An Infinite Dimension Store

257 years of love less than

The time is adjusted forward by a few hours.

It was still late at night, and the silver-haired Loli Humbaba sat on the bed obediently, waiting for the master's return.

However... half an hour passed, still no movement.

Previously, the owner said that he would return when he went, and Humbaba trusted this very much.

Having seen Lu Yu slaying the bull of the gods, the strongest beast of the Sumerian gods with one sword, in Humbaba's heart, Lu Yu's strength even surpassed that of the king of gods.

In this world, there should be no thing that can hinder the master's footsteps.

Therefore, the owner said to go and go back, it should be back soon.

However, the fact is that it has been half an hour and still has not waited for the master's return.

Was he stumped by someone he knew? Or was there some kind of powerful "one-eighty-zero" who sneaked up on the master?

For Humbaba, who does not know much about the world, it is impossible to make an accurate judgment.

However, out of concern for the master who rescued him from the rampage, Humbaba still made his own judgment.

- You have to ask for help.

So she walked out of the room, ready to ask her childhood playmate for help.

A few minutes later, in the palace of Uruk.

Both Young Shan and Enqi got up from their beds, and were informed by Humbaba that Lu Yu was temporarily missing.

Enkidu looked very worried, some messy green hair stuck to the front of his forehead.

"Isn't it the revenge of the goddess Ishtar?!

After all, Lu Yu just turned down Ishtar's marriage proposal, and it's hard not to think about it.

Young Flash didn't have much to worry about.

He yawned.

"It's all right! To the shopkeeper, Ishtar or something is like a fly, ready to go. 35

No one understands the strength of the owner of Lu Yu better than him.

In Young Shan's view, even if it is an enemy of this world, the owner of Lu Yu will not necessarily lose.

Not to mention a mere Ishtar.

"King! Lord Ishtar is said to be Uruk's patron saint, and can't be called a fly anyway?! 35

Siduri, who was awakened in the middle of the night, corrected You Shan's words helplessly.

"Yes yes! 35

You Shan replied insincerely and perfunctoryly.


Life is not easy, Siduri sighed.

Young Shan's dissatisfaction with Ishtar has not improved for more than ten years, and Siduri doesn't expect it to change after thinking about it.

Compared to this, the emergency just now is more important.

"How about I ask Goddess Ishtar?

Siduri suggested.

Although he knew that the attack was Tammuz, the god of plants, neither Young Shan nor Enkidu nor Siduri thought that Tammuz would be a threat.

Because Elle's sense of existence was too low, no one thought for a while that the goddess of the underworld would intervene in this matter.

For a time, the three agreed that it must be Ishtar, the goddess of love and battle, who had lost the battle and lost love.

——Even the most devout priest in his family does not believe in himself, the goddess Ishtar is truly unique in a sense.

It's normal for Tamuz, a licking dog, to run for the goddess's orders.

Therefore, upon hearing Siduri's suggestion, You Shan and Enkidu immediately nodded.

"Although I don't think that Ishtar... woman has the ability to stop the owner of Lu Yu, but you can also ask her, anyway, that idiot can't hide anything. Nian

Knowing Ishtar's temperament very well, knowing that she is not the type that is good at lying, Young Shan agrees with this direct method.

"As long as Ishtarken responds to you, things are really not difficult to figure out.

Enkidu also thought it was good.

If it's really the ghost of Ishtar, that's fine too.

For fear, Ishtar did not respond to Siduri's call.

Enkidu's worries soon came true.

As the head of the priestess, Siduri indeed has the ability to communicate with the gods.

But whether or not the gods respond to her depends on the mood of the gods...

In the splendid palace of the heaven, Ishtar tucked his knees and sat on the bed, his golden double ponytails that were full of vitality, like eggplants beaten by frost, lying on both sides of his head in depression.

Outside the room, the lights were bright; inside the room, it was pitch black.

The goddess of Venus, who has always been full of energy and was even secretly called by the gods to be somewhat neurotic, is now like a defeated dog, hugging herself tightly and chewing the pain of broken love.

This is the first time she has suffered such a big setback.

As the goddess of love, she has been defeated emotionally. If this news spreads out, I am afraid it will arouse the ridicule of the gods!

If it was before, Ishtar would definitely be very concerned about the fact that he was humiliated, and would be angry and threatened all those in the know not to talk about it everywhere!

But now, she no longer has such a heart.

It doesn't matter what the gods think of her than the pain of rejection!

Other people's opinions don't matter anymore...

Because there is nothing more worth caring about.

In this mental state of brokenheartedness, Siduri's call naturally could not attract Ishtar's attention.

"The call of believers? Can the goddess of love abandoned by love still be called a goddess..."

Slightly 3.1 With self-denial, Ishtar cast aside Siduri's call.

Then he hugged his knees, looked at the ground with blank eyes, and was sad alone.

After one rejection, generally speaking, in order to take into account the mood of the gods, the priest should not make a second call in a short time.

Soon, however, Ishtar received a second call.

A rejection!

Then, call for the third time.

- Reject... wait!

Ishtar, who was about to reject it, suddenly stopped.

What did that call just say?

"Lu Yu is gone?!"

Ishtar jumped off the princess bed and asked in disbelief.

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