An Infinite Dimension Store

The purpose of the 300 dimensional store

Although the atmosphere was not so sad because the topic turned to beating Bian Wannian's shady Yakumo Zi.

However, Reimu, who recalls the past, is naturally not happy.

Seeing her like this, Lu Yu spoke up.

"Although it's true that your quiet appearance is a bit contrasting, I don't think you're suitable for such a frowning expression, Reimu!

Although the lively Reimu and the quiet and slightly sad Reimu are both within the scope of Lu Yu's hobbies, it is not a problem all the time.

Hearing what Lu Yu said, Reimu puffed up her cheeks even when she was sad, and gave Lu Yu an unhappy look.

"Do you mean to make me laugh now?"

The red and white witch gritted her teeth, looking like she was about to bite.

She just recalled this incident, and it can be said that she just lost her mother.

To make her laugh at this time?

What a joke!

If it wasn't for Lu Yu who said this, Reimu felt that she would definitely fall down with a yin and yang jade.

Seeing Reimu's white teeth, Lu Yu had some sense of sight.

Where did this kid learn this stance?

Was it taught by that foodie from Index?!

It looks like I need to go back and educate this stupid nun!

"Certainly not that.

Lu Yu shook his head, stretched out his hands in annoyance, pinched Reimu's cheeks with unhappy written on his face, and then tore them apart like rubbing plasticine.

"Do you want a table god, don't you want to fight?"

Hakurei Reimeng protested inarticulately, anger was gathering above her brows.

Because of the reason that the good feelings have increased significantly just now. Hakurei Reimu didn't mind playing around with Lu Yu.

But at this point in time, it would be inappropriate to do so.

Reimu just wanted to be quiet for a while now.

Seeing Reimu's expression, Lu Yu raised his eyebrows, knowing that Reimu was accumulating anger.

But he didn't mean to let go.

When Reimu's anger was about to fill up, he was going to teach Lu Yu a lesson with silver teeth and white teeth.

Only then did Lu Yu let go.

He said leisurely.

"Reimu, have you forgotten my identity?


Reimu is really easy to deceive, and was attracted by Lu Yu's words.

"The owner of the dimension store? 35

She tilted her head in confusion.


Lu Yu nodded.

"So what is the purpose of the Dimension Store, do you remember?

"The purpose of the dimensional store?"

Reimu was stunned for a moment, but she hadn't really noticed.

"Could it be, make more money?"

she surmised.

"That's not it!

Lu Yu hit Reimu with a knife.

"Don't think that everyone else is getting into the eyes of money as you are. 35

Lu Yu was speechless.

"The purpose of the dimensional store is that as long as you are willing to spend money, anything is possible!

Although this sentence, he just made it up.

"Then you still want to make more money."5

Reimu muttered.

“That’s not the point, the point is that anything is possible.35

Lu Yu emphasized.


Reimu was a little puzzled at first, wondering why Lu Yu suddenly mentioned this.

After pondering for a few seconds, her eyes suddenly lit up and she suddenly realized.

"You, you mean—"

Reimu excitedly approached Lu Yu and said excitedly.

"Resurrection can do such a thing, right?!

Suddenly thinking of this possibility, the surging sadness in Reimu's heart (bddb) was all shrouded in ecstasy. Although Lu Yu didn't confirm it, the corners of his mouth were uncontrollably raised.

This ray of dawn appeared, making Lingmeng's eyebrows and eyes full of joy.

Seeing Reimu like this, Lu Yu did not rush to answer whether he could do it or not, but said in a strange tone.

"Some people were talking just now—do you mean to make me laugh now—why are you taking the initiative to laugh now?

Well, from a certain point of view, Lu Yu's character is really bad sometimes.

"Wow-! Lu Yu!

Reimu shook Lu Yu's shoulder, half embarrassed, half hastily.

"Is this the time to talk about this?! Hurry up and tell me if you can do it or not! 35

she asked half crazy.

Although rational thinking, it is not difficult to draw conclusions.

If Lu Yu couldn't revive the former Hakurei priestess, of course he wouldn't take the initiative to mention it.

However, the current Reimu has absolutely no room for rational thinking.

"It can be done! Of course it can be done!"

Lu Yu didn't have such a bad personality, and immediately gave Reimu an affirmative and reassuring answer.

The world is fair, and those with strength will pay the price of losing their troubles.

With Lu Yu's current strength, turning life and death in Gensokyo world is no longer a troublesome thing.

If it is a world without previous lives and no reincarnation, it may be difficult to resurrect someone who has been dead for a long time. Like Gensokyo, where the six realms of reincarnation are complete, and there is a hell system, it is easy to resurrect a person.

Not to mention the power of gods, even if you only use the function of the eye of reincarnation, you only need to break into hell to do it.

"However, there is a premise.

Lu Yu remembered one thing.

"If the former Hakurei priestess were reincarnated, it would be a little troublesome."

Although there is no problem with forced resurrection.

But this also means killing the reincarnated object. With Lu Yu's understanding of Reimu, she absolutely cannot do such a thing.


Hearing Lu Yu's addition, Reimu was stunned for a moment.

Then, instead of being as disappointed as Lu Yu thought, he said confidently.

"Don't worry! Grandma is so greedy for money, stingy, afraid of loneliness, and it hurts so much when he beats me up. He's an evil ghost who deserves to go to hell, and there's no way he can be reincarnated!"

Lu Yu couldn't complain.

As expected of the filial daughter of Hakurei Shrine.

Do you think your mother will be moved when she hears this, or will she beat your ass?

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