Lu Yu has so many abilities.

Not to mention the complicated scientific superpowers, there are dozens of powers that come from the godslayer world.

Among so many abilities, it is the most suitable for dealing with vampires.

Naturally, it was the spell card that Lu Yu originally created.

Sun Sign [Sun of Eternal Burning].

"Good morning, every body!"

Lu Yu greeted maliciously, and then released the power of the spell card.


Remilia, who has the ability to control fate, suddenly feels that her fate has been entangled by the shadow of death.

This is an emergency like never before!


She immediately shouted the name of her loyal maid.

Then, almost as soon as she shouted out.

Izayoi Sakuya activated his "one-one-three" ability and acted in the gap of time.

In the still world, the silver-haired maid directly took Remilia away and took her away from the battlefield.

the next moment.

Endless light scatters over the entire battlefield.

No, not just the battlefield at hand.

The entire Gensokyo could see that at midnight, the flaming sun that suddenly rose in the sky completely suppressed the brilliance of the moon and illuminated the whole area.

This is an astronomical change that covers the entire Gensokyo.

Above the torii gate of Hakurei Shrine, Yakumo Zi held a parasol and squinted at the distant sun, sighing involuntarily.

"It's really too much power!

It is indeed an overpowering force.

However, this is the result after Lu Yu has converged.

With Lu Yu's current strength, even if it is an orange-level power, he can still produce more than a star-burst output.

The sun in Gensokyo in the mere area, when he was only an orange power, could easily do it.

on the battlefield.

A piece of ashes.

Nothing could make a vampire feel more frightened than the greeting just now.

Good morning one by one! It also means the appearance of the rising sun.

The Sun Talisman [The Sun of Eternal Burning] has not shown its true power yet.

In fact, the spell card just now was just glowing.

It's not such a strong light, just the same light as an ordinary scorching sun.

Trees and dead grass have no trace of being ignited at all.

Just pure sunlight.

However, this pure light, to a vampire, is like a poisonous wine that eats the soul.

There is nothing that scares vampires more than sunlight.

In just an instant, hundreds of vampires turned into ashes.

When the evening wind blew, the ashes were swept away.

Nothing is left.

If Remilia hadn't run fast, she might have lost her life here.

After getting rid of these trash fish easily.

Lu Yu turned his attention to the red mansion in front of him, which is called the Scarlet Devil Mansion.

"You, you...what are you doing?"

At the entrance of the Scarlet Devil Museum, a girl with red hair and a Chinese cheongsam looked at Lu Yu with fear and tears.

Also put on a common martial arts starting style.

"I'm the guard of the Scarlet Devil Mansion, and I won't let you go in and bully the eldest!

Even though she was terrified of Lu Yu who had just killed hundreds of vampires at once, she still did not flinch.

"...Why do you make it seem like I'm a bully who bullies girls."

Lu Yu said speechlessly.

"It's obviously you who caused the mutation, right?"


The red-haired girl was taken aback and scratched her head.

"You seem to be right."

"Since it makes sense, get out of the way! 35

Lu Yu took a step forward and walked towards the interior of the Scarlet Devil Mansion.


The red-haired girl made a flustered voice, feeling a little overwhelmed.

However, before Lu Yu stepped into the door, the red-haired girl finally stopped Lu Yu.

"Sorry, Your Excellency! As a doorman, I can't let anyone in at will!

Her expression was very determined, and it seemed that she would stop Lu Yu at any cost.

"It's more convenient to express this position earlier.

Lu Yu is not surprising.

He also knew the information about the girl in front of him. Although he likes to be lazy, he is by no means a person without a sense of responsibility. It is impossible to just let him go.

"Under Hong Meiling! Luo

The red-haired girl reported her name in the manner of Chinese martial arts.

"My name is Lu Yu.

Lu Yu waved his hand.

Then he teleported directly to the inside of the Scarlet Devil Mansion, and had no intention of fighting Hong Meiling at all...

"Wait! Your Excellency!

Originally thought that Lu Yu would fight against himself according to the rules, but he didn't expect him to go in directly.

Hong Meiling was stunned for a moment, then immediately chased after her.

"If you don't win, you won't be allowed in!"

She said persistently, and then directly grabbed Lu Yu's arm with one hand, preventing him from moving forward.

Lu Yu didn't look back when she heard what she said.

"You solve your own problems first!"

While speaking, he used the articulation technique to easily get out of Hong Meiling's firm grip.

Then, with a gentle elbow, Hong Meiling was directly knocked several dozen meters into the air.

Originating from Chiyou's divine domain level martial arts, even in the unarmed state, it has a very powerful formidable power and control.


Hong Meiling, who has studied martial arts, never thought that her grappling hand would be cracked so easily.

The whole person was knocked back dozens of meters, and when she fell to the ground, her mind was also full of shocks.

For so many years, this is the first existence that can completely crush her in martial arts!

What level of martial arts is this?!



Although her brain was in a state of shock, the shock unique to martial artists made Hong Meiling aware of the danger coming from behind.

She rolled around like a lazy donkey and avoided the crisis.


The fiery beam of light cut the land just now by tens of meters vertically and horizontally in the state of roulette 3.1.

Only then did Hong Meiling remember that the first spell card released by the man named Lu Yu just now was not taken back by him.

She looked up in embarrassment.

It was found that above the sky, around the sun wheel, there are thousands of colored light spots, which are rotating at a unique rhythm.

Seemingly aware of Hong Meiling's gaze, these dazzling barrages rushed towards her.

Tracking Bullets!


Hong Meiling rolled over and avoided a round of barrage attacks.

Then, he had no time to spare, and fled in embarrassment in front of the tracking-type barrage.

She just realized.

What did Lu Yu mean before - solve your own problems.

It really does not stop for a moment, otherwise it will be overwhelmed by the barrage attack.

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