An Infinite Dimension Store

251 Similar Sisters

"Although I'm not in this world, I do have a relationship with you, Ailey, so I'm a little happy when I see you."

Lu Yu showed the godhead corresponding to the power of [Black Dragon of the Underworld] that he copied from Marquis Vauban, indicating that what he said was true and not a deliberate friendship.

The power of the underworld originating from the two sides of the goddess Ishtar and the goddess Ereshkigal makes the goddess Aile feel a full sense of closeness.

——Guarding the empty underworld alone, this is the first time she has seen a godhead aura that is very similar to her own godhead. Inexplicably, there is a feeling that they are companions in her heart~.

"If this close name bothers you, I can take it back."

Deliberately showing a slightly lost tone -, Lu Yu added.

This little trick, in front of the goddess Aile, who was afraid of loneliness, naturally paid off quickly.

The big skeleton controlled by the flustered goddess of the underworld waved her hand very femininely.

"No, absolutely not! That's enough!"

If it was someone else who inexplicably showed closeness to him, Ereshkigal would definitely be very vigilant.

She itself is eager to care, but she has a contradictory personality that is vigilant about everything. Like a little hedgehog, she exposes all its thorns, and anyone who wants to approach her will be deeply stabbed by the thorns.

However, Lu Yu is different. Lu Yu, who has a godhead similar to her, is naturally on her side.

Therefore, because he was chosen to be a sacrifice to the underworld, he was wary of the gods Ai Lei, but he could not raise an instinctive hostile attitude towards Lu Yu, who was also the god of the underworld.

"That's great, Elle, you can just call me Lu Yu."

Lu Yu nodded happily.


The big skeleton twisted a few times and looked extremely intimidating.

In the palace in the depths of the underworld, Goddess Ereshkigal had a rare expression of joy on her face.

The joy of being called out by someone for the first time didn't last long, because Ereshkigal found a hot topic in Lu Yu's words.

"Lu, Lu Yu, you said just now that you are not related to me in this world, are you from another world?"

Ellie asked curiously.

Hearing this question, even a little dissatisfied in his heart why the goddess of the underworld is still very interested in Tammuz, who was shot by the man in front of him.

He always thought that Lu Yu was a god from a foreign country, but he didn't expect it to be a god from Otherworld.

This is great news.

In the world in front of him, even the gods, no one can have the power to cross the world.

If this is the case, the value of this Lu Yu is even higher than he imagined.

"That's right."

Lu Yu nodded generously.

"And I'm not from a parallel world of your world, but from the real Otherworld, a world without roots.

The Xingyue World also has its own massive parallel worlds, but these parallel worlds all flow out from the root, and are still different from the Otherworld that Lu Yu said is completely different.

Hearing this, Elle's eyes widened, looking very cute.

It is a pity that this beauty is reflected on the big skeleton, and there is no beauty.

"Real Otherworld?"

Alley exclaimed, she never thought that such a thing would exist.

However, Tammuz felt that something was wrong. He was already uneasy about the atmosphere between Lu Yu and Ai Lei that had become acquainted so quickly.

What Lu Yu said now has greatly increased the value of Lu Yu itself.

If the goddess of the underworld really believed it, it would be completely unknown whether the goddess of the underworld would still abide by the promise and kill this man.

After all, it is obvious that people who can travel around the world are more valuable than their own.

Thinking of this, Tammuz immediately spoke.

"Goddess Ereshkigal! Don't be deceived by this liar who is full of lies! The Otherworld that does not have the root, it is simply impossible to exist! Everything in the world comes from the outflow of the root, this man said The so-called 'real Otherworld' is a complete lie!

Tammuz refuted Lu Yu's statement with upright common sense.

For the gods, it is indisputable common sense and common sense that the world flows from its source.

——If there is no root, how can the world be born?

・・・・Seeking flowers・

If this is the barrier of knowledge and perception, then even the gods cannot escape the shackles of this basic common sense.

Tammuz's words are very reasonable.

Nothing is more persuasive than common sense and reasoning.

However, it is a pity.

The goddess never makes sense!

Hearing Tammuz's refutation, Ereshkigal, who had a natural affection for Lu Yu because of the godhead, bit his silver teeth and got angry.

"Shut up! It's not your turn to judge me and Lu Yu!"

Ellie, who was originally dissatisfied because Tammuz called her sister Ishtar a slut, took the opportunity to attack.

Even if she did hate Ishtar herself, it was between their sisters.

Where is it the turn of an outsider like Tammuz to insult him face to face?!


As the dignified god of plants, he was reprimanded again and again by the dark woman in front of him who was sent to the underworld.

Even a god who is good at forbearance like Tammuz can't stand it anymore.

More importantly, looking at the attitude of the goddess of the underworld, she didn't want to complete the transaction at all, and she would never take action against that man.

This is the most unacceptable point of Tammuz.

"Do you really want to kill this man!"

The God of Plants looked at the big skeleton in front of him angrily, and the backlog of emotions erupted.

"Didn't we agree before that you will attack him when I bring him here! Now that you have pulled him to the underworld as planned, why haven't you started yet!"

Tammuz asked righteously, but for a while, he couldn't care that he was still in the underworld, and he didn't have the qualifications to be assigned to the goddess of the underworld.


Being questioned by his fierce words, he was originally aggressive and wanted to pay back the unspeakable goddess of the underworld that Tammuz had just said, but he lost his aura for a while.

She was a little panicked, and temporarily forgot that she was the master of the underworld, and there was no need to obey the words of other gods.

"This...there are various reasons..."

The goddess of the underworld defended weakly.

"It's not because I regret anything..."

Gives the explanation that there is no silver 300 taels here.

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