An Infinite Dimension Store

229 Silver Dragon and Boar

A gust of wind came and howled in the forest.

And it is different from the breath of the goddess Ishtar that Siduri felt before, it is a strange god!

"The mastermind behind the scenes?"

The entire space was shaken.

Facing the terrifying beast in front of them, Young Shan and Enkidu had solemn expressions and were always ready to fight.


Hearing this, Enkidu looked at Lu Yu's expression.

Young Flash spit out a black line.

And among the dragons, the most beautiful silver dragon.



Indeed, as Young Flash said, very calm.

"Mr. Lu Yu!"


If he was attacked by Humbaba unprepared, even if he took the medicine of immortality, he would definitely not survive.


This is an opponent of the size of the giant silver dragon.

"Yes, it seems to be worth looking forward to!


If the only place that is not harmonious, it is probably the eyes of the silver dragon.

He had played against Humbaba in a violent state, and knew the strength of Humbaba.

Even Humbaba was stunned for a moment, his momentum stagnant.

Humbaba appeared.

The flame is the supreme good, and it is believed that the flame can purify everything.

Enkidu agreed.


Young Shan also stepped aside, not going to fight Humbaba's flame head-on.

This is the breath of God!

Seeing this scene, Enkidu immediately rushed forward, preparing to restrain Humbaba's actions with the Chain of Heaven.

After burning for a few minutes, Humbaba stopped and no longer released dragon flames.

He was going to use his huge body to directly kill the human beings in front of him with a physical blow.

There is no use of power, no superpower, and no need for magic.


This is one of the incarnations of the [Eastern God of War] who usurped the power of Veleslana, the god of disobedience.

The cosmology that he is currently completing is the cosmology of Zoroastrianism.

The speaker is none other than Lu Yu.

"However, in the past, Humbaba's posture when he was quiet was much more beautiful than his current appearance." 35

Seemingly provoked, seeing that someone could survive in his own dragon flame, the huge silver dragon locked hatred on Lu Yu, and the red eyes were full of madness.

Facing this attack, Enkidu swiftly jumped to the side to avoid it.

Then, fluttering his huge wings, Humbaba flew directly towards Lu Yu, his claws flashing coldly aimed at Lu Yu's head.

Those crimson eyes that looked like crazy, and the elegant and beautiful silver body did not match in temperament.

"so beautiful!"

Completely unharmed, not even a drop of sweat shed.

About 20 to 30 meters high, the appearance is a traditional Western dragon shape, with dragon wings full of silver scales, enchanting and beautiful, with an artistic beauty of mystery and nobility.

What if I use too much strength and kill the silver dragon in front of me with one punch?

"Don't you think so?"

And when the two were chatting, Humbaba wouldn't watch dryly.

Lu Yu chuckled and shook his head.

The destructive power of dragon flames is much stronger than that of ordinary flames, and it can easily burn trees and turn the earth into magma.

After that, the flames that could burn the city drowned his entire being.

He sang in a low voice.

The breath of the entire divine beast swelled a lot in an instant!

Suddenly I felt an unfamiliar aura.

Lu Yu read out the words of attack and reinforcement.

The huge, flood-like sound gradually moved from far to near.

Hear this.

In the age of mythology, the aura of beasts that could dominate one side shrouded this area, and beasts and birds fled one after another.

"You broke the contract and brought sin to the world. The Lord said - the sinner will be punished. Smash his back, dig out his bones, hair, and brain, and trample the blood and soil together."

Sensing the presence of a hidden god, he gave up the idea of ​​knocking Humbaba with a punch.

Young Flash looked around with a dignified expression.

After all, immortality means not dying because of physical exhaustion.

The Humbaba in front of him is not a creature similar to a griffin as in the myths and legends, nor is it an ugly and powerful beast.

The dark giant wild boar was instantly enveloped in blue flames.

At this moment.

Young Flash stopped him.

When he was considering the amount of effort.

Instead, he began to chant Qiyan (de Li's) spirit.

"Looking at the appearance of big brother, it doesn't seem like he is not prepared, let's wait and see first, so as not to disturb big brother's plan!


Just seeing the beautiful silver dragon in front of him was a worthwhile trip.

For humans, dragons have a huge strength advantage.

"Of course, anyone who sees her, whether it's a human or a god, will think so!

Under the chanting of the word spirit, the land in front of Lu Yu instantly changed from fiery magma to black soil, the dark door to another world opened, and a huge black wild boar 20 meters high appeared from the door.

If it weren't for the fierce posture in front of him, the first time humans saw this behemoth, the first moment was definitely not the fear of the dragon, but the lament that there are such beautiful creatures in the world.

Only Lu Yu, standing in place, did not mean to avoid it at all.

The surface is not obvious.

"O bearers of sharp teeth! Kill them with one blow, trample them to pieces!

With a deafening dragon roar.

"I am the good of the good. 35

Godkiller's instinct made him a little excited.

Lu Yu guessed in his heart.

Completely different from the tense and chilling atmosphere in front of him, a sigh of admiration sounded.

The flames dissipated, and Lu Yu's figure appeared.

If the sect master of Zoroastrianism will be burned to death by flames, that would be a miracle!

"If you want to deal with me, flames are useless.

No, no!

The rushing wild boar and the silver dragon collided together, and the earth was roared by the collision, and even the city of Uruk could hear the huge movement here.

Even Young Shan, if he fought against Humbaba with his bare hands, he would definitely be killed instantly.

"Big brother! Now is not the time to say that! 35

Lu Yu looked at the beast in front of him expectantly.

Not to mention Young Flash and Enkidu.

If you are killed, no matter how much medicine you take, it will be useless.

The power that filled the air made You Shan and En Qidu both startled.

Blazing dragon flames spewed out from the mouth of the silver dragon in front of him, mercilessly spewing towards the three humans in front of him.

But as many experts speculate, she is the pinnacle of mythical beasts and phantom beasts - a dragon!

It seemed like a real coercion, overwhelming both the earth and the forest.

Shaking his head, Enkidu added:

The silver scales are as smooth as a carefully polished mirror, reflecting all the surrounding light.

Be ready to take another shot at the right time.

Using only the most basic magic, he was completely immune to the damage of dragon flames.

On Lu Yu's side, seeing that there are creatures who dare to wrestle with him, he almost laughed out loud.

Lu Yu asked back suspiciously.

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