An Infinite Dimension Store

332 Indiscipline is the same strain

Naturally, Lu Yu didn't know Izanami's plan.

And the monster sage Yakumo Zi didn't dare to use the gap to eavesdrop when Izanami appeared, so no matter how clever she was, she didn't expect that after being beaten by Reimu, she was about to wear it again. on the miserable green hat.

Miserable · Monster Sage · Miserable.

With Reimu and the previous shrine maiden, Lu Yu and the others arrived at Hakurei Shrine in an instant.

"Now, shouldn't that person just heard us speak?

Reimu looked around, then leaned in front of Lu Yu and asked in a low voice.

Naturally, she was referring to Izanami.

"Of course I can't hear it. No one can hear us if I don't allow it. Besides, her breath is still in the depths of hell, so she shouldn't dare to leave hell. 35

Lu Yu probed and said.

The Godhead of the Lord of the Heavenly Imperial Palace is genuine, and Izanami can be said to be obedient to him now, not to mention running over to eavesdrop on them, she didn't even dare to check where the two returned.

Lu Yu also did not expect that even the upper and lower levels of the gods on Fusang's side were so obvious, and the mother of the dignified gods was so humble in front of the Lord of Heaven.

"That's fine~"

Reimu breathed a sigh of relief, with a relieved expression on his face.

"If it turns out to be fake, that guy will definitely not take the initiative to wrap things up for us!"

Knowing Lu Yu's true identity, "two-two-seven" who watched Lu Yu kill the gods naturally understands that Lu Yu is not the main god of heaven.

However, Reimu also understood that Lu Yu did not use the vest to achieve deterrence.

With his strength, there is absolutely no need for something of this level.

On the contrary, this vest is taken out to protect the other party.

It is precisely because of the identity of the Lord God of the Heavenly Emperor that this conflict can be resolved so satisfactorily.

Otherwise, if you continue to fight the younger ones and the older ones, the entire hell, or the entire god system of Fusang will be severely damaged, and maybe it will be directly destroyed.

Next to Reimu, after hearing Reimu's words, the previous shrine maiden breathed a sigh of relief.

Good thing it's fake!

Otherwise, she would not dare to imagine what it would be like if the Lord of Heaven's Royal God became her son-in-law.

Now, this makes her feel less distant.

"Thank you for your shot just now, what should I call you? 39

The previous shrine maiden asked with a smile.

Just the fact that the other party saved her and Reimu was enough to make her grateful, not to mention that her daughter seemed to be emotionally involved with this young man. She was naturally subconsciously like a mother-in-law looking at her son-in-law.

"Lu Yu, just call me by my name.""

Although Lu Yu felt that the smile of this former shrine maiden was a bit strange, he still reported his name.

After he finished speaking, he turned his eyes to Reimu, shook his head and said.

"It's not necessary to thank you. This is what I made an appointment with Reimu. I just fulfilled my promise. Of course, Reimu owes me a lot of debts now!


Reimu blinked, then remembered that the unexpected assistance this time had to be charged.

She was instantly petrified.

"Look at how much I am worth, take me to pay off the debt!

It is bound to cost a lot of money to deal with a god of Izanami's level.

Reimu, who realized this, just lay on the ground like a salted fish, completely losing her dreams.

The witch was not half rich, but halfway through debt of one hundred thousand.

Seeing Reimu's expression of giving up and struggling, Lu Yu touched his chin and joked a little funny.

"You can say so. Academy City has recently raised the price of pork. Maybe you can sell it for a good price."

Hearing this, Reimu immediately quit.

"How does it compare to pork?"

She looked at Lu Yu angrily.

"I am a dignified Hakurei witch, no matter how much I am worth, I should have the level of beef!"5


Hearing this, Lu Yu began to ponder.


Seeing Lu Yu's appearance, Reimu widened her eyes and sat up.

Then he looked at him with a very unbelievable expression.

"Just comparing it with beef, you actually hesitate?"

Hakurei Reimu began to doubt her image in Lu Yu's heart.

"Beef is rich in protein, you can grow meat by raising cattle and feeding grass, and raising you may even lose money.

Lu Yu looked at Reimu seriously.

"So, what kind of self-confidence makes you feel like you can crush cattle in every way?"


Hakurei Reimu was speechless.

However, this is obviously not the speechless speech that was convincingly spoken, but the speechless thinking about when to throw a Yin-Yang jade to Lu Yu and let him taste the power.

The two looked at each other for a while, and the atmosphere suddenly became quiet.

after a few seconds.

"Pfft! 35

A laugh interrupted the two of them looking at each other.

The previous shrine maiden had a "daughter grown up" expression on her face, smiled and looked at the two who were complaining about each other, and sighed:

"You two are in a good relationship! 35

Responding to her, it was Reimu's suspicious eyes.

"Grandma, have you been a ghost for a long time and your brain is broken, this person just said in front of you that your daughter is not as good as a cow, and you can still laugh? 35

Hakurei Reimu began to wonder if she was biological.

