An Infinite Dimension Store

240 Deprivation of theocracy

The attack that was enough to penetrate the leylines, like a meteor, completely destroyed the banquet hall of the gods.

"What do you mean, it's like this goddess can't get married! Can a powerful and beautiful partner like this goddess be found in the world?"

"After Tammuz lost his life, he should have a little memory!""

"It's because of you that no one likes you!

Ishtar's almond eyes widened immediately, and the Tianzhou Ma Anna, who had just fired a golden star cannon, aimed at the god who was speaking, and the threatening situation was self-evident.

Tammuz repeated hatred for the god who caused his current situation, and his chest was full of anger.

As the god of the world, he may be nailed to the pillar of shame in the pantheon.

After issuing the declaration, Ishtar took a confident pace, put away the Tianzhou Ma Anna, and left the banquet hall that had been destroyed into ruins.

What's more, what Tammuz did this time was indeed not worthy of sympathy.

"Tamuz, the god of plants, because you took action against the goddess of harvest and battle without authorization, trying to influence the decision of the god king, the god king An issued an order that will deprive you of half of your divine power. During this period, you should reflect on yourself!"

When the boring gods gossip about Ishtar's marriage.

And, over time, the story is likely to evolve into a more unacceptable gesture.

"What did you say?!"

"Damn it, damn it!

"No, no, nothing, Ishtar, your chosen husband must like you very much! I wish you a peaceful life!"

The bold god muttered in a low voice.

After Tammuz, the God of Plants, was released from the rotten husk, the entire ivy completely dissipated like fly ash.

Ishtar shook his long golden hair, nodded with satisfaction, and put away the weapons around him.

Not only did the marriage plan fail completely, but he was also humiliated by that slut in Ishtar in front of the gods and lost two lives!

"That's right, otherwise why has Ishtar never been able to find a satisfactory husband, because no one can stand her violent temper!

"Who knows, maybe coveting Ishtar's beauty?"

He already has a small number of believers, and because of this incident, it will inevitably become fewer.

No one cares about the current situation of Tammuz, who was just taken by Ishtar once.

She glanced at the gods dissatisfied, and asked loudly.

"Looks like, really wants to kidnap human males as husbands!"

"Are you here?"

The arrangement of Tianshen's hand is obvious.

In the depths of the heavens, in a simple palace.

"I'm going to take my husband back now. Just wait for my wedding and give my blessings to this goddess!"

But even so, the top of the ivy still bears fruit again.

"Fortunately, if it's just a human being, it's actually not a big deal."

Just complained about Ishtar's rude behavior.

Everyone was curious about what Ishtar's chosen husband would look like.

Although their status as gods is not high, they are not comparable to these main gods, but because they shoulder the responsibility of conveying the orders of the king of gods, no one will underestimate them.

"Ha? Ishtar is indeed top-notch just by looking at his face, but no one can stand that character?! 35

"Hmph, it's almost there!"

After all, there are many disputes among the gods.

Therefore, although it only happens in the heavens, there will definitely be good deities who will treat it as a joke and talk, and tell it as a story to his followers.

His perfect plan, (bddb) would have come to an end.

Exactly, perfect to incorporate Ishtar's husband into the pantheon.

Tammuz slammed the ground hard and said viciously.

"Damn Lu Yu!""

At the same time, the life of Tammuz, the god of plants, was also destroyed.

Before long, this incident will spread throughout the two river basins.

If it hadn't been for him to win, he would have killed this man long ago!

With the roar of a defeated dog, Tammuz, the god of plants, went mad and pulled all the plants in the yard from the soil, then tore them to pieces, and the yard was finally full of messes.

The comer is the subordinate god responsible for communication.

The god was stunned immediately.

Just when he was full of anger and could not vent his anger, someone came to visit in his humble palace.

Tammuz looked at the subordinate god in front of him doubtfully, but his heart sank.

He attacked Ishtar by surprise, of course it was wrong, but Ishtar also fought back and killed him, no matter how you looked at it, it was worth it.

With Tammuz's popularity, even if he was killed directly, no one would stand up to speak for him.

But at the last moment, it was destroyed by the foreign god named Lu Yu.

"To deprive the divine right for such a trivial matter is clearly paving the way for that Lu Yu! 35

"Speaking of which, didn't she just say that she found a lover, that person named Lu Yu is really miserable, but Ishtar has taken his fancy."

"I heard that right! Did Ishtar mean robbing?"

These extremely boring gods are still very closely related to humans.

But the gods of this era are not like statues after the era of gods disappeared.

"That idiot Tammuz, what are you doing to provoke the lunatic Ishtar!"

"Too capricious! Lord Tenjin is also doting on her too much!"

After Ishtar left, the gods became lively again.

"Screw rustling.

The self-confidence of being the mistress of the sky is unmistakable.

"Who said it wasn't! How unlucky was it that Ishtar was selected, and it felt as miserable as Tammuz."

The reason why he took this opportunity to deprive Tammuz of his theocracy is to confer these theocracy on Ishtar's chosen husband, Lu Yu, in the future.

In the garden of the palace, the branches and leaves of the mutated ivy gradually withered, and the roots exuded a stench of corruption.

The subordinate god officially announced the order of the god king, looked at Tammuz with pity, shook his head, and walked out.

However, hearing the words of these gods, Ishtar was angry.

Seeing Ishtar killing the gods, the gods did not panic because they knew that Tammuz had the ability to resurrect.


If it's just a face insult, it can be tolerated.

The gods whispered.

What a shame!

Rarely does such a thing rise to the point of deprivation of theocratic rights.

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