An Infinite Dimension Store

205 Salvation Project

"Have you given up on the unlimited monthly reading plan... Then what are you going to do?

Lu Yu continued to ask.

Regarding the unlimited monthly reading plan, Lu Yu himself has a negative attitude.

No matter how beautiful a dream is, it is nothing but a fake.

Let all human beings indulge in the tranquility of nothingness, this is not a method of redemption at all, but pure destruction of the world.

The hymn of mankind is the hymn of courage, and the greatness of mankind is the greatness of courage.

Human beings have been fighting all the way from Homo sapiens to the present, relying on brains, wisdom and courage to become the primate of all things and gain absolute dominance in the biosphere.

If it is because of a little emotional pain, you will abandon the land that has been cultivated since ancient times and indulge in pure fantasy.

How is that different from suicide?

This is by no means the choice of the brave, but only the compromise of the coward.


Madara Uchiha pondered for a moment, then shook his head dejectedly.

"I have no idea.

After reading the Book of Destiny, Madara Uchiha lost the motivation to move forward while gaining the ability and intelligence to change everything.

Originally, he has clear ideals and goals, and also has a strong heart and strength, which is enough to support 127 him to formulate a plan that transcends life and death to bring peace in the Uchiha Madara way to the world.

So he didn't hesitate along the way.

Whether it was resurrection, fighting against the reincarnated Qianshou Zhuma, or planning his own resurrection and reincarnation, he was not at all confused.

Because he has already determined his mission.

Now, however, he sees the future in the Book of Fate.

This hit him hard.

The peace that I wanted to bring in my heart was actually just a conspiracy of Hei Jue.

Today, he no longer believes that infinite monthly reading can bring a beautiful environment to mankind

After all, the essence of this technique is actually the technique used by Kaguya Otsutsuki to create the Shirai Soldiers.

Therefore, even back to the original world, Madara Uchiha, there is no point in continuing the plan.

Lu Yu understands Madara Uchiha's mentality.

The goal of striving for a lifetime is just a scam, and everyone will lose it!

"Then would you choose to do nothing like the comic ending?"

Lu Yu asked again.

"The store manager is saying, leave the problem to the next generation?

Madara Uchiha remembered the final decision (bddb) between himself and Hashima in the manga.

But now he is in a different mood from himself in the Book of Fate, and he cannot agree with this.

He shook his head.

"I don't think this choice is right either. Although that kid named Uzumaki Naruto has sharp teeth and sharp mouth, didn't he change anything in the end?!"

Perhaps it is because of reading to understand the future fate of the Ninja Continent.

Madara Uchiha, now there is an outsider's perspective.

Therefore, it was not affected by the mouth escape of the original book at all, but instead saw a lot of problems.

"Although Naruto Uzumaki influenced Nagato and Uchiha Obito, in the end, he didn't put forward his own ideas, and he still managed the ninja world according to Hashima's system."

"Perhaps when he and Uchiha Sasuke were alive, there would be no world war in the entire ninja world, but once they die, the five nations will fight over resources again."9

"Isn't this situation exactly the same as when Hashima was there, it's just that the person with absolute strength has changed.

Madara Uchiha commented with spicy words.

He saw it when he first set up a village in the Senjuzhujian.

The belief in protecting the village will instead breed darkness that will do everything for the village.

The village that was originally built to protect parents and brothers will sooner or later turn into killing parents and brothers for the sake of the village.

And, actually.

The completion of the village has indeed not restrained the behavior of the war.

On the contrary, the war between tribes has directly evolved into the war between countries, expanding a considerable scale.

Before Senju Hashima died, he suppressed the world with the strength of his ninja god, so no one dared to start a ninja war.

However, when he died, the first ninja war broke out immediately.

Everything is like an unsolved cycle.

Nagato, Obito, and Madara Uchiha all want to break the chains of hatred and war in their own way.

Although their way, in the eyes of people in the ninja world, they are all evil ways.

But that was also an attempt at a solution to the problem.

Uzumaki Naruto's ideal, although the mouth said that people can understand each other between people.

However, due to the difficulty, it is completely empty talk whether there is any effective strategy.

In fact, Naruto Uzumaki's approach is to maintain the status quo.

In Madara Uchiha's view, it is difficult to regard it as a path worth choosing.

It's just a reenactment of the history of the ninja world.

"You are indeed right.

Lu Yu nodded.

In fact, even in the blogosphere, the pattern of the ninja world has hardly changed.

"Since your ideas and Naruto's ideas are not good, why don't you try Uzumaki Nagato's method?

he suggested.

"The Nagato way?"

Madara Uchiha pondered for a few seconds.

"Building peace with absolute deterrence...will that solve the problem?

Although he was the one who led Nagato's thoughts, he did not delve into this line.

"Not so much. I do know of a world that has been at peace for quite some time with similar nuclear deterrence.

Lu Yu remembered his previous world and said.

"However, apart from deterrence, there are also many conventional weapons wars and other types of wars. It can only be said that large-scale wars of a world nature can be stopped to a certain extent."5

In fact, the fight is still fighting, but it has been replaced by a cultural war or an economic war.

It does not mean that as long as there is nuclear deterrence, you can live your life in peace.

The hairy bear, one of the two poles of the world, was fooled and crippled, and sold himself directly, leaving the lessons learned there.

It didn't take long for Ukraine to fall from a world-class nuclear power to become a kiln in Europe and the United States.

Even without the use of weapons, human struggles take many forms.

"That is to say, the effect is not obvious."

Madara Uchiha heard what Lu Yu meant, and after thinking for a while, added.

"Besides that... Juwei alone does not seem qualified to be an absolute deterrent. 39

When other people heard this sentence, they would definitely think that this Uchiha coercion king was pretending to be coercive again.

The tail beast itself is a great weapon of war.

The ten tails gathered together are an existence that can easily destroy a country.

This level of force, in today's ninja world, can completely become an absolute deterrent.

No ninja village can resist it.

However, Lu Yu nodded.

"indeed so.

express approval.

If you want to ask why-

"The immortals of the Six Paths are still peeping in the ninja world. If it's just the ten tails, you only need to give Naruto the power of the Six Paths to solve it. It is indeed not an absolute deterrent."

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