No, the previous dynasties were not biological, they were all orphans that Yakumo Zi picked up from nowhere, so she was indeed not biological.


The previous shrine maiden waved her hand.

"Couples quarrel with dogs, but grandma isn't so stupid that she can't even see that!

"Love, couple?"

Hearing this word suddenly, Reimu's eyes suddenly drifted, and he immediately turned his head away.

"We are not in this relationship, don't talk nonsense!

The red and white bows on his head flickered.

"Oh~ really isn't it?"

The previous shrine maiden showed a narrow smile and questioned her daughter.

Clearly, she enjoyed the pleasure of teasing her daughter and was happy to see her shy.

-Another happy monster.

Reimu was also keenly aware of his grandmother's bad taste, and pouted angrily.

"Just a ghost, don't say anything here!

Then, she looked at Lu Yu who was watching the play.

"How many origin points does it take to resurrect this idiot ghost?"

"The soul itself is here, and the difficulty of resurrection is not high. With her strength, she only needs 10,000 origin points. 35

Lu Yu looked at Reimu's account and said.

"Can that help me revive her? Anyway, 10,000 Origin Points are not a lot for my debts.""

Reimu said with a bitter face.

This is probably the type where you don't have to worry about having too much debt, but the debt of the dimensional store is not so easy to delay.

"Only this time, the next will not be an example."

Lu Yu nodded.

Having come this far, he naturally has no reason to refuse, but this is also the last time Reimu can take credit.

Lu Yu didn't want Reimu to become a crippled person because of the accumulated debts.

With this level of debt now, with Reimu's ability, it is not difficult to pay off.

After adding another minus 10,000 to Reimu's negative account, Lu Yu snapped his fingers while looking at the previous shrine maiden in ghost state.


A crisp voice sounded, and the power from Hades was activated...

The previous shrine maiden in the ghost state was enveloped in a mysterious light.

After a few seconds, the light disappeared.

The somewhat transparent figure of the previous shrine maiden gradually became solid, and the whole person came alive.

By the way, Lu Yu also made the witch costume on her body, so there would be no embarrassing scenes.

"Is it so easy to survive?"

The previous shrine maiden looked at her hands in disbelief, and felt the temperature after a long absence. The real feeling made her realize that she had returned to the world.

At a time when the previous Miko was still in a trance because of her resurrection.

Lu Yu suddenly remembered something.

"That's right, Reimu!

he opened his mouth.


The red and white witch looked at him suspiciously.

"Didn't you say before that, after the [Assembly Line God Killing Project] is over, will you be rewarded with a golden mountain?"

Lu Yu took the initiative to mention: "I had something to do before, and I forgot about it for a while.

"Uh... oh! Yes!

Reimeng just remembered that she still had no reward.

After Godslayer World ended Godslayer, she rushed back to Gensokyo with Lu Yu, completely forgetting that there was still a reward on the way, so she never asked for it.

After hearing Lu Yu mention this, Reimu's eyes lit up immediately.

The origin point owed is returned to the origin point, gold is my favorite thing!

Seeing Reimu's excited look, Lu Yu added.

"I remember that you seemed to have said before that your mother will come back when you turn both the Hakurei Shrine and the money box into gold, and now seems to be the time...

"what do you mean?"

Reimu's breathing was a little short, as if she understood what Lu Yu was going to do.

"Of course your wish is fulfilled!

Lu Yu smiled and clapped his hands.


Then the alchemy was activated, and the entire Hakurei Shrine was enveloped in an instant.

Like a gust of autumn wind blowing through, the entire Hakurei Shrine has turned the color of gold.

- Not only the exterior, but the interior has also become pure gold!

If you say, "Turn the money box and Hakurei Shrine into gold, then grandma will come back" is a warm lie woven by the previous shrine maiden to make Reimu less sad.

At this moment, it is the moment when lies 3.1 come true.

Shining pure gold Hakurei Shrine, inside the shrine is the newly resurrected grandma.

The big reunion scene in the fairy tale appeared in front of Reimu Hakureu, making her breathless.

If Lu Yu had noticed Reimu's favorability at this moment, he would have discovered that it was at this moment that Reimu's favorability had exploded.

"Plop plop!"

Heart beating rapidly.

If the girl Huaichun is said to have a deer in her heart, there is a dragon beating in Reimu's chest at this moment.

——And what interrupted this violent beating was the actions of the previous priestess.

Seeing the golden light in front of them, the eyes of the previous shrine maiden and Reimu were exactly the same.

"A touch of stone becomes alchemy?"

She looked at Lu Yu with a look of surprise, as if she was looking at a god of wealth or a walking golden mountain, and she rushed over.

"Are you still short of maids? If you ask for support, the bed will be warmed!"

And then staring at Lu Yu, the unscrupulous look is no different from the previous Reimu.

Seeing this scene, Reimeng's brows trembled slightly, and the whole person exploded with anger!


Like a volcano about to erupt, Reimu decided to educate her unreliable mother!

"Pay me some respect! Get off Lu Yu!!"



Hakurei Shrine daily explosion.

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