An Infinite Dimension Store

The season of 260 white album is here again

Across the sea of ​​flowers, although Ishtar almost lost her way a few times, with the help of the crown and other divine equipment on her body, she quickly found the right path.

As the most beloved daughter of God King An, the divine costume on her body is a gift from the gods.

These costumes symbolize the favor of the gods, and also represent the power of each one.

Although the powers attached to these divine costumes are completely inferior to the power of the Lord God, they are only subordinate to God, but the seven divine costumes added together are very powerful.

Even in the underworld, these divine outfits can guide her forward.

Follow the right path and walk for a few minutes.

Ishtar came to the edge of a stone bridge, the only way to the palace of the underworld.

The stone bridge is three or four meters wide, with endless abyss on both sides.

Now that he can't fly, even Ishtar can't guarantee his own safety if he falls off the bridge and falls into the abyss.

After all, this is the underworld - the land of the dead!

Step onto the bridge.

Soon, Ishtar came to the Seventh Stone Gate on the bridge, which was the first level of the Seventh Trial.

There are restrictions on the stone gate, and there is no possibility of going over it.

Seemingly surprised by Ishtar's arrival, Shimen was silent for dozens of seconds before slowly emitting an ancient and vicissitudes of life.

"O living beings who have fallen into the underworld, answer how their souls exist!"

"I am the gate of a fair and rational judgment. If 183 can answer my question, then I am qualified to move on. Otherwise, I will be mercilessly punished by the underworld!"

"Excuse me, do you accept this trial?!

Hearing Shimen's question, Ishtar answered without hesitation.


From childhood to adulthood, except for the setbacks in Lu Yu.

Ishtar doesn't know what to be afraid of!

It's just a mere trial, how can she stop her from rescuing the person she likes!

No matter what the question is, she will answer it here!

"Very well, then ask the sinful Ishtar!

Shimen accepts her challenge.

"Why am I so sinful!

Ishtar raised his fist in protest, but was directly ignored by Shimen.

"As we all know, those who prefer lies will be attacked by lies. Today, an ordinary human Ishtar, who is full of lies and shameless, has issued a declaration."

Shimen asked a question.

“She said: What I am saying now is a lie.35

"Then, may I ask, is Ishtar's statement a lie or the truth?"

Shimen's question ended.

Ishtar was dissatisfied again.

"Who do you say is despicable and shameless and full of lies!!!

She confirmed one thing, that is, this stone gate is full of malice towards her.

However, mere anger is of no use.

If you have grievances, just leave it to Elle, the goddess of the underworld.

Now, the priority is to solve this problem.


Although this question seems simple, you can choose one of the two, but it is not the case when you think about it.

If the answer is a lie, then "Ishtar" in the question is telling the truth, because she really lied.

If the answer is the truth, then according to her truth, she is telling a lie.

No matter which one you choose, circular self-evidence will overturn your answer.

In the face of the very famous "Liar's Paradox", even the goddess Ishtar scratching her bald head could not think of the correct answer.

In other words, whether there is a correct answer to this question is doubtful.

After thinking about it for a long time, even with the help of the divine costume symbolizing wisdom, Ishtar could not come up with an answer.

In the end, only one can be chosen at will.

Then, it was wrong.

"wrong answer!

Shimen made a cold voice, and then said.

"According to the rules of the underworld, the questioner is punished by depriving the goddess Ishtar of the crown."9

A majestic Yin thunder mercilessly bombarded Ishtar's body.

At the same time, the crown on Ishtar's head disappeared directly.

"Ah—it hurts, hurts, hurts!"

Ishtar was directly struck by lightning to the point of smoking.

The supple blond hair is fried, like a golden lion king.

The proud goddess said with tears in her eyes, very aggrieved.

"Even Lu Yu never hit me like that!"

Her delicate lips were shriveled, and she almost cried out! (bddb)

She has never suffered such a big loss in her life!

Even Lu Yu never beat her like this!


For a moment, Ishtar even wanted to overturn the table.

But this trip was for Lu Yu, and she had no reason to back off.

The pampered goddess wiped her tears helplessly on the spot, knelt and sat on the ground for a while before finally adjusting.

Thinking of her goal, the blonde goddess had a rare resolute expression on her face.

"Never give up!"

"I mustn't let that idiot Ereshkigal look down on me!"

"Never let Lu Yu fall into the clutches of any woman!

Holding such a belief, Ishtar, who lost his crown, his body was scorched black by lightning, and his hair was scattered, endured the pain, passed through the stone gate, and continued to the next level.

"Is there an end to the universe?

"Just ask, if a human goes back in time and kills his grandfather..."

One by one completely unsolvable problems were thrown in front of Ishtar.

One after another punishing lightning strikes hit her.

The divine outfit on his body is also decreasing one by one.

Although the back, seems to be because of some unbearable. There were indeed a few questions that could be guessed right by luck, but Ishtar, who had lost his divine outfit, did not have such good luck, and answered all of them incorrectly.

In the end, Ishtar's divine outfit was gone.

The whole person was also injured by multiple lightning strikes. Although the god's body was not seriously injured, the bone-piercing pain was unavoidable.

Only the Tianzhou Ma Anna was left, which could be used to cover her body and moved with her.

Fortunately, in the underworld of Nuoda, there are no creatures except Lu Yu and Ai Lei.

The souls of the dead are also kept in cages and will never appear in the depths of the underworld.

So, Ishtar does not have to worry about being seen.

Dragging a tired, even scarred body, Ishtar finally crossed the stone bridge and came to the palace of the underworld.

"Next, save Lu Yu from Ereshkigal!"

With such a mentality, the tired Ishtar showed a happy smile.


She stepped onto the last flight of stairs.


The smile solidified.

The red pupils, which contained warm colors, also lost their highlights in an instant and were covered by shadows.

The goddess who went through the seven trials and continued to move forward completely stopped.

in front of her.

In the palace of the underworld, in the center of the sea of ​​red flowers.

Ereshkigal, the goddess of the underworld, leaned her head on the shoulder of the man she longed for.

Between the two, there was laughter.

A piece of harmony.

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