An Infinite Dimension Store

278 Divine Reliance

"Is it lively?"

Reimu looked up and saw that it was Lu Yu who was taking pictures of her.

"This time you came here, have you already learned the skills of summoning gods?"

"Because I was going to give this phone to you, it doesn't matter if it's your own phone or not, but it's the first photo anyway, so why not keep it as a souvenir?"

So even though she usually dislikes Marisa and Ibuki Suika so much, she actually likes these two friends quite a bit.

"Give it to you."9

The development trend of modern smart phones is that it is more and more convenient for novices to use, so even if you have never used a mobile phone, Reimu, who has a very smart head just by looking at the prompts, will quickly master the usage of the mobile phone.

So of course, Reimu didn't know how to delete photos.

Reimu raised her eyebrows, with an expression of "you finally showed a fox's tail", looking rather lively as a girl.

She raised her phone.

Lu Yu introduced.

Finally, Lu Yu returned to the topic.

"Crack! 35

"Sorry, the Dimension Store has diplomatic immunity and is not restricted by Gensokyo laws."

"Hmm. 35

She doesn't want to be ridiculed by two bad friends, it's too embarrassing.

"When have I ever been wicked!"

"Learning is learning, but I am exhausted.

Although she has always looked lazy, and is not very active in the work of the witch, but Hakurei Reimu is also an ordinary girl, and naturally she also has expectations for a lively banquet.

If it weren't for Lu Yu's promise of a golden mountain, hanging in front of her like a radish, Hakurei Reimeng doubted that she would not be able to hold on to it.

The photo that was said to be deleted, I don't know if I forgot or deliberately, but I didn't delete it.

"Even so, I will delete it if it should be deleted!"

The two chatted boringly for a while, like two flipped salted fish basking in the sun, and they looked quite in tune.

However, after taking over the phone, she understood why Lu Yu was so fearless.

Lu Yu filtered out Reimu's complaints, and had a clear perception of her genius.

What should I do if I don't feel comfortable beforehand, and then Reimeng feels tired and quits it!

Sure enough, Reimu heard Lu Yu's objection.


However, she has no experience in using it, and there are probably not many people in Gensokyo who show off to operate this machine.

Solving the vampire mutation caused by Remilia was the bargaining chip he and Yakumo Zi exchanged, allowing Yakumo Zi to agree to teach the skills of Reimu.

Reimu was surprised, only to realize that the mobile phone in his hand was completely new, not Lu Yu's usual mobile phone. The only two fingerprints on it are her and Lu Yu's.

Although Reimu is not very clear, Lu Yu himself knows how much work is waiting for Reimu.

Reimu put down the teacup and jumped, trying to grab the photo from Lu Yu.

"How did this thing get deleted?

The first step in the requirement, 193, is to have Hakurei Reimu master the ability to summon gods.

"Why, it's illegal to take pictures of beautiful girls secretly, you have to pay a fine! 35

Lu Yu introduced easily.

It was a necessary part of his plan.

Hearing Lu Yu's words, Reimu tilted her head, feeling that there was nothing wrong with what he said.

Gensokyo is not without mobile phones. Hakurei Reimu once saw something of the same style in Xianglintang.

Sure enough, a pop-up window suddenly appeared on the screen, and the options such as deletion and modification were arranged in order.

A little bit happy, she put the phone in the neckline of her chest and kept it.

The sky is not afraid of the earth, the only fear is that the Miko who has no money, hears this, 13's face suddenly darkens.

Hakurei Reimu complained that she felt that she had used up a year of exercise in the days when she learned from Yakumo Zi to rely on the gods.

"give me back!"

Lu Yu didn't take Reimu's childish blackmail at all, and showed Reimu the photos she took.

Lu Yu's tone was very magnanimous, which made Reimu wonder if he had saved the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain.

Reimu thought that Lu Yu was lying to herself just now, but she didn't expect that he really told her how to operate, which surprised her a little.

"To pull people as coolies, of course, you must first send a gift to maintain your relationship."

As expected of the Hakurei witch, she took the opportunity to extort money.

Reimu didn't know what Lu Yu was thinking, and thought that Lu Yu just wanted to make herself happy.

Lu Yu said something that left Reimu in shock.

"I didn't expect you to be so kind?"

Hakurei Reimeng asked curiously.

"It's really rare to see Reimu's expression like this. You said that if you show this photo to Marisa and Suika, will they both be moved to tears?"

"Long press the picture to operate.

Lu Yu smiled.

"Thank you so much then!"

When Lu Yu heard this, he always felt a sense of disobedience, and hit the red and white witch with a knife with one hand.

PS: For the sake of transition, this chapter is biased towards daily life. I would like to ask if you like this kind of plot, or if you continue to develop the plot of events as before, I will adjust the rhythm appropriately according to your feedback.

Reimeng looked at him suspiciously, but chose to follow his instructions to try.

As expected of the Hakurei Reimu who does nothing all day and never cultivates, but is still the strongest witch in history, even the gods can learn it so easily by relying on this ability.

Before, he used a golden mountain to tempt Hakurei Reimu to agree to his request.

"Actually learned so quickly... as expected of Reimu."

Bo Liling dreamed of the scene of her few friends looking for food for her, and the curvature of the corners of her mouth softened a little.

Now that Reimu is here, does it mean that she has learned to rely on the gods?

"Give this to me?"

"After all, I'm not a demon either!"

Although he has cheated many people, in all fairness, he feels that although he is far from a good person in the traditional sense, he is definitely not a bad person.

Hakurei Reimu held the phone with a strange gesture, and then asked a question.

"I'm not a criminal who uses photos to blackmail girls. If you don't want others to see it, I'll give it to you."5

"Probably not bad..."


"Although Gensokyo doesn't have a network, it can be used as a camera. The capacity of this phone is dozens of times larger than that of ordinary phones.

"Huh? I'll listen to your sophistry."

The sound of the phone taking pictures rang.

"Why did you suddenly give me a present?"

Lingmeng didn't mind Lu Yu holding her photo on her phone, but this photo alone was not enough. She didn't want to be seen like this by two bad friends.

Unexpectedly, Lu Yu did not dodge, but allowed Reimu, who jumped on him, to steal the phone.

This is Mianyue Yiji's signature core ability, but it was learned in such a short period of time. The level of genius is simply abnormal.

"On this point, I still advise you not to delete. 95

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