An Infinite Dimension Store

189 You are looking at me, jojo!

The witch known as the Great Library that doesn't move, obviously doesn't know what euphemism is.

All of a sudden, Remilia was so aggrieved that she almost cried "Wow"!

What does it mean to be too weak!

Remilia, who owns Gungnir, is not at all cowardly with ordinary angels or ordinary gods!

But no matter what, she is also a vampire.

How could it be possible to beat the sun god, let alone the sun god of the main god level!

There is also a huge gap between God and God.

Aggrieved, weak, afraid to speak.JPG


Although she is reluctant to admit it, Remilia still knows that Paqiuli's statement is very likely.

So she stretched out her right hand, and her bright red pupils began to glow slightly.

This is using her innate ability - the ability to manipulate the degree of fate.

Although this ability sounds very strong, unfortunately, Remilia's mastery is not high, and it can only be used to observe fate, and it is still unable to interfere.

Although for normal combat, it does not play much role.

But outside the battle, it was unexpectedly convenient.

On her petite Bai Nen's right hand, there was a faint thread of destiny entwined, and Remilia began to observe her own destiny.

"Huh...Pudge, you seem to be right."

After observing once, Remilia breathed a sigh of relief.

Although it is impossible to observe Lu Yu's attitude or anything, but in his fate line, the shadow of death has gone away, and it seems that the strong man named Lu Yu is indeed not here to destroy them.


Paqiuli was also relieved, if Lu Yu really wanted to defeat them, she really had no way to deal with the Sun God-level opponent.

"The lord should have arrived already!"

Paqiuli thought for a while, adjusted the magic mirror, and soon, she captured Lu Yu's figure.

This is already the corridor inside the Scarlet Devil Mansion.

"Is this the man who can release the sun, so Gensokyo also has good-looking men."

Seeing Lu Yu's appearance in the magic mirror, Remilia was a little surprised.

I hadn't seen it clearly when the confrontation just now, but now I realize that this is a handsome male that is rarely seen in Gensokyo.

Although she stayed in Gensokyo for a short time, and Remilia didn't pay attention to it, the trend in Gensokyo was too obvious.

This is a place where there are ten strong females and almost no strong males.

Even males with a weaker rank basically have strange and ugly faces, which are basically below the aesthetic line.

Therefore, Lu Yu's situation is extremely rare.

In the picture of the magic mirror, Lu Yu's steps suddenly stopped.

As if he noticed something, he looked up at the top of the empty space.

From Remilia's point of view, Lu Yu was staring at them.

"Are you looking at me? Vampire 々.! 55

In the magic mirror, Lu Yu's firm voice came, full of power.


Even though she was separated from the screen, Remilia felt as if she had been locked by Lu Yu's eyes, which surprised her.

Little Wing immediately hugged herself tightly, her body curled up immediately, and she instantly completed the head-holding squatting defense.

Izayoi Sakuya and Paqiuri were speechless at the same time, which was too embarrassing.

Although a little cute.

In the corridor of the Scarlet Devil Mansion.

Lu Yu suddenly felt a peeping gaze.

With his current strength, of course there will be no illusions.

He raised his head and looked diagonally upwards in front of him.

He is the lord of the sun, the lord of light and fire.

Therefore, those who can peep at him through the light will definitely be countered by him.

So, just by looking at it, he saw the situation on the side of the magic mirror peeping at him from the servants of light.

Vampires, maids, and witches are obviously not malicious.

So he played a trick.

"Are you looking at me? Vampire! 35

Putting on a JOJO standing pose, he looked across the screen.

Then, on the opposite side of the screen, the majestic Remilia was instantly frightened into a quail.

"Hey, am I so scary?"

The unconscious Lu Yu was very confused.

He stepped out, activated his spatial ability, and then directly entered the hall of the Scarlet Devil Mansion.

At this time, on the main seat, Remilia was still holding her head and squatting in defense, while Sakuya Izayoi and Paqiuri were instantly aware of Lu Yu's appearance.

"Your Majesty the Sun God, Gui'an!"

The witch of Seven Lights immediately pulled her skirt and performed a court ceremony with a very respectful attitude.

Izayoi Sakuya also bowed respectfully.

They don't want to provoke a great powerhouse because of etiquette.

After salute, Izayoi Sakuya quietly pulled Remilia's little hand and leaned over to remind in a low voice.

"Miss, the one is crowned, you must pay attention to the dignity of the Scarlet family!

It seemed that the words of the Scarlet family's decency touched Remilia.

After thinking about it, she immediately put down her shameful posture, and after tidying up her appearance, she put on a majestic look.

"Dear guest, welcome to visit the castle of the Scarlet family. I am the head of the Scarlet family, the vampire Remilia Scarlet. You can call me Remilia."

For the dignity of the Scarlet family, she forcibly cheered herself up, and after bending over to salute, her eyes met Lu Yu.


Still uncontrollably scared.

She swallowed.

"I don't mind if it's called Leimi or Xiaolei if you like...

The mood suddenly dropped.

"Let's call you Remilia!"

Lu Yu looked free and easy.

"But don't call me the sun god... Forget it, you can do whatever you want in this regard! 35

Although the way to obtain the power of [Eternal Burning Day] is to kill the gods, Lu Yu himself is not a goddess.

But power is bound to the Godhead.

In this sense, Lu Yu is indeed the godhead of the sun god, and the godhead of various other gods.

It is also normal to be recognized as the sun god.

"Excuse me, Your Excellency Lu Yu, what is the important thing in this visit?

Seeing Remilia's appearance, Paqiuli probably didn't use it (well), so she took the initiative to ask.

Hearing Paqiuli's question, Lu Yu showed a reassuring warm and hearty smile.

He said softly:

"I'm here to revive you!


Patchouli stammered.

"What, what did you just say?

"I'm here to revive you!

Lu Yu repeated gently.


The faces of the three girls suddenly turned pale. Isn't this, this, this still going to kill them? Noon!

Patchouli looked at Remilia and asked with a trembling voice.

"Remi, didn't you observe fate just now?"

"I, I, I don't know either! 35

Remilia wanted to cry without tears.

"Even now, the thread of destiny is quite normal!"

There is no omen of death at all!

"Miss, let's escape! 39

Izayoi Sakuya showed a broken-hearted expression, and when she was preparing, she stopped and ran away with a few people.

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