"Sounds like a good suggestion.

Lu Yu said.

If it was an ordinary godslayer, he would definitely agree to Mekal's conditions.

After all, killing a god in a state of serious injury is not recognized by Pandora, nor can he obtain the corresponding power.

But what Mekal didn't know was that.

With the relationship between Lu Yu and Pandora, even if they are killed by sneak attack, they can gain power.

Not to mention, Lu Yu doesn't need to go through Pandora at all to get the full power of the God of Disobedience.

"So are we going to join forces?"

Mekal breathed a sigh of relief, but remained vigilant.

"No, I choose to refuse!""

Lu Yu shook his head.

"My favorite thing to do is say [NO] to self-righteous people!

"Sure enough we can't talk about it!"

It seems to have prepared for this situation, or planned to steal 11 attacks on Lu Yu from the very beginning.

After Mekal was surprised, he started directly.

"Chase! Banish! Chaser, become a pair of weapons for my minions, chase the god-killer in front of him! Let him see the wrath of the god-king!"

The long-charged wind and thunder were not used.

Unexpectedly, he read out the words to liberate the weapon.

Yagrush and Aymur, representing the clubs of banishment and repelling, in mythology, he used this pair of weapons to lead the dragon king Yam away from the throne, and killed him. With this crusade, he rose to the throne of the king of gods. .

Under the liberation of the spirit of words, the two stick-shaped artifacts flew directly towards Lu Yu.

If he was someone who had been on guard against his wind and thunder, he would have been hit by this unexpected blow!

Unfortunately, for Lu Yu, this weapon doesn't do much damage.

Looking at the two artifacts attacking him, Lu Yu just stretched out his hands.


The moment the artifact collided with the hand, there was a muffled sound.

Lu Yu remained motionless and took Yagrush and Aymur down with his hands.

"how is this possible?"

Merkal couldn't believe what was happening in front of him.

"Even Hercules shouldn't be able to resist the effects of Yagrush and Aymur!

Just like the spirit of liberation, the effects of Yagrush and Aymur are banishment and knockback. Even Hercules, who can grab two artifacts, cannot ignore the effects of artifacts.

It will inevitably be ejected into the cave, and even Lingge may be scattered.

"Although I know you want to snoop on information, it's okay to tell you, weapons are useless to me!"

Walking around in the courtyard, golden ripples appeared behind Lu Yu's back, and he casually threw the newly collected artifact into the treasure of the king.

"Weapons are ineffective... what a troublesome power!"

Hearing Lu Yu's words, Mekal guessed that it was some kind of power.

His proud weapon was sealed, which made Mekal, who could not exert his full strength, a little anxious.

"Chuck! Chuck! Chuck!"

A large number of locusts were born from the darkness of the cave, and then rushed towards the enemy in front of them like a sea of ​​insects.

At the same time, as the god of the storm, the god of lightning, and the god of the sky.

Merkal mobilized the power to bring the wind and thunder together.

Prepare to charge up for a thunderous blow to the Godslayer in front of you.

Looking at Mekal's attack with all his strength, Lu Yu didn't pay attention to him, but looked out of the cave.

"That guy came back so soon? 35

He sensed Welleslana's breath.

It seems that he has recovered the incarnation of the wild boar and came to find himself.

"If you say that, I have to make a quick decision on my side."

Thinking of this, Lu Yu decided not to play leisurely anymore.

"Try this trick!"

He has not used the newly learned moves recently.

Although the enemy this time is a little weak, it is still ok as an experiment.

Holding this mentality, Lu Yu stretched out his right hand.

"I am the strongest, the one who holds all power!"

The word spirit of the holy right spell was uttered.

An orange-red long sword appeared in his hand, exuding a strange brilliance.

This is the right light mentioned in biblical mythology, the Dead Sea Scrolls.

Under the transformation of Lu Yu, the feature of unlimited enhancement is retained.

The orange lightsaber was originally only a meter or two.

However, according to the size of the opposite Merkal and the distance, it was automatically adjusted to a length of 100 meters.

The characteristic of Right Light is that the stronger the enemy is, the stronger he must be than the enemy.

No need to consider speed, because one hit is sure to hit!

There is no need to consider the power, because it will definitely destroy the enemy!



Lu Yu waved casually in Mekal's direction.

The orange lightsaber was like a hot knife cutting butter, slicing the mountain above the head, then severing the massive wind and thunder that Mekal gathered, and then, as smooth as Dove, severing Mekal's strong and majestic body. .


With such a smooth attack, Mekal didn't even have time to defend, and was directly destroyed by the orange lightsaber on the spot.

In the end, not even a last word could be said.

Immediately died on the spot.

"System, recover all abilities!

Familiar with the road, before the system reminded him, Lu Yu instructed the Dimension Store to recover all of Mekal's power.

"Yes, host!"

The system is also familiar, and Merkal's powers are quickly sorted out.

"There are actually four powers? As expected of a god king with so many vests!

Looking at the power of system recycling, Lu Yu sighed.

Mekal, Baal, Hercules... If it hadn't appeared in Mekal's name, maybe he would still have powers like the Twelve Trials.

It is a pity that Mekal does not have the power of Hercules to represent the nature.

However, these powers are not bad.

The [Lord of the Sky] who controls the sky, storms, and thunder, the [Rage Sea] who controls the ocean and voyages, the [Reincarnation of Life and Death] who controls the harvest and waste, and the [Underworld Legion] who control the underworld


It includes all the godheads of Mekal's storm, lightning, sky, Hades, and the god of harvest.

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