An Infinite Dimension Store

219 Misaka's Exam

A broad-minded person like Lu Yu is naturally impossible to care about an idiot like Aqua.

There will be a chance to clean up this guy later.

So, the three of them parted peacefully.

After separating from Aqua and Megumin, Lu Yu followed the guidance of passers-by and quickly came to Demon King City.

With Lu Yu's strength, if he wants to hide his breath, no one can detect it.

Without the Demon King's knowledge, Lu Yu quickly investigated the information about the Demon King's army.

The general information is similar to what Megumin reported.

However, in the Demon King's Army, the combat power of the cadre level is not eight, but nine.

However, this is not a big difference.

The Demon King's combat power, as Lu Yu had guessed before, was only at the purple level.

"It seems that the pattern of this world can be determined, and the combat power will not exceed purple."

Lu Yu confirmed the intelligence and came to a conclusion.

Even the great demons in hell have purple-level combat power in this world.

Hell, like heaven, does not allow more than normal combat power to come.

"Although the upper limit of the level is not high, the resources are not lacking, and it is more suitable for opening a store."

Lu Yu concluded.

Although it is not like the world of the godslayer, there are many orange-level items or abilities.

But the number and variety of purple-quality things in this world is also quite rich.

Whether it is an artifact, combat power, or all kinds of magic and magic items, they have everything.

In order to defeat the Demon King, Heaven has invested a lot of resources into this world. Although these resources have their own problems, there is still value in recycling them as the source point.

Therefore, opening a shop here, although it is impossible to have the lucrative returns of the Magic Forbidden World, can also have long-term benefits.

After confirming this, Lu Yu directly opened the space channel and returned to the dimension store.

Apart from Joan of Arc, who was still learning magic with Index, there were no other customers in the shop.

Lu Yu sorted out the information of Suqing World, and then made the otherworld common sense topic mentioned earlier and handed it to Taoli.

"Let's leave these questions to the sisters! Choose the one with the highest score々..

Lu Yu ordered.

"Well, I see. 35

Taoli nodded and took the test paper from Lu Yu.

She glanced at the questions and answers, and suddenly showed a strange look.

"How to answer this kind of question correctly..."

She began to sympathize with the confident Misakas.

In the Misaka network, an announcement was soon launched.

"Among the clerks recruited in the branch of the Otherworld Dimensional Store, the recruits will be recruited in the form of exams. Misakas need to complete the answers within half an hour. During this period, information can be inquired, discussions are allowed but direct plagiarism is not allowed, and all interpretation rights belong to the elder brother. ."5

The previous announcement was mainly to inform everyone that there are positions available for competition.

This announcement informs the screening mechanism.

Candidates are determined by examination.

Hearing this news, the Misaka sisters shook again.

"It's actually an exam! Misaka 00086 expressed concern. According to the information on the Internet, the exam is a nightmare experience for students.

"But the Misakas haven't really taken the exam, right? Misaka 00002 pointed out the fact that we all use learning machines to instill knowledge, and objected to Misaka 00086's nightmare.

"Isn't Misaka's knowledge reserve completely the same, in this case, the test results should be the same, Misaka 00999 expressed doubts. 99

"If it's a conjecture-type topic, Misaka is likely to choose different options, and Misaka 00101 proposes a theory.

In the quarrel and exchange between the Misakas, Dolly has edited those topics into files, put them on the Misaka network, and downloaded them to all Misakas.

In just one second, the titles were downloaded a thousand times.

Now, not counting Dolly, there are only 1,000 Misaka sisters in total.

It seems that even Misaka 00001 of the Vatican branch is very curious about this topic.

Soon, after reading the topic, Misaka Network became a mess again.

[Question 1: If you are an ordinary farmer, and the cabbage that you have worked hard to cultivate is in the harvest season, you should ( ) at this time. ]


[A: Pick cabbage with bare hands and sell it. ]

[B: Using a knife, intimidate the cabbage and harvest it. ]

[C: Put on weapons and armor, fight the cabbage, and conquer it. ]

[D: Give up the fight with the cabbage, and issue a quest to give the cabbage to the adventurer to solve. ]

After seeing the first multiple-choice question, most of Misaka's sisters were dumbfounded.

".々 Fighting with cabbage? Misaka 00666 guessed that cabbage refers to some kind of vicious monster, so he chose D."

"If you think about it based on common sense, you should choose A no matter what! Misaka 00888 came to a conclusion after consulting the vegetable industry of Academy City."

"Why not choose C? Misaka 00001 questioned and guessed that the cabbage was some kind of Pokémon-like creature.

"Pokémon? It has the characteristics of plants and animals at the same time... Although Misaka 00002 is very unwilling, he thinks that Misaka 00001 is right.

"Misaka 00101 also thinks what Misaka 00001 said is justified, but he still disagrees with what Misaka 00001 said before. To defeat the tyranny of Misaka 00001, my brother belongs to all Misaka!"9

"+1! Defeat the tyranny of Misaka 00001, my brother belongs to all Misaka!

"+1! Defeat the tyranny of Misaka 00001, the elder brother belongs to all Misaka!"

After the debate, most of Misaka's sisters agreed with Misaka 00001's statement, but there are still many Misaka who insist on their conjectures.

Under this fierce debate and exchange, the Misaka sisters started one topic after another.

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