An Infinite Dimension Store

284 I, God Killer, make m1y

"...It's too cruel!"

Hakurei Reimu covered her face, and there were monsters in Gensokyo who would speak harshly to her, but Lu Yu's harsh words refreshed her cognition.

Without integrity like her, she couldn't think of such a novel way of threatening.

"Ah... so many children can't stand it."

Wanli Guguang's little face turned a little red before he knew it, and he involuntarily touched his lower abdomen.

Wanligu Yuri was stunned.

She would rather sacrifice herself than protect her sister.

But now Lu Yu said that his own fault will be punished on his sister.

For those who are inclined towards the Virgin, punishing others for their own guilt is undoubtedly the most terrifying punishment, even more daunting than facing the Marquis of Vauban.

So she got up immediately, for fear that Lu Yu would execute the punishment she said and attack her sister.

"Please forgive my ignorance, the king, I will never talk more!

Bowing to her knees, she lowered her eyes and dared not speak again.

"So, you can still understand people's words!"

Lu Yu nodded with satisfaction.

Although the method is a bit disgraceful, it is enough to be useful. At least now, Wanli Gu Yuri will not be completely single-minded and insistent as before.

He didn't intend to make Wanli Gu Yuri look like in the original book.

He attacked his own people and preached every day, but he did not dare to say anything to other godslayers.

Isn't that pure smackdown?!

Compared with that attitude, the state of being intimidated by power and obedient now is not bad.

Lu Yu and Wanli Guguang looked at each other, and they both blinked tacitly, neither of them intending to tell the truth that Lu Yu was just scaring Wanligu Yuri.

That's fine now.

Banligu Yuri never dreamed that the younger sister he wanted to protect was actually the same as the Demon King in front of him.

In the obedient state, Yuri Banligu was really easy to use, and she quickly prepared the food and lodging utensils.

"Speaking of which, do you have the contact information of the Fusang magic world?"

Lu Yu was sitting at the tea table and suddenly remembered this.

Although Reimu's spirits can be performed without too many conditions depending on their abilities, additionally prepared spells can speed up the process of divine descent and increase the success rate to a certain extent. Naturally, it is better than nothing.

Although Erica and Liliana haven't arrived yet, it's okay to check the situation from the local magic association in advance.

Lu Yu is familiar with the myth of Fusang, and knows most of the deeds of the gods.

But they don't know much about the little-known indigenous gods of Fusang.

After all, the kind of Mao God that only existed for a while, not only has no historical records, but also has no legends in folklore.

"Yes! I have the contact information of the official editorial committee in my phone!"

It seemed that he was afraid that Lu Yu would really attack his sister. After hearing Lu Yu's request, Yuri Wanligu was very quick and handed over his mobile phone without the slightest hesitation.

I can't help it, it's all because the Demon King in front of me is so scary!

"Well...that's a lot easier, thank you! 99

Lu Yu took the phone and thanked him casually.

what? be thanked by the godslayer.

Wanligu Yuri was stunned for a moment and stayed where he was.

Is it true that the Demon King is such a reasonable person?

She began to doubt whether her initial judgment was too extreme.

Maybe in the beginning, this Demon King didn't plan to attack himself and his sister?

So, did the previous words scare you?

She fell into reflection for a moment.

At this time, Lu Yu saw Wanli Gu Yuri standing in front of him blankly, and said casually.

"Is there anything else, do you still want to continue to convince me to replace your sister with yourself?"

He said in a mocking tone.

"Give it up, it's impossible! I like young people! 35

Although he was only joking, it was a naked announcement for Yuri Banligu.

"No, I have no extra thoughts!"

She chose to take back what she had thought a few seconds ago, and immediately withdrew from her heart.

Sure enough, the godslayer is not only brutal and terrible, but also Loli-controlled, which is really too bad!

On Lu Yu's side, he ignored Yuri Wanligu's anomaly.

For him, this witch is not a normal type, so there is no need to care about her thoughts.

Rather than this, his focus was on sending emails.

"I'm Lu Yu, the godslayer, and I'm currently at Nanao Shrine. Before seven o'clock tomorrow morning, bring enough priestesses and ritual items to meet me at Nanao Shrine.

Soon, a [I, Qin Shihuang, playing money] type of content similar to a scam email was compiled and sent to the person in charge named Dongma Amakasu.

With a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth, Lu Yu threw the phone back to Yuri Wanligu.

As expected, after dozens of seconds, the phone rang.

Banrigani Yuri began to scramble to deal with the inquiries from the official history compilation committee.

When it comes to godslayers, no matter how small it is, it is a big one.

They dare not take chances.

Originally, they had imagined that this kind of extreme eastern land would not be visited by godslayers, and that email was just a prank.

But with the assurance of the shrine maiden Banriya Yuri, they quickly confirmed that this is the reality.

There really is a demon king coming to this land!

Fusang's magic world immediately caused an uproar.

々What should we do? Shall we obey the Demon King's orders?

The head of the Jiufa family, one of the four great masters of the Fusang incantation world, asked in his phone recollection.

"The request for the witch (De Nuo Zhao) seems to be preparing to summon the gods. Our Fusang witch has lost a lot a few years ago, and there can be no more losses."

Another senior old man of the official history compilation committee said C seriously.

"That's right, the Marquis of Vauban has already caused quite a lot of losses last time, and we can't let the Demon King claim it.

Many people agreed.

Hearing these people's discussions, the director of the Tokyo Branch of the Official History Compilation Committee, Saya Gongxin, could no longer listen. She cleared her throat and coughed, and her crisp voice was particularly noticeable.

"Are you guys still awake?"

Saya Gongxin asked in a sarcastic tone.

"When did you start to have the illusion that you are qualified to bargain with the godslayer?

Humans are absolutely unable to defy the godslayer, this is common sense in this world.

But obviously, the long time without the godslayer's patronage seems to have caused these old people to seem to be unable to see the situation clearly.

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