes lit up.

This grace can heal even the wounds of the soul.

People with stigmata are natural darlings, possessing physical abilities that surpass the realm of mortals.

Lu Yu invited.

After being given the stigmata by Lu Yu, I initially felt that my physical fitness was greatly improved in an instant.

The magic formula works normally, and the magic power begins to flow within her body, healing and alleviating all curses and conflicts with the mercy of the Virgin.

If he already had this level of physical quality, how could he be split into what he is now by those three true ancestors?

Lu Yu looked strangely at the original Fourth Primitive Ancestor, who was bound by chains but seemed happy.

"you guess?"

With his eyesight, he could see that this was not the original disguise, but the natural awakening of Aurora's soul after being healed.

What matters is the power you gain now!

After knowing that he was given a name, he gradually became self-aware, not like a puppet like before.

"That's pretty cool too.

She is just a spare tire... No, the spare tire is not accurate, it should be said that it is just a test product.

A few seconds later, the look of the young girl Jin (bddb) changed drastically.

"I really want to live with Lu Yu, but—"

Such a gentle attitude made Aurora relax a lot.

After heaving a sigh of relief, recalling Lu Yu's remarks, Aurora was somewhat appetizing for some reason.

"Outsiders... eh~ hehe!"

"Although I can only send you to Nayue Jiang's house for the time being, I will visit you often.

"You love this kind of treatment!

"Why do you need the cooperation of the original woman, can't I help? If I manipulate the beasts, I can do it too!

Even if he was the true ancestor in the beginning, his physical fitness was still inferior to that of ordinary orcs.

Such a strong physical quality is equivalent to the power of a beast in itself, and for a vampire, it is much more important to supplement the shortcomings of his physical quality than to obtain a powerful 250 beast.

The blond girl looked at Lu Yu in front of her with a little dissatisfaction, her flaming eyes were full of anticipation, and she seemed to want to help Lu Yu.

"It's a bit risky to be busy, so it's better to ask outsiders to help."

She was about to say that, but was interrupted directly by Lu Yu.

Lu Yu was a little surprised, but did not expect to wake the child up.

After Aurora's consciousness sank, the original consciousness emerged.

He looked at the man in front of him fiercely.

Lu Yu said without a doubt.

"Oh, Aurora?"

The blond girl was crying, looking at the chains on her body with fear, and timidly asked Lu Yu in front of her.

If something goes wrong in the experiment, the side effects on the soul will be reflected on her, and Aurora will definitely be unscathed.


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