La Furia's car stopped, which immediately attracted the attention of the security personnel. Several armored chariots approached. At the same time, the Holy Ring Knights, who were responsible for maintaining the security of the capital, also gathered around.

"Your Highness, are you alright?

The captain of the Holy Ring Knights asked.


La Furia shook her head, then thought of something, and looked at the Knight Captain in front of her.

"Is your mother okay?"

she asked.

"The queen is fine, do you mean that someone will attack the queen?

The knight captain was a little nervous when he heard La Furia's words.

He also thought that Her Royal Highness had learned some secret information or something.

"No, it's fine, I'm just asking."

La Furia shook his head and relieved the Knight Captain's nervousness.

The reason why she asked her mother was because her mother, like her, had inherited the spirit medium of the Lihawain family.

Since I can feel this strong sense of oppression, my mother should feel the same way.

However, it seems that the only person receiving the reflection is himself.

"In other words, if the psychic level is not enough, are you not qualified to feel this power..."

La Furia judged.

The Lihawain family has had a strong spirit medium from generation to generation, and she herself is the strongest spirit medium in the entire family.

It is a rare high-level psychic that can summon spirits into its body.

As for her mother's aptitude as a psychic medium, although she also belongs to the first-class ranks, there is still a gap compared to her own.

Since even a psychic at the level of her mother did not feel the existence of that person.

It seems that the only person in this country who can feel the existence of that person is himself.


La Furia pressed her chest and began to calmly think about how to face this shocking fact.

As a princess, she has indeed come into contact with some secrets. In the ancient times of this world, there were indeed gods, and there was a collective group called Tianbu in the gods.

It was only later that the ancient gods were almost wiped out because of the god Cain.

Could it be that the power he felt was the gods left over from the Heavenly Ministry?

"No! Absolutely impossible!""

She shook her head decisively.

Although I don't know how powerful Tianbu God is, it is definitely not as shocking as the power I feel.

If those heavenly gods were really that strong, this planet would have been destroyed by battle long ago.

Therefore, the one I felt should be completely different from the one in the records.

That is the real god, with unparalleled power in his hands.

And he was the only one who noticed the gods.

- Don't miss this opportunity!

Whether it was her curiosity as a young girl or her responsibility as a princess of the Kingdom of Aldikia, she couldn't let go of this opportunity to contact the gods.

Don't miss a second!

La Furia, who made the decision, gave an order decisively.

"Justina, as the first princess of the Kingdom of Aldikia, I order you to start the vehicle immediately! 39

She ordered seriously.

God knows how long this unknown god will be here.

If you are late and miss the coming gods, you will lose a lot!

"Ah? How..." 5

Justina was stunned by this sudden order, and only after seeing the serious face of La Furia did she realize that this was a rare order issued by Her Royal Highness as a princess that must be executed.


As a knight, she immediately took command and started the vehicle following La Furia's instructions.

"Boom! 35

The luxury car rode in the dust and drove in the direction that La Furia pointed.

"Her Royal Highness?! 99

Looking at Her Royal Highness, who was riding a cavalry, the knight captain was dumbfounded, and immediately summoned armed chariots and the knights of the Holy Ring to follow him.

"Be sure to protect the safety of Her Royal Highness the Princess!"

After he gave instructions to the walkie-talkie and sent a team to inform the king and queen, he followed the knights and started chasing after Her Royal Highness's car.

・・・・Seeking flowers・・

Because of the parade, most of the citizens of the capital went to the streets of the parade, so there was no one at all in the crowded alleys in the past.

The street is naturally very spacious, so the armored train is not worried about not being able to keep up with the speed of Her Royal Highness.

After about a minute, the car drove to an alley.


La Furia immediately instructed the knight Kyustina to stop the car.

"Catch up! I didn't expect it to be so close! 39

La Fulia breathed a sigh of relief.

The huge pressure from the spiritual medium made it difficult for her to get out of the car for the time being, but it was because of this that she confirmed one thing.

That is - the gods are still here!

Just when she touched the door with difficulty and was about to get out of the car to meet the gods.

The armored chariot has arrived, and the entire formation of the Holy Ring Knights, as well as the previous knight captain, also rushed over.

The entrance of this unremarkable alley was suddenly crowded with an armed force strong enough to break through a small city.

"This posture is not very friendly..."

La Furia felt that the situation in front of her seemed to be a little bad, and immediately ordered her knight.

"Justina, hurry up and take me out! 35

She has to come forward in person.

It's not good if you misunderstand.

Just as Justina unbuckled her seatbelt and ordered to pick up La Furia, who couldn't stand up on her own.

A male voice came from the alley.

"Even if you are so low-key, is it still causing a commotion..."

A man with black hair and black eyes came out.

Behind him, followed by a blond maiden knight and a silver-haired maiden knight.

The two maiden knights became vigilant when they saw the armed forces on the street in front of them, took two steps forward, and protected the man in front of him.

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