An Infinite Dimension Store

193 Vigor vs Heavy Punch

After Lu Yu left, there were five people left in the Scarlet Devil Mansion, Yakumo Zi and the Scarlet Devil Mansion.

"Solve my sister's problem?"

Remilia chewed on Lu Yu's words, and looked at Yakumo Zi with sharp red eyes.

"You monster sage, what did you mean by the helper you just said?"

Holding the gun of Gungnir in her hand, Remilia questioned in a bad tone.

To Lu Yu, I will only agree.

Facing Yakumo Zi, I hit hard.

"Who knows, I'm not very clear about that existence! 35

Yakumo Zi showed an innocent expression.

"I just happened to see him come back with Reimu, so I asked him to do me a favor. I don't actually know that adult well."

"If you're really unfamiliar, why would you entrust such an important matter to him?"

Remilia's little tiger teeth reflected a cold light, and stared at Yakumo Zi with dissatisfaction.

"Do you mean to say that you will bet the fate of Gensokyo on someone you don't even know?"

13 "Or...are you fooling me, Remilia, Yakumo Zi!"

Remilia doesn't believe the nonsense of this monster sage.

You must know that Yakumo Zi is notoriously scheming. If she believes that she will hand over the agreed task of destroying those vampires to people who do not know, then she is a fool.

Looking at Remilia's eyes.

Yakumo Zi put down the folding fan, revealing an elusive smile.

"Let's say... Little Bat, are you underestimating Gensokyo?"

She spoke in an unpredictable voice.

"The fate of Gensokyo? Depends on someone you don't know? Huh! 35

A mocking smile escaped from her delicate lips.

"I admit, that lord is indeed above Gensokyo's rank and possesses extremely powerful power."

Speaking of this sentence, Yakumo Zi's expression also has a hint of inconceivable, because Lu Yu is indeed beyond her imagination.

"However, if you think that Gensokyo will lose to those so-called vampires if the adult doesn't take action, then you are very wrong!

Saying that, Yakumo Zi showed an indifferent expression, her purple pupils without emotion, staring at the crowd in the Scarlet Devil Mansion without any substance.

"Hundreds of vampires who barely reach the level of big monsters want to occupy Gensokyo?"

She sneered and said in a disdainful tone.

"What do you think...what is this place?!

Suddenly, Yakumo Zi's aura was in full swing.

The overwhelming demonic energy, like a substantial ocean tide, rushed towards everyone in the Scarlet Devil Pavilion.

Like a hell!

The power of the monster sage accumulated for thousands of years, suddenly spewed out!

"So strong!"

Paqiuli frowned, a little unable to bear the pressure.

Yakumo Zi has always been known for the ingenuity of the monster sage, and has been known throughout the mysterious side.

No one would have thought that apart from resourcefulness and strength alone, Yakumo Zi would be worthy of the title of an old-fashioned monster.

"Pachi! Sakuya!"

Remilia found that neither Paqiuri nor Izayoi Sakuya seemed to be able to stop the aura of the Yokai Sage.

I was secretly shocked that Yakumo Zi's power was so terrifying.

She stepped forward and took two steps, standing in front of Paqiuli and Izayoi Sakuya, blocking Yakumo Zi's momentum.

The petite Remilia brought the two of them a complete sense of security.

"I understand!

Looking directly at Yakumo Zi's pupils, Remilia was not affected by Yakumo Zi's aura.

Possessing the divine weapon Gungnir, she does not think that Yakumo Zi is necessarily stronger than herself.

However, what she meant was clear.

Not to mention the other powerhouses in Gensokyo, even Yakumo Zi alone is enough to eradicate those vampires.

So, maybe as she said, she did not know Lu Yu well.

"But, it's about my sister, I need more information!"

Remilia said bluntly.

Flandre, because she can't control her abilities, often destroys things.

No matter if it's a human, a monster, or a vampire, no matter what kind of existence, as long as Fran is interested, it can be destroyed with a single pinch.

Thanks to this, even though Remilia doesn't like killing people, she usually buys blood and drinks in the hospital abiding by the law.

But because of Fran's reasons, it caused more serious riots than ordinary vampires, and had to fight with human forces again and again, with more and more enemies.

Fran's ability is too terrifying and too uncontrollable, whether it is a friend or a relative, she may be ruined by her at any time.

Therefore, in the end, she will choose to lock her own sister in the basement and keep her in confinement all year round, so that she will not be allowed to come out.

She naturally knew that this was too cruel for Fran.

But this is the best result.

Otherwise, if Fran accidentally kills a powerful figure in Gensokyo and provokes the entire Gensokyo, not only will the entire Scarlet Devil Mansion be in danger, but even Fran himself will be besieged and killed.

Finally repeat it again, in the external situation.

And now, from Lu Yu's mouth, it seems that there is hope to solve the problem of Fran's ability to get out of control.

As an older sister, Remilia is naturally very concerned about this.

"Information... I can tell you this."

Yakumo Zi regained her usual gentle and mysterious smile, and her aura also subsided, as if nothing had happened just now.

"But before that, what do you think of the 117 spell card rules?"

"I think it's acceptable.

Knowing that this is an equivalent exchange, Remilia nodded, she did not reject this rule.

"The monster initiates a mutation and is then retired. It can not only protect life safety, but also make it easier for managers to deal with the mutation, which is a good thing for both parties."

"That's fine.

Yakumo Zi nodded reassuringly.

"I can tell you everything I know about Mr. Lu Yu's information, but I hope that you will cause another mutation in the future..."

"Another mutation?"

Remilia looked at Yakumo Zi vigilantly: "Are you going to cut the grass and get rid of the roots? Monster sage!"

This mutation is enough!

The Scarlet Devil Mansion was almost wiped out!

How is it possible to do it again!

"No no no! 99

Yakumo Zi realized that Lu Yu had gone too far this time, which made Remilia a little scared.

Immediately shook his head.

"Then this time, I just need to activate the mutation according to the rules of the spell card. The main purpose is to show everyone the meaning of the rules of the spell card. When the time comes, I will let the Hakurei priestess come to solve the problem. That lord has no spare time. Keep running here! 35

"Huh...that's fine.

Remilia let out a sigh of relief, she would be a little scared if she really met Lu Yu again.

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