"Is this a mythical beast?"

Feeling the power of the pitch-black behemoth in his hand, Lu Yu showed some disgust.

"That's it?"

To be honest, let alone compared with the divine beast boar in his ten incarnation powers, even compared with the giant dragon that was easily killed by Perseus, the power of this divine beast-like orc still has a lot of gaps.

Although it is a mythical beast, it is obvious that it does not fully possess the destructive power of a mythical beast.

"No wonder it was directly given a second by the beast of the true ancestor."

Lu Yu threw the cold orc to the ground.

At the same time, a prompt sound came from the system.

"Does the host choose to recover the loot?"

"Recycle all."

Lu Yu nodded to confirm.

Soon, several skills were recovered by the system.

Necromancer is naturally a waste skill for Lu Yu, who has the power of the underworld, but the recovered "Beast Transformation" skill is a bit interesting.

Although it can't be compared with the real beasts, this skill is a skill that can be learned by the owner of the 13th bloodline of the orc race.

For orcs, this skill should be regarded as a very practical ability.

Although it is very tasteless for Lu Yu himself, it is very suitable as a commodity in a dimension store.

After pondering the recovery skills, Lu Yu felt that his legs were being hugged.

Look down.

Xiao Nagisa hugged Lu Yu with reverence, and raised her cute little face.

"Big brother is amazing!"

The little girl praised Lu Yu with star eyes.


Only then did Lu Yu notice the little girl's expression, in addition to gratitude, it was more reverence.

This is not the emotion that should be shown to the savior,

He stroked the little girl's head.

"Have you found it?"

Although her aptitude as a shrine maiden is not as high as that of La Furia, her power of observation is sharp.


Xiao Nagisa smiled cutely, stuck out her tongue but did not deny it.

She did not expect that Lord God was so approachable.

After solving the "dead emperor's brother" Glen Hasalov, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, but Lu Yu didn't plan to let them relax.

He glanced at Nangong Nayue next to him.

"That month sauce, it's time to clear the scene!"

Lu Yu said so.

He had no intention of exploring the ruins with these people.

The Fourth Primogenitor is a very rare experimental subject. He came to this world to study the [Blood of Abel] with the help of the vampires living in this world. Naturally, he did not allow others to interfere with him.

"I see.

Nangong replied that month, this was something that was promised before, and she naturally would not refuse.

This is, Xiaoya City, who just came back from the concealed place carrying a rifle, just heard the conversation between the two, and was a little surprised for a while.

"Clearing? Are you kidding me?"

The security personnel present also focused their attention, especially Liana Karjana, who was looking at this side with great concern.

"Do you think it's necessary for me to joke with you?"

Nangong said in a cold and majestic tone that month.

Although it is said that the maid outfit on her body is a bit damaged to the sense of majesty, the Gothic Loli skirt she likes to wear is actually similar, so she can still hold on to her aura.

Hearing her words, Xiaoyacheng scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Even if you say so, the sponsor of this investigation team is the MAR Group, and the mission is only halfway through. If we refuse, I will probably sink into Tokyo Bay."

"Then you can try to swim ashore from Tokyo Bay, I think it is definitely more likely than you to complete the task.

Nangong said mercilessly that month.

"Do you still think that your discovery has not been exposed until now?"

"Discovered? What did you say found?"

Xiaoyacheng pretended not to know anything and pretended to be stupid.

"The body of the fourth primogenitor, one of the 'Yebo of Flame Light' is sealed here, do you think that only you know this news?""

Nangong said in a contemptuous tone that month, easily piercing the biggest secret for them.


Xiaoyacheng showed a shaken look. He didn't mention this when the dead emperor attacked before. He thought that the other party didn't know about it, but he didn't expect that this information was not as secret as he imagined?

"Don't you think that Brother Dead Emperor chose this place by accident?"

Nangong sneered again that month.

"Speaking of the fact that the snake charmer would come to entrust me to attack the dead emperor at this time is also a doubt... [Death Returner], the water in this is very deep, if it is just for the liquidated damages, I advise you Don't go in this muddy water! Your kids can be here.35

The witch read out the nickname of Xiaoyacheng, which made him frown deeply.

He has been in deep crisis for many times, and the entire team has been destroyed, but he was very unhappy that the title that he had won only by surviving alone was very unpleasant.

But his children are indeed here. If this unfortunate title is mentioned again, he will lose a pair of children, which makes Xiaoyacheng worry a lot.


"The MAR group, the Black Death Emperor faction, the Battle King Domain...it's really a complicated situation.""

Xiaoyacheng didn't fully believe what Nangong said that month, but what she said did make sense. It is impossible for this series of events to come together so coincidentally.

So many great forces are intertwined and complicated, it must be because of the body of the Fourth Primogenitor here.

"I understand.

After thinking for a while, he sighed helplessly.

"I will arrange for security personnel and 247 workers to leave here and give up this exploration. And report the death of the emperor's brother to the MAR group.

Although it is said that he will owe a lot of money, his life is the most important thing anyway.

With his small physique, he doesn't think that he can survive the confrontation of these major forces, not to mention that his sons and daughters are all here.


Xiaoyacheng's eyes turned to the female vampire Liana on the side.

It's not difficult for the security guards and workers to get it right, but Liana Karjana, the highest fighting force on their side, is not so persuasive.

Sure enough, even after hearing their conversation, Liana didn't seem to flinch at all.

"Although I am very grateful for your life-saving grace...but I will not leave!

She stubbornly looked at Nangong that month, as if she would not give up.

"No matter what, I must get the body of the Fourth Primogenitor and restore the glory of our Karjana family!"

She was originally the daughter of the Count of Vampires and should have inherited the Count's position.

But because his father was defeated, he was deprived of his territory, and now he is just a poor noble.

The reason why she wants to investigate the ruins is to obtain one of the body of the Fourth Primogenitor, and it is best to be loyal to the Fourth Primogenitor, get the seal, and restore the family's reputation.

It was her only chance in front of her, so she was unwilling to give up no matter what.

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