An Infinite Dimension Store

287 The Magic Eye and the Witch

Outside the gate of the shrine, it has been half an hour since Amakusa Touma entered.

Sayaka Gongxin looked at the interior of the shrine extremely uneasy, for fear that the angry voice of the Demon King would come from inside, and then her own life would be turned into ashes.

Although she waited and waited, the thing she feared did not happen, but her heart sank to the bottom.

Even if Amakasu Touma is good at concealment, it is almost impossible to maintain a high-intensity concealment for half an hour.

Chances are, he has already been found.

I just don't know why the inside of the shrine is so quiet.

Just when she was thinking wildly and scolding those old things who didn't understand awe, the door of the shrine opened again.

"Big sister, you can come in!"

Wanli Guguang greeted the witches at the door.

Sister Reimu was really difficult to deal with, and she was only willing to admit defeat when her chess pieces were completely swallowed by "Twenty Zero".

"Yes, thank you for your report!"

Saya Gongxin nodded in thanks.

Although she really wanted to ask what happened to Touma Amakasu, but since she was about to see the Demon King, there was no point in asking about it.

Under the leadership of the little witch, Saya Gongxin led the witches under her command to file in.

Entering the corridor leading to the living room at the back of the shrine, Saya Gongxin immediately saw the white salted statue standing at the end of the corridor, her pupils shrank suddenly, and her body under the witch costume trembled slightly.

how come?!

She has been paying attention to the movement of the shrine outside, but she has not heard any movement from the inside.

Although Amakasu Touma is the most skilled at concealment, his escape skills are also top-notch in the entire fusang magic world, and he was quietly solved without causing the slightest movement?!

It's easier than killing a mosquito!

The powerful Saya Gongxin, who has always known the godslayer from reports and intelligence, finally felt the terror of the Demon King from a realistic level.

Not to mention ordinary human beings, even the highest-level conjurers in the fusang magic world are just worms to the Demon King.

It is impossible for human beings to resist the godslayer, and she finally has a solid understanding of this sentence.

Walking a few steps forward, through the corridor, she saw two people sitting on both sides of the chessboard in the middle of the living room.

One was a girl in a red and white witch costume, with a very outstanding appearance, who was unhappily arranging the chessboard.

Opposite the red and white witch is a young man with black hair and black pupils.

The moment she saw the man, Saye Gongxin immediately knelt down and pleaded guilty without hesitation.

"I'm really sorry, it's because I was not strict, so I let the younger generation spy on the king's residence! I'm willing to bear the king's anger!"

There was no need to justify, she took the initiative to plead guilty as soon as she came up.

The 20 witches behind her also knelt down in the posture of sitting under the soil, looking like they were worshiping the gods of the shrine, rather than worshiping the godslayer.

Banligu Yuri, who was usually in charge of serving tea and pouring water, blinked as he looked at the witches who were kneeling in front of him.

She noticed the familiar sense of sight, as if she saw herself last night.

Lu Yu looked at Saya Gongxin, who was kneeling, and ignored her plea, but looked at Reimu.

"Reimu, are these witches enough?"

Although he also saw that the attitude of Fusang's magic association could be regarded as very perfunctory and contemptuous, the Marquis of Vauban was more than that.

However, professional matters naturally have to be judged by professional people. It doesn't matter if these witches are enough for him to say, and Reimu has the right to speak.

As a shrine maiden, Hakurei Reimu is a shrine maiden who has to be thrown out of this world several times.

Even the most outstanding sorceress of Fusang, Yuri Wanligu, is far from the difference between Reimu Hakurei.


Hakurei Reimeng glanced casually at these witches.

Whether it is an ordinary shrine maiden or the highest-ranked shrine maiden, there seems to be no difference in her eyes.

"Anyway, I made up the number, just barely enough!"

Reimu said it without hesitation.

The difficult task of summoning a god is not something that can be accomplished by numbers.

Originally, Reimu was planning to let the witches help, and she didn't have too strict requirements.

The Fusang Magic Association hides the shrine maidens like treasures, but for Reimu, it is not much different from ordinary clergy.

It's all chicken.

Hearing Reimu's words, Saya Gongxin was very surprised at first.

Are so many people enough?!

Then, she immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Just enough!

If that's the case, surely the godslayer wouldn't care too much about the fact that there were too few priestesses sent by the official history compilation committee?

Just when she had such a bit of luck in her heart...

Lu Yu's eyes fell on Saye Gongxin.

The sight of the real thing made Saye Gongxin feel like he was carrying a big mountain, and his whole body felt a huge pressure.

This feeling shattered all the flukes that had just risen in her heart.

"Although Reimu said it was enough, my order was to bring enough priestesses."

The voice of the godslayer came. Although he didn't know whether he was happy or angry, he knew that it was not a good thing after listening to the content. Saye Gongxin's heart sank immediately.

Lu Yu's voice continued.

"The orders of the godslayer were violated, and the clown jumping beams were also dispatched to invade the king's palace. You Fusang Magic Association are really courageous. In terms of courage, I would like to call you the strongest in this world.

Although it looks like a compliment on the surface, the tone of these words is full of terrifying malice.


Shaye Gongxin's body trembled.

If the Demon King wants to pursue the crime of disrespect by the official history compilation committee, the entire magic world of Fuso will be severely damaged.

Sending peeps to the residence of the godslayer, even if the entire fusang magic world is wiped out, the magic associations in other parts of the world will only applaud, taking it for granted.

"King! Please rest-"

Saya Gongxin immediately lowered her head and tried to defend herself with a very respectful attitude.

However, godslayers are not wise kings who are good at taking advice, on the contrary, they are all tyrants.

Although Lu Yu belongs to the wise category, he is too lazy to listen to these pure sophistry.

"Head up!

he interrupted.


Although Shaye Gongxin was puzzled, she raised her head very obediently, and her eyes met the eyes of the Demon King.

The next second, her thinking was deprived.

The whole person was in a trance.

And in Lu Yu's eyes, the holy blue pupils are shining slightly.

This is the most basic usage of the magic eye - the hypnotic function.

Although it is not as powerful as a god-level demon eye like the Eye of Sodom, it is an irresistible ability for a weak person like Saye Gongxin.

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