An Infinite Dimension Store

304 The Dream of Misfortune

Misfortune Dream, in Gensokyo's setting, should belong to the category of the second setting.

Originally it should not exist.

However, with the transformation ability that was just opened from the jar, Reimu was really able to switch to the state of Reimu.

As a witch, she is already invincible within Gensokyo, and the state of Reimu is not only a powerful increase, but when you look at the introduction, you can also have almost infinite magic power when you are particularly excited.

Such a bonus is much stronger than ordinary Blacken.

Lu Yu even suspects that Wraith Meng has the ability to penetrate hell directly.

"Lu Yu! When are we going back to Gensokyo!"

After gaining enough power, Reimu asked impatiently.

"Returning to Gensokyo..."

Lu Yu pondered for a few seconds.

"The plan to come to this world this time has indeed been completed, and it is not impossible to go back now.

Reimu's reliance on the gods is only useful to the gods of the Fusang gods.

After harvesting all the power of the Fusang god system, there is indeed no need to stay here.

He didn't care.

However, beside the two, Liliana, who had already cleared and directed the venue, was very concerned about this.

"My lord, are you leaving again?"

The silver-haired Knight Ji bit her lip and asked.

She was naturally very reluctant to leave Lu Yu.

Although she is Lu Yu's direct subordinate, she doesn't spend much time with Lu Yu. Most of the time, she is searching for the order of the god of disobedience, and then waiting for Lu Yu to rush over from other worlds.


Behind Liliana, the blond knight Ji stretched out his hand, but said nothing.

Unlike Liliana, Erica is not yet a knight who has officially pledged allegiance, and she feels that she has no weight to speak on this matter.

Although I don't know where Gensokyo is, it seems that it is Miss Reimu's hometown.

Hearing Liliana's question, Lu Yu nodded.

"Well, I'm about to leave々...

Hearing this, Liliana's eyes darkened, but she didn't speak.

She is a knight and has no right to beak on the decisions of the sovereign.

When she was a little lost.

Lu Yu's voice sounded again.

"So, Lily, Erica, you two get ready to go out with me.


Liliana raised her head sharply, her eyes full of joy.

Erica was also very surprised, Wang actually wanted to take her?

Have you been recognized?!

She immediately looked up and saw Lu Yu nodded slightly to her.

The smart Erica immediately understood what Lu Yu meant.

I have really been admitted!

With a "boom", the blond knight Ji immediately knelt down on one knee, and with solemn knight etiquette, offered his sword Reinhardt with both hands.

"I, Erica Browntree, hereby swear that I will serve you wholeheartedly and be your best assistant! 39

Erica looked directly into Lu Yu's eyes and swore seriously.

This is a knight's allegiance ceremony, once an oath is sworn, it can never be betrayed.

Especially for Lu Yu, the god of contract, the contract made with him is absolutely irrefutable.

Erica already knew this from Liliana, but she still chose to swear allegiance with a firm attitude.

Naturally, Lu Yu would not refuse such a loyal and capable subordinate.

He took the sword Reinhardt from Erica's hand, and the magic power penetrated deep into it, and probed the structure and magic circle.

But in the breath, he understood the effect of this magic sword.

Not only can you switch between various forms, summon a sword or shield, but also summon a steel lion that can fight on its own, as a summoned beast to accompany the battle.

As long as you master this magic sword proficiently, you can obtain a boost comparable to the level of a great knight.

In addition, Erica herself is a leader among the great knights, this magic sword is really good for the great knights.

However, in Lu Yu's eyes, it naturally felt a little bad.

"The magic sword in the name of the lion's heart can't be just this level. 35

Lu Yu muttered.

Then, the power [Master of Ten Thousand Soldiers] was activated, and the majestic magic power was injected into the magic sword from his hand, transforming and evolving it from the inside out.

"This is at--"

Erica immediately became excited when she saw this scene.

As Liliana's rival, she was envious of Liliana's remodeled silver master, Cha Lemon.

Not only is it a weapon that fits your own battle, but it can also increase the Great Knight to the Paladin level, which is a flying improvement, okay?

Not to mention her, even her uncle, the paladin Paul, was envious of the weapon Liliana got.

Now, seeing that Lu Yu is transforming her saber, Erica's already quite firm loyalty has risen even more.

This benefit, this treatment, is simply the best in the whole world.

Even Lu Yinghua, the disciple of the King of Martial Arts, would have to turn purple with envy.

Under Erika's excited eyes, the shape of the long sword Reinhardt gradually changed, the lion pattern on the hilt became more formidable, and the magic circle inside also changed considerably.

After a few seconds, the transformation is over.

This long sword named after a lion really has the charm of a lion, and it looks powerful, not inferior to Liliana's silver master.

".々 This should be enough for the time being.

Lu Yu nodded, then squeezed the hilt of the sword, and tapped the blond knight Ji's shoulder with the blade of the long sword.

"I accept your allegiance."

With three taps like this, the contract of the rider (very good) is completed.


Erica stood up and respectfully changed her name.

Lu Yu returned the long sword in his hand to Erica and said.

"What I said to Lily before is also given to you. Although equipment is important, you should not slack off your own cultivation because of this. Paladins are far from your end."


Erica responded.

Like Liliana, she is a very strong person, and naturally she will not slack off just because she gets new equipment.

Moreover, she just got the new equipment, it may take some time to defeat Liliana, she will not think that her strength is enough.

However, even so, Erica is still a little puzzled about Lu Yu's last sentence.

Paladins are far from the end... what does that mean.

She doesn't think she has the aptitude to become a godslayer.

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