An Infinite Dimension Store

338 The Arrow of Complaint

From the perspective of Rem's sister Ram, she sees nothing.

- Except for the stars.

She only saw her sister appear, and then immediately realized that she was about to be attacked, but she no longer had the strength to escape.

After losing her horns, her strength has not been as strong as before.

Just when she thought she was going to die like this, she saw a silver sword light.

After that, how the black-robed figure was solved, how the wind blade was avoided, and how she was brought up... She has no impression of any of these.

It was only a tenth of the time that he couldn't breathe, and he had been taken away from the burning village.

I blinked, only to see the starry sky above my head, and the touch of grass on my back.

It seems that he was put on the grass.

Just as Ram was about to hold back the pain, sit up, and continue to look for his sister.

A blue, small figure appeared in her line of sight, with tears in the corners of her eyes, she looked at herself excitedly.


Ram shouted in a low voice, and then relaxed his tense body.

It seemed that Rem was fine, and he was rescued.

Judging this, she was relieved and passed out.

"elder sister?!

Rem looked at her sister who had passed out in a panic, and put her ear to Ram's chest.

When she heard a small and steady beating sound, she felt relieved.

After Liliana brought Ram back, Lu Yu glanced at the young ghost clan.

Although there was a lot of blood on his body, most of it was the blood of the enemy, and only the broken horn on his forehead was the most serious injury.

Overall, not life-threatening.

So, Lu Yu temporarily turned his attention to the ghost village where the slaughter was still going on.

"Witch Cultist..."

Lu Yu saw the identities of these black-robed figures, and his words showed disgust.

For the time being, it is the three views cultivated in modern times. Although I have seen many special customs and human feelings because of the dimension store, Lu Yu's likes and dislikes are generally in the category of human beings.

Even in the most ruthless antiquity, this senseless slaughter in front of us is still a very ugly act.

Not to compete for resources, nor to acquire labor, completely contrary to survival, hope, and future, killing is just for pure twisted liking.

For this level of fanaticism, it is natural to hold an attitude of disgust.

"Lily, get rid of them.""

Lu Yu gave the order.

Although ghost villages have a tradition of killing young ghosts with unicorns, but it is out of consideration for survival. Compared to them, it is natural that the mad believers of Witch Cult who are purely for killing are more annoying.


Liliana, who was repeatedly commanded, showed a happy expression.

The task assigned by the lord is to trust her own proof, and she is naturally happy.

Erica on the other side puffed her cheeks, but she didn't take the initiative to take charge of this task.

Her ability is more suitable for dealing with huge enemies, although it can also be used to deal with group enemies, but it is not as convenient as Liliana's ability to do this without harming the remaining ghosts. .

After taking orders, Liliana stood on the spot, but did not use the previous time acceleration ability.

There are more suitable abilities to deal with enemies with a number of more than 100.

The silver-haired girl knight looked up at the silver moon in the sky, and then put her hand on the rapier at her waist.

At this time, the witch cultivator who carried out the slaughter also noticed Lu Yu and his party on the side of the village.

The figures in black robes looked at each other, most of them picked up their weapons and approached silently, and a small number of people were still making up their swords in the ghost village.

Hundreds of black robes gathered together, and the smell of blood and fire wafted everywhere, as if it was an army of evil spirits from hell.

Faced with such a black army, Liliana did not panic at all.

The silver-haired ponytail fluttered with the night wind, and under the light of the silver moon, the girl was dreamy and untouchable like a fairy.

"Wake up, Silver Master!"

From the delicate lips, the word spirit that awakened the magic sword spit out.

The silver rapier was awakened, and then switched its form, from the shape of the rapier, it quickly turned into a silver bow.

Liliana pulled the silver bow slightly, and under the infusion of magic power, the silver arrows turned into reality.

Sensing her actions, the witch cultivator in black robes attacked even faster!

But, unexpectedly,

Liliana did not point her bow at them, but at the sky.

It looked as if it wanted to shoot the silver moon in the sky.

Of course, no one would think that this girl would do such a meaningless thing at such an urgent moment.

The witch cultists are already within their attack range.

Fireballs, wind blades, water arrows... all kinds of magic gathered above their heads.

Right at this moment-

"The Arrow of Complaint!"

Silver-white arrows roared out and shot towards the night sky above, disappearing in a flash.

It looks like nothing happened.


After two seconds.

"call out--!

"Hum 35


230 "Hey--! 35

Like fireworks scattered, after the initial silver arrows disappeared, thousands of silver arrows fell from the night sky like a net!

The entire area was almost covered by this wave-like arrow.

"Hey—! 35

This is the sound of the flesh and blood of the witch cultists being torn apart.


This is the voice of the witch cultists struggling in pain.


A rapid rain of arrows, like a drum beat, fell from the sky.

The posture of Wan arrow piercing the heart seems to have the ability of self-discrimination, piercing all the witch believers in black robes on the field, and shattering the magic they gathered.

again and again!

In just a few seconds, the silver arrows killed all the witch cultists, and no one was able to have a complete corpse.

This is not the true ability of the arrow.

Before the body was killed, the silver arrow burned the soul first, and the flames of the silver moon burned the faith and spirit of these mad believers, making them completely feel the pain of being tortured.

From the one who was tortured and killed, to the one who was tortured and killed in an instant.

Like the cycle of cause and effect, these people have been completely ravaged from body to soul.

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