An Infinite Dimension Store

343 Nangong was in a tangle that month

Blood devoured the world, on a plane.

"It's actually true?!"

Her flight this time was from Fuso to Europe, and the Kingdom of Aldikia was also a European country, so she didn't have to worry about going back.

That month, Nangong proposed to let Lu Yu contact her when he came to the blood-devouring world, just to be able to deal with and prevent this kind of unavoidable disaster.

Nangong didn't mean to blame that month, and the other party wasn't bad at all.

Reasonably, she should not give up this commission.

Although he hated this vampire, Nangong didn't hate the commission, let alone the reward.

A big disaster with a small probability, and a small disaster with a high probability, which one should she stop?.

There is a sound from the phone that new mail is being received.

"The remnants of the Black Death Royal faction are actually buying weapons and preparing for a terrorist attack in the near future?!

It was issued to her by the vampire noble of [Battle King Domain], one of the three true ancestors of vampires who ruled this world - the old vampire she called "snake charmer" - Dimitory Vattola Delegate mail.

It's not the first time she's been treated like this anyway, she's used to it.

"It's not airsickness, it's just something troublesome."

Nangong muttered something that month.


Because the leader of the [Black Death Emperor Sect], and the strongest existence in this organization, the Black Death Emperor, was killed by that "snake charmer" vampire Vattola a few days ago.

Nangong Nayue, who knew Lu Yu's identity, was not worried that Lu Yu would invade their world.

As a witch, her body's growth stopped at the moment she signed the demon contract, so she could only be like a Loli all the time.

"It's okay, after all, you don't know either, but please don't disturb me for the time being!

What she is more worried about is whether there will be people who don't have long eyes to provoke, and then the Lord God of Contract accidentally uses a little more force, sinking the island and destroying the country or something.

Basically every terrorist attack has more than 100 deaths and thousands of casualties.

The national magician is equivalent to the special police, but the level is higher. The certificate is also embedded with a chip, and this certificate is difficult to counterfeit.

Now that their old nest is taken over, jumping over the wall might cause even greater killings than before.

The flight attendant took the certificate and patiently played with the "child".

Nangong looked at the membership card in his hand that month, and then looked at the email on his phone.

"That lord actually came to the Kingdom of Ardikia, it's barely a blessing."

When the flight attendant saw the little girl in the black dress with a headache, she thought it was the little girl who was airsick, and immediately came over to care.

On one side is the owner of a dimension store with the power to destroy the world, and on the other side is an imminent terrorist attack.

Just when the flight attendants couldn't help laughing.

Handing over the airsickness medicine, the flight attendant still blamed the little girl's parents for letting such a young child take the plane alone for so long.

She didn't expect that she would treat her with the attitude of treating a child, and she was actually an adult attacking magician.

Among the remaining remnants at present, the strongest is the dead emperor's brother that Nangong needs to capture that month.

Anyway, her current body is just a clone of magic power. Strictly speaking, she doesn't need to sleep for 13 hours, and she doesn't have to worry about missing news because of sleep.

[Black Death Emperor Sect], in short, is a group of extreme terrorists who pursue the supremacy of orcs.

For Lu Yu, it may be a trivial matter, but for human civilization, it is a big event.

Therefore, after returning from the Dimension Store, Nangong kept the membership card close to his body that month, for fear that he would miss the news from Lu Yu.

——Obviously she is a little girl, but she is old-fashioned to say that there is something troublesome, this gesture is like pretending to be an adult, and it looks quite cute.

233 "Ding Dong! 35

The probability of the dimensional shop owner destroying the world is not high. According to Nangong's judgment that month, that person is not that tyrannical.

She didn't want to suddenly see news of a country being destroyed overnight.

"Is it airsick, and your family didn't come with you?"

The terrorist attacks of this group of extremist terrorists are not playing tricks, but real atrocities that do not care about the lives of civilians.

The flight attendant nodded and immediately left without talking nonsense.

She held her forehead helplessly.

Nangong began to struggle that month.

- This international flight is connected to the Internet.

What changed her expression was the content of the email, which was the latest information on the commission.

They have carried out terrorist attacks in various countries and caused considerable disturbances.

"A prank?

Although she is a witch who can control space, but Nangong can't cross the distance between countries that month, and long-distance travel still takes planes or ships like ordinary people.

The other party is the extremist terrorist that Nangong Nayue hates the most, and he knows how many civilians' blood has been tainted in his hands. Even if he is not entrusted, Nangong Nayue's sense of justice and responsibility will not let him go.

Seeing the attitude of the flight attendants towards the child, Nangong sighed helplessly that month.

"Sorry, I'm busy!

Not to mention this commission, the amount of remuneration made Nangong very excited that month.

For ordinary people, this would be a total disaster!

The flight attendant immediately apologized.

This is also the basic service attitude of first class.

And the task is also very simple, clean up one of the remnants of the terrorist organization [Black Death Emperor Sect], the brother of the dead emperor, Glen Hasalov.

"I understand!""

Maybe someone else is thinking about important things, but he misunderstands it, and instead disturbs the other person's thinking.

If the terrorist attack is not prevented, it is almost unavoidable, and at least thousands of people will be involved in it, which she could have prevented.

Once you reach your destination, you will be there in an hour or two with a layover.

However, the organization is basically a thing of the past.

However, when she really received the message from the membership card, the witch in the gap began to have a headache.

If such a strong person wants to invade their world, they have no ability to resist.

"It happens at this time!"

Nangong's expression suddenly turned gloomy that month.

In that month, Nangong took out his certificate of a national magician.

She has watched a lot of movies, and she guessed that this Loli magician must be thinking about how to deal with big cases such as transnational criminals, and she can't make trouble.

The reward this time is quite generous.

However, the arrival of Lu Yu is too important.

That is at least a powerhouse that can destroy the world level.

When Nangong made a decision that month, he was going to give up this commission and go to the Kingdom of Ardikia to meet Lu Yu.

"Baby, do you need any help?"

Nangong didn't know what the flight attendant was thinking about that month.

However, in a sense, what the flight attendant made up is indeed somewhat close to the truth.

The sender of the new mail is still the client vampire noble Vattola.

It can be said that Nangong put a lot of thought into the possible arrival of Lu Yu that month.

The heart is too big.

But she now needs a quiet environment to think about countermeasures.

This is something that can be put right on top of the priority list regardless of reason.

"Also, I'm not a child, I'm 22 years old, I'm a national magician!

Because of this, she didn't worry about it.

For Lu Yu's power, Nangong Nayue vaguely understood.

She clicked on the new email, and when she saw the message inside, her pupils shrank.

However, when she saw the number on the certificate, her expression gradually became incredible.

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