Lu Yu was speechless.

After he finished speaking, he felt that his tone was a bit too much, but he didn't expect that Ais didn't care at all, but wanted to worship himself as a teacher?

Could it be that this child is not only a natural idiot, but also an M?

These attributes add up to a pretty good one, a bit astringent...

Sensing that his thoughts were drifting away, Lu Yu shook his head and returned to the topic:

"I have no plans to accept apprentices.

But she refused Ace's request.

Although he had a plan to establish a good relationship with Ais, it would be convenient for him to contact Loki's family, and even other gods in the wrong world, and accepting this apprentice was also a plan that would benefit him, but he was not prepared to agree easily.

Because, easy to get, will always make people do not know how to cherish.


Ais was stunned for a moment, then bit her lip and asked.


"What do you accept me as a disciple?"

She naturally knew that the god in front of her did not accept her reason just because of the request.

After finally meeting someone who can teach her to become stronger, Ais is naturally unwilling to give up, so she still wants to fight for it.

Hearing this, Lu Yu glanced at Ais from head to toe, and said.

"Your aptitude is okay, but it's only acceptable. In the dimensional world, 217 is just over the passing line."

What Lu Yu said is true, although Ais is so powerful that she is famous in the whole of Orari, but if it is placed in other worlds, it is not a great achievement.

Whether it is Arturia or Mordred in the Moonlight World, Liliana or Erica in the Godslayer World, or swordsmen such as Okita Souji, when they were the same age as Ace, they were all is stronger than her.

This does not include the coercion of Luo Hao and the like.

The current Ais can only be said to have a talent for swordsmanship, and it is far from turning talent into strength.

For Lu Yu, whose swordsmanship has reached the level of God's Domain, although this level of talent is good, it is not at the level that makes him very excited and wants to take the initiative to accept apprentices.

"So, if you want to worship me as a teacher, at least go to level 6 and talk about it!"

Lu Yu gave his own standards.

Naturally, he was not referring to LV6 in the forbidden world, but LV6 under the [God's Grace] system.

Ais still only has LV5 level. She is considered to be a top-ranking powerhouse in Oralee, but she is not yet top-notch.

The pinnacle of adventurers in the wrong world, and the only one who has reached level 7, is Ota of the Freya family. Besides, the strongest are only level 6, and there are very few.

If you want to reach LV6, you must complete a "Great Deed" to level up, that is to say, you can be promoted by defeating an opponent that is difficult to challenge.

The previous Ace was stuck at this point.

For her, it was indeed a challenge.

"I understand!

Hearing Lu Yu's request, the girl nodded firmly.

"I will definitely become LV6 and meet your requirements, teacher!"

"So it's not your teacher yet..."

Lu Yu muttered.

But seeing Ace's clear and respectful eyes, she didn't say anything.


The sound of fingers snapping sounded, and the space changed.

Several people reappeared inside the dimensional store.

"Then I will rudely retire now, and when I reach LV6, I will come to the teacher!

Ace eagerly saluted.

It seems that he is eager to go back to LV6 immediately, and then come back to Lu Yu to teach swordsmanship.

"go Go.

Lu Yu waved his hand as a farewell.

"Remember to pay attention, attack the enemy for three points and keep seven points for yourself.

And then emphasized again.

"Hmm! 35

Hearing Lu Yu's emphasis, Ais nodded earnestly with a happy look on her face.

In her opinion, Lu Yu actually mentioned herself again, and she must have regarded herself as a student. This is the recognition of the master!

Then, she bowed again to Lu Yu, then passed through the door of the dimension, and returned to the wrong world.

The wrong world, Orari, the main place for adventurers to adventure - the dungeon, the 37th floor.

Ace came out of her tent (bddb).

"Ais, did you go to training just now?"

The elf magician Riveria, with long green hair and obvious pointed ears, rebuked her with concern after seeing Ais come out.

Their Loki Familiar is going to expedition deep into the dungeon in a few days, that is, the place after the 50th floor, so now they will lead the elite team to investigate the situation and confirm the information.

After reaching the 37th floor, they almost reached the limit of their team's safe detection range.

Even if there is no shortage of LV5-level powerhouses in their team, there is always a shortage of food, water, and the number of monsters. If they continue, if they encounter a wave of monsters, they may encounter danger.

Only regular large-scale expeditions can guarantee the complete supply of food, medical care, weapons, etc.

Therefore, after exploring here, they will set up camp, rest temporarily, and prepare to return to the ground after the rest.

For adventurers, it is very important to restore physical and mental strength during the rest time.

However, the experienced Riveria noticed at a glance that Ais's chest rose and her breathing was a little short, which was her posture after a battle.

But there were no enemies in the camp, so it was only possible that Ais was secretly training again.

"This can't be done. If it's on the ground, you can train as you like. But the dungeon is not such a safe place, so life safety should be the priority."

Based on the experience of past people, Riveria blamed Ais for her behavior.

This is a dungeon where the state is bad for a while, and it is said to be dead, and Ais' actions are very dangerous for adventurers.

——Adventurers never take risks, this is what the union members of Orari City often talk about.

"Yes. 35

Hearing Riviria's rebuke, Ais nodded like a child who had done something wrong.

Facing this woman who taught her since childhood, Ais respected her very much.

However, after humbly admitting her mistake, Ais raised her head and looked at Riviria with burning eyes.

"Rivelia, I want to go to the 38th floor!

She said firmly, rather than expressing her own thoughts, it was more like announcing a decision.

"The 38th floor?!

Riviria frowned.

Is this humbly admitting mistakes and not repenting?

"There is a floor master equivalent to LV6 on this floor, and we need the whole family to fight together. Our number is still too dangerous—"

Halfway through, Riveria, who knew Ace very well, realized something.

"Ais, didn't you just go for that guy?!

The floor master is the existence of the boss in the dungeon. The average strength level is two levels higher than the floor where he is located. The floor master on the 38th floor has reached the LV6 level and is a super powerful BOSS.

The condition for the adventurer to advance is to complete the great cause.

So Riviria immediately reacted, the girl Ais, shouldn't she plan to rely on defeating the floor master of the LV6 level to become a great cause and advance to the level?!

With the strength of LV5 level, it is ridiculous to want to defeat the floor master of LV6 level!

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