An Infinite Dimension Store

313 Oriental Lily Township

Inside the Dimension Store.

As expected of a shrine maiden who is called by the monsters with a bright mind, she is indeed different.

Reimu tilted her head.

"Physical fitness has indeed improved a lot.""


It seems that she is not as calm as her expression.

Probably because the monsters don't like to come out during the day, after descending the mountain, fewer monsters came to attack.

Lu Yu said.

Passing through the forest, Lu Yu sighed.

"How do you two feel?"

But now it seems that Lu Yu doesn't intend to leave after delivery.

Liliana added.

"Why are you all here?

He noticed that the tea was cold, but Reimeng hadn't even taken a sip.

However, since they all came together, Reimu couldn't help but have an illusion, so it was inevitable that he was a little lost.

Lu Yu seriously doubts that Yakumo Zi's education is disqualified, otherwise, in the isolated Gensokyo, how can he get so much messy knowledge.

No wonder Oriental Gensokyo, also known as Lily Township, is really all males below the aesthetic bottom line.

This does not seem to be difficult for the Great Knight.

But now, even without using magic power, Erica can smash trees by relying on her physical fitness alone.

After Ais left, Lu Yu looked at Reimu, who had a calm expression and was still holding a teacup.

Although there is a fee.

Seems to see Reimu's doubts, Lu Yu said.


"I've said it all, it's just that you are allowed to temporarily take credit. If you can't afford it, you will pay for it yourself!"

Shivering and cold, when will the male monster stand up...

Although it may sound a little inexplicable, the two girls understood what Lu Yu meant.

The red bow on the back of her head swayed in the wind, and Reimu briskly stepped into the dimensional passage back to Gensokyo.

But Reimu's mood, Lu Yu can also understand.

He asked about two girls.

Erica clenched her fist, and then lightly slammed her fist on the tree trunk beside her.

Although the flow of time in the Dimension Store can be adjusted, no matter how long you spend here, there is no difference in the time you return to Gensokyo.


It's not a matter of time, it's purely a matter of mood.


"Speed, agility, stamina, and magic seem to have improved a lot."

This increase is quite impressive.

Lu Yu thought thoughtfully.

The red and white witch happily tapped Lu Yu's chest, with a happy smile on the corner of her mouth.

And Lu Yu, with two maiden knights, was going to the Scarlet Devil Mansion to find Remilia.

"You are the Tsundere!"

A crisp sound sounded, and a tree with a diameter of about 20 centimeters fell directly.

Behind, Lu Yu and the two knights Ji, all followed.

Lu Yu pouted, and knocked a knife on Reimu's head angrily.

"Since this is the case and it becomes a common phenomenon, the source of the problem may lie in some people."

Reimu leaves Hakurei Shrine and prepares to go to hell to retrieve Hakure's mother's soul.

Do you want to help yourself out?

"There is still an unfinished deal between Remilia and I, and this time we just settle it together."

Reimu nodded, the bow behind his head drooping quietly.

Except for Yakumo Zi, the ten thousand-year-old shady, who would deliberately restrict the gender of the strong inside Gensokyo.

This is almost impossible to do with a sword, but Erica only saw a sword light.

This time, Lu Yu did not use his spatial ability, but chose to walk there.

"So, what did you learn at Hakurei Shrine?"

If the female monster is a mermaid with a human head and a fish tail, then the male monster is a monster with a fish head and human feet.

"I can't wait to see how you look, now go back to Gensokyo!

But it should be noted that the current Erica did not use magic power.

"So I've probably been in the Scarlet Devil Mansion during this time, if you come to me with any questions, it's not that you can't let you credit first.

So, along the way, I encountered a lot of cannibalizing monsters.

But Reimu also has no origin point that can be used as commission fee.

Reimu blinked.

However, no matter how much he pressed, Lu Yu couldn't be pressed, so he didn't care about 217.

"Male monsters are simply horrible."

——It turns out that he has been paying attention to himself!

But Reimu didn't care about that.

The hidden anxiety was detected, and Reimu was stunned for a moment, then nodded immediately.

Of course, it is also possible that the blood-stained swords of the two girls made those monsters with low intelligence fear.

Although, she didn't think that Lu Yu would throw away the principle of the next dollar store and come to help herself!

It seems that the male Yokai in Gensokyo have always faced the oppression of Yokai sages.

"So it's Tsundere... just tell me if you want to help me!""

Erica has also seen female monsters who have not attacked them from a distance, but unlike male monsters, not only can they be transformed into human figures, but they are also quite beautiful.

Before Reimu said she wanted to go back to Gensokyo, she meant to ask Lu Yu to send her back.

The bow at the back of the head also regained its vitality, fluttering like a butterfly.

The sorceress of the five desires spoke with a calm face.

Compared with the yin rise and yang decline, Lu Yu cares about another point.


"It's not just power.

Erica wiped off the blood on the blade, retracted the sword and scabbard, while agreeing.

Step into the shrine.


Even if they don't use the magic sword, as the great knights, they are more than enough to deal with ordinary monsters.

These monsters were all eliminated by the two maiden knights.

After finally recalling the past, and having a way to save my mother, I naturally hope that Grandma Bo Li can return to her as soon as possible.

"Gensokyo is really a place where yin and yang decline."

Originally, as a great knight, Erica's physical fitness did not exceed that of ordinary people. It was only through the blessing of magic that she could fight against the beasts.

After communicating with Reimu, Lu Yu and the red and white witch were temporarily separated.

At this time, Lu Yu spoke again.

"None of the male youkai here seem to have mastered the method to become human.

Unlike Gensokyo's distinctive girls, the male youkai here are basically beasts.

The subtext is that if Reimu encounters a problem that cannot be solved, he can ask him for help.

"Hmm! 35

In comparison, male monsters are indescribable.

"Is this the legendary master and servant Play, I don't mind!

Seeing the dimension channel that Lu Yu opened immediately, a happy arc appeared at the corner of the red and white witch's mouth.

The silver-haired knight Ji stabbed forward with a rapier at will, and easily pierced dozens of fallen leaves from the tree that Erica had cut.

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