An Infinite Dimension Store

152 Ability Body Crystal

After saying goodbye to Kuroko Shirai and Mikoto Misaka.

"Director Lu Yu, I'm so sorry!"

The guards bowed to Lu Yu in unison.

Let the director of Academy City personally go to solve the danger, from the small point to the dereliction of duty by the guards, and the big point to say that a major security incident has occurred.

Either way, it's not good for them.


Lu Yu shook his head, not caring.

Although the guards are holding some advanced weapons of Academy City.

But without the use of the military armament within the driving armor, the combat power is at the LV3 level at most.

It is precisely because of this that the ordinary level of ability incident is a student organization that has absorbed a lot of ability. The discipline committee is more convenient to deal with.

Generally, it is a vicious incident, and the guards will be dispatched to deal with it.

However, for monsters of the level of fantasy beasts, in the mechanism of Academy City, the corresponding handler should be Anbu.

"June 20" is not something that security guards can handle.

There is no need to blame them either.

But the guards didn't know that Lu Yu really didn't care, even if Lu Yu said he would not pursue it. Still apprehensive.

"Director Lu Yu, I have arranged all your orders! 35

One of the captains of the guards immediately came over and showed his hospitality.

Whether Lu Yu cares or not, it is always right to please the director.

"Well, well done. Luo

Lu Yu nodded.

The guard captain immediately smiled, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and led Lu Yu to the special car just arranged for him.


The back door of the black business-class sedan approached by the guards opened automatically.

After Lu Yu sat in, the door closed immediately, and the one-way transparent glass blocked the view from the outside.

Beside Lu Yu.

Mushan Chunsheng, who was wearing handcuffs, had already woken up and was sitting there quietly.

"Go to the Second School District, Talent Workshop!

Lu Yu told the driver.


The driver responded and said nothing.

"Huh? Didn't you take me to the labor camp?"

Mushan Chunsheng was a little surprised when he heard this destination.

"Didn't I say earlier that you should use the tree designer first to save your children?"

Lu Yu replied as a matter of course.

"It's more important to save those children's lives than to put you in jail."5

Hearing this answer, Kiyama Harusheng burst into tears with excitement.

Although she chose to trust Lu Yu, she was still uneasy.

Worried that Lu Yu would break his promise after the incident was resolved.

For politicians, breaking their promises is a basic operation.

Now that she heard that Lu Yu not only did not shirk, but was more concerned than her, she really realized that Lu Yu was one of the few people who really took the lives of those children seriously.

"Thank you! Thank you Director Lu Yu!

While wiping away her tears, she thanked her in a trembling voice.

"If you don't take action, I really don't know what to do!"

She is a typical researcher who has no knowledge of the world.

If it wasn't for the fact that she didn't feel that her figure could not be used, let Mushan Chunsheng immediately thank Lu Yu with her body, and she would not refuse.

"The matter of gratitude will be put aside for now. I checked the information just now. The reason you mentioned that the children fell into a coma was because of an accident during the use of the 'Power Crystal', right?"

Lu Yu goes straight to the point.

"You actually know?! 35'

Kiyama Chunsheng was very surprised.

The superficial statement of this experiment is that "the decoy experiment for the analysis of the law of out-of-control ability" is not highly related to the content, and does not know the specific inside story.


"Academy City's experiments have no secrets to me.

Lu Yu said very calmly.

Even if it is a superficial statement, the actual situation is still recorded in the library information.

As long as the authority is high enough, you can know all the news.

"And there is news on my side that you don't know, the ability body crystallization test has not stopped, and the finished product is still in use. 35

Lu Yu told the news that Harusheng Kiyama didn't understand.

"What?! This experiment hasn't stopped yet?!"

Mushan Chunsheng was very excited.

"Those body crystals have no effect on improving ability at all. The previous experiments have obviously failed, so why continue?!""

Even from a scientific point of view, there is no need to repeat such a failed experiment.

"You are wrong about this. Although for your students, body crystals can only lead to loss of control and coma, but in a state of loss of control, there are also experimenters with good results."

Lu Yu was referring to Takitsubo Rihou, an important member of the Anbu ITEM who is now affiliated with him.

The crystal that Takitsubo took after Rigo was the result of research on the crystal of the ability body.

The crystal can make the ability of the ability run wild.

However, the runaway also means that the ability has become stronger.

Therefore, for an able person, a small amount of crystals can temporarily increase her power.

"...How many test items did Academy City use?"

When Mushan Chunsheng heard this, he shuddered.

How many samples have to be tested to find an experimenter with good results? How many people fall into an eternal slumber?

"So, what needs to be rescued is not only your dozens of students, but also hundreds of experimenters in the same situation.

Lu Yu looked at Harusheng Kiyama seriously.

"Do you think that with your current thinking, you can really gain the power to save them?"

"...I don't know. 35

Hearing this, Mu Shan Chunsheng's face was covered with a shadow, and he shook his head a little lowly.

She applied for a tree diagram designer, mainly to simulate the reasons for those children's accidents, and then find countermeasures from the results.

But in the end, whether the simulation results are effective or not, and whether the children can be rescued, she is not too sure.

It is only because this is the only way left, that she will be paranoid and insist on going her own way, and she will not hesitate to spread the fantasy master to get enough computing power.

Now that I have the computing power, the problems that were ignored before come back one by one.

"If the body crystals are not thoroughly studied, even if those children can wake up, their abilities will be rampant when they wake up, causing 'chaotic openness