An Infinite Dimension Store

176 Boil the big b1s into soup

Vatican City, St. Peter's Basilica.

All the clergy withdrew, and only the Pope remained in the center of the church.

It was a daily practice, and the clergy speculated that it was the time when the Pope was talking to the Lord or an angel, and there were rumors that the Pope might have kept a mistress.

Or maybe the Pope's own prayer time.

Opinions vary.

However, the truth is actually very simple, just to hide the existence of the right seat of God.

After all, the doctrine of Crusades cannot allow the existence of an organization that dares to be equal to God, and even attempts to achieve it.

"Hehe~ The latest information shows that the British Puritans lost their little lamb!

Right Fire threw the information on the table and showed an interesting smile~.


Hearing that the water in the rear was the information of the British Puritans, his eyes became solemn.

The tone is extremely casual, and after reading the information at a glance, it seems that he is discussing something irrelevant - the country.

"It's just magic books, nothing of value.

Modern magicians generally use the modern magic system created by Aleister.

These magic books, which are poisonous to read only, are still extremely dangerous items for modern magicians, just like the Books of Heaven.

Therefore, the outflow of the magic book is not as harmful as it used to be.

"The humanoid magic book that recorded the heresy magic book?"

The land on the left showed blatant disgust.

"That heresy deserves to be called a lamb?"

He is a standard religious fanatic with a dream of saving mankind in his heart.

By his standards, however, only followers of the Roman Orthodox Church could be considered human.

"These magic books are useful to me, anyway, the Puritanism has lost the lamb's collar, why don't we take action to recover the catalog of forbidden books... Do you think so, His Majesty the Pope?'

The fire on the right looked at the Pope with a confident smile.

He was forcing the Pope to sign the order according to his own instructions.

After all, because the right seat of God needs the principle of secrecy, the Roman Orthodox Church does not recognize his orders, and only obeys the Pope.

Therefore, if there is usually any order to be issued, the fire on the right will borrow the Pope's hand.

He achieves his own goals in the dark.

Usually, due to his own oppression, the Pope would bargain with him for nonsense several times before signing the order.

However, this time is rare.


The Pope was silent.

The old man with a white beard, who usually looked very kind, looked at the fire to the right with extremely determined eyes.

He shook his head.

"I will not sign an order that will hurt the relationship with the Anglican Church, is inconsistent with the teachings, and will not benefit our people."

Resolutely, the Pope refused the order of the Fire of the Right.


I didn't expect you to be so bloody!

The wind ahead cast a shocked look at the Pope.

what did she see?

How dare the Pope refuse the fire of the right?!

"Your Majesty the Pope!

The water in the back tried to stop it.

But not so firm.

He knows the Pope's confidence, but he is not sure that the Pope's cards can really beat the fire on the right.

He hadn't figured out the bottom of the fire on the right.

However, at the same time, he also hopes that the Pope has really gained enough power to compete with the fire on the right.

Suppress this lunatic.

After all, the right side of the fire is really dangerous.

Totally a war madman!

It would be a good thing for the Roman Orthodox Church as well as for England if this man could be defeated.


On the left side, it looks like a good show.

He is naturally not the type that respects the authority of the Pope, but he will not support the fire of the right.

Because of that man, no support is needed at all.

Just watch it.


Being rejected by the Pope, the fire on the right did not turn into anger at all.

Instead, he looked at the Pope with interest.

"I've always ignored it before. I didn't expect the toad in the well to have the courage to swallow the sky, especially since you don't know when you gathered such power."

"However, don't you think that this alone can defeat the uncle, and that this level alone can defeat the right side of me?

・・・ Flowers・・

Right Fire looked at the aged Pope in front of him with a mocking expression, as if looking at some rare clown.

"Don't be too presumptuous, right fire!"

Even the gentle-natured Pope could not help but get angry.

"Do you think you can cover the sky with one hand?!"

he roared loudly.

At the same time, St. Peter's Basilica shines brightly.

"I am the Pope of the Roman Orthodox Church!""

The old man holds the light in his hand.

"This is the divine power that has supported and guided two billion believers for two thousand years!39

"Today, it will be used to punish you, a blasphemous sinner!"

For two thousand years, the energy of two billion believers gathered in the center of the church, and then, following the Pope's order, launched an attack on the fire to the right.


This is a blow that can kill a saint with pure power.

The entire church was split in half.


In the dust, a disdainful sneer came out.

"A mere two thousand years!"

"A mere two billion!"

Right Fire's figure changed from blurry to clear, and above his right arm, a red dragon claw-like right hand appeared.

"How could it be worth the right hand of this uncle!"

Swipe lightly.

Like the autumn wind sweeping away the leaves, he mercilessly erased the Pope's trump card.


Although expected to be the result.

But looking at the trump card that the popes of all dynasties relied on, they were destroyed like graffiti by the fire on the right.

It would be a lie to say that there is no loss.


"I haven't lost yet!

Sure enough, it was the right choice to spend all of your savings to find a dimension store to gain strength.

Even the trump card of the Pope's past dynasties is so fragile, I am afraid that only the power obtained from the dimension store can sanction the fire of the right.

Pope Matthew Lis, firmly took out a pair of glasses from his chest.

Then put your eyes on.

"Old man - can also become light!""

The light flashed.

A red giant piercing the sky appeared above the ruins of St. Peter's Basilica.

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