An Infinite Dimension Store

Chaos in the 263 dimensional store

"...what are you thinking about!"

Therefore, what he cares about is not the issue of strength, but the issue of why Taoli would do this.

After all, it is unwise to rashly provoke a strong enemy for the master.

Izayoi Sakuya is still in awe of Lu Yu who defeated all the members of her Scarlet Devil Mansion, so she can only turn a blind eye to this kind of words that offend her eldest lady.

Lu Yu asked curiously.


"Well, we know!"

"Dolly, what's going on?"

"Ah pain!"

Although the world line of Young Flash, the myth has been messed up by him, but according to Lu Yu's observation, this world is very likely to be the world line of FGO.

Before Lu Yu made a sound, Taoli had already seen Lu Yu's figure.

A black long-haired girl in a red and white traditional witch costume is sitting on the sofa, looking a little scared and a little excited, holding a black baton in one hand, and holding a cup of tea in the other hand, sipping a small sip. .

——Mainly to prevent the two goddesses from pinching after he left.

"Vampires don't get rabies... do they?"

One is the vampire Remilia, who is wearing a dress and looks extremely petite, more like a young girl than Loli;

"Ow! 35

Although she is a maid serving vampires, she doesn't know what kind of animal vampires belong to.

What he cared about was not that the girls in Gensokyo would rush into the streets.

Relying on his petite figure, he climbed directly under the tea table.

Speaking of which, Ishtar's priesthood is indeed messy and numerous, and some power has been obtained from each god, no wonder she is called the most beloved princess of the Sumerian pantheon.

At Taoli's feet, in front of the tea table, three unknown objects were lying softly on the ground.

Although I don't think that as a god, I will encounter any troubles that I can't solve.

But Ailey and Ishtar were both very excited, and unknowingly, happy smiles appeared on their faces.

The three girls from Gensokyo threw themselves on the street at this time, lying on the ground to receive Taoli's lecture.

Ishtar covered his head with his hands and said confidently.

Taoli, with long brown hair, looked helplessly at the three charred objects under her feet, puffing her cheeks and preaching.

Lu Yu found himself seemingly unable to refute.

She couldn't help but silently knocked her head hard.

This is the first time Lu Yu has seen her take action.

The scorched black marks on her body could be seen from a single glance, which meant that Taoli had attacked them.

Then little by little, like a caterpillar, it twisted forward in front of the sofa, and the cold little hand grabbed the ankle of the black long and straight little girl who was caught off guard.

Lu Yu returned to the Dimension Store with the silver-haired Loli Humbaba.

"Does this child have rabies?"

One is Hakurei Reimu, who is wearing a red and white shrine maiden's costume, the big bow behind her head is still swaying in the wind;

Like a tiger cub rushing towards food, the small mouth directly bit it.

If you look closely, you can see that Lu Yu really knows these three unknown objects.

Speaking of which, she was also a little unconfident.

"Can you think healthy!

The petite body was also lifted directly by Lu Yu like a kitten.

187 "Delicious...blood!

"...Are you serious?"

Step out from the dimension tunnel.

One bite in one bite.

Leave the card at this time, and if there is a real crisis, the safety of the two goddesses can also be absolutely guaranteed.

Hearing Lu Yu's words, he felt his concern.


What should I say, these two goddesses are so coaxing!

Dolly turned her head and found that Remilia, who had been punished by electric shock and should have been lying on the ground, took advantage of her not paying attention.

Looking at the young vampire with bright red eyes like light bulbs, Lu Yu looked suspiciously at the maid serving Remilia, Sakuya Izayoi.

After temporarily resolving the conflict between the two goddesses, Lu Yu said goodbye to the reluctant Ai Lei, and took Ishtar back to the world.

A young girl with silver hair and a slender figure in a blue and white maid uniform, that is the maid of the Scarlet Devil Mansion, Sakuya Izayoi;

As soon as I walked out of the door, I saw a strange scene.

The long black girl in the red and white traditional witch costume suddenly let out a coquettish cry.

Not to mention Gensokyo girls, even if the demon gods come here, they will rush to the streets.

Remilia, who stuck her hand out from under the tea table, really looked like an evil spirit crawling out of hell.

After returning with Ishtar, Lu Yu, You Shan and others also said goodbye, and then brought Humbaba alone and returned to the Dimension Store from the Xingyue World.

Although in terms of strength, Tao Li is a LV4 level super power, no matter who is the opponent of the three Gensokyo, there is absolutely no chance of winning.

Although she is a vampire.

In the future, it is very likely that Getia, who calls himself the Demon King, will set Uruk as a historical singularity, which is a disaster that ordinary gods cannot contend with.

Seriously, Lu Yu warned the two goddesses.

For a time, the clerk's mood was extremely complicated.

She was about to explain the cause of the sight before her.

I have long known that the manager is a big radish.

This made Lu Yu very concerned.

But as a clerk in a dimension store, Taoli has the authority to ban magic.

Even the goddesses of Ish 13 Tal and Ereshkigal are at the level of the main gods.

"All in all, if you have something to do, you can come to me through this card, but don't lose it!

She was ready to speak with joy, and then she saw the silver-haired Loli behind Lu Yu.

With Taoli's character, it's hard to be angry.

At this time-

If it's just verbal provocation or contempt, as long as it doesn't involve Lu Yu or Shokuhou Chaoqi, she will never react too much, let alone use force to interfere.

Remilia raised her head, her bright red pupils seemed to glow.

Only then did Lu Yu realize that what Ishtar meant by a female friend.

Taoli sighed helplessly, not entangled on this point.

She looked eagerly at the slender and white calf line of the girl in the witch costume in front of her, and after swallowing a mouthful of saliva, her lips were slightly opened, and her small tiger teeth were sharply exposed.

"I'm the goddess of love and fertility, and it's normal to think these things in my head! 35



Lu Yu made a reasonable guess.

Lu Yu pinched Remilia's back collar, like pinching the back of Remilia's neck.

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