Although Yuri Banligu was not very loud, Lu Yu still heard her words.

Lu Yu glanced up.

"Jianyu Thor..."

This god is worshipped in mythology as the god of thunder, the god of swords, the god of archery, the god of war, and the god of war.

From these priesthoods, it can be seen that compared to Susanoo, he is the orthodox god of war and war in Fuso mythology.

However, it is like Ares's status is not as good as Athena.

Because of his status, although Susanoo is only part-time God of War and God of War, his status as a Mikiko is indeed higher than that of the God of Thunder, so in general, the most worshipped God of War in Fuso mythology is Susanoo .

In general, the status of Jianyu Thunder God is in the middle and upper levels in mythology.

Lu Yu thought that Reimu would choose to summon those weak gods at first, but he did not expect to choose him.

"Do you want to test the tolerance of the witches?"

Lu Yu lowered his head and looked at the ceremony venue.

Although the gods were summoned, Reimu did not stop the Kagura dance, and continued to dance.

Beside her, a dozen witches ooze cold sweat slightly from their foreheads.

Obviously, Reimu gave these witches some of the pressure of supporting the appearance of the Thunder God of Jianyu to bear, so that he could continue to summon the second god.

This is the greatest effect of the witch ritual!

Even Reimu, summoning gods must follow the limit of summoning one deity at a time, if this is the case, the time between summoning, manifesting, and killing the gods is too long.

There are at least a hundred gods in the Fusang god system, and if they summon and kill one by one, the efficiency is too low.

Rather than having Reimu in charge of the most difficult part of the summoning, other shrine maidens are in charge of the manifesting part that can be piled up depending on the number of people.

In this way, Reimu can continue to summon the gods without interruption, and the speed is at least dozens of times faster than the previous method.

The only difficulty is that Lu Yu, who is responsible for killing the gods, will have a heavy task.

In order to kill the speed to catch up with the speed of Reimu's summoning, Lu Yu's time to solve a god must be controlled within three minutes, and then continue to kill the next god without stopping.

Because of this, when there were only 20 priestesses before, Reimu felt that it was enough.

Call it slowly when there are few people!

Of course, the more people there are, the more witches who can carry the manifestations of the gods, of course, is a good thing.

From this point of view, the apology from the magic associations of Fusang is still somewhat useful.

"It seems that this time I can't play slowly.

If there are more than 100 gods in a row, it would be a waste of time to fight like before.

Just when Lu Yu made up his mind.

Above the sky, Jianyu Thor finally fully appeared.

After this god came completely, he didn't care about the time or place.

Instead, he directly met the Demon King above the ceremony grounds.

When the god-killer meets the god of disobedience, it is naturally endless.

"Son of Fools! Is it you who called me and wanted to usurp my power?!"

Jian Yu Lei Shen holds a long sword, and thunder snakes dance all over his body.

A thunderstorm as thick as a bucket appeared beside him, revealing the essence of Thor.

The majesty of the gods showed an irresistible aura, just ordinary speeches also affected the priestesses in the ceremony grounds and were overwhelmed by this aura.

Seeing this, Lu Yu couldn't help frowning.


Invisible power erupted from his body.

The top-level overlord is domineering, turning his momentum into a wave that swept everything.

The power of the God of Disobedience is like thin paper, and it is directly smashed by the overlord's domineering arrogance.

The witches who were just shocked by the aura of the gods clearly felt that the power of the god of disobedience was driven away by a more domineering aura, and the unparalleled domineering domineering shrouded them into the protection range.

Like a stormy boat being sheltered by a harbor, the priestesses felt a complete sense of security.

For a time, the witches who were forcibly recruited couldn't help but feel dependent on the Demon King in front of them.

"Don't intimidate my temps!"

After defeating the might of Jianyu Thor, Lu Yu said slowly.

・・・・Seeking flowers・・

"Humph! Even the aura of the gods can't be resisted, what's the use of such subordinates. 35

Jianyu Lei Shen didn't care, but the long sword in his hand - Fudu Yuhun - was unsheathed and pointed directly at Lu Yu.

"Come and fight! If you want my power, come and take it yourself!"

"Compared to Susanoo, your character is more in line with the characteristics of a military god.""

Lu Yu stood up and didn't dislike Jianyu Thor's straight-forward character.


Hearing Susanoo's name, Jianyu Raijin snorted in dissatisfaction, but didn't say anything.

He is the child of Kagutomei, and Kagutomei is the god who killed Izanami, and because of this, he is not very popular in the pantheon.


Even so, there is no reason to tell family conflicts in front of outsiders.

He is also in the oriental cultural circle, and he still knows that family scandals cannot be made public.

Seeing the performance of Jian Yulei Mythology, Lu Yu felt that it was a lot easier.

"If it was normal, I wouldn't mind chatting with you, but now the situation is different and I'm in a hurry.

Lu Yu showed a gentle smile.


He stepped out one step at a time, and in the next instant, he appeared behind Jianyu Thor.


The words of goodbye said that Lu Yu had returned to the stand on the ground.

And in his hand, I don't know when, there is a beating heart.

"What, when..."

Jianyu Lei Shen's eyes widened in disbelief.

In the time he didn't even react, he only heard Lu Yu's voice from far and near, and he didn't feel anything else.

But the extreme weakness that suddenly appeared in his body made him realize that he had been defeated.

At this time, Lu Yu exerted light force.


The heart in the hand is broken, and the core of the god is also broken.

Then, the figure of the God of Thunder, Jian Yu, disappeared like a light.

The time between Lu Yu's shot and the successful slaying of the gods was only a few seconds.


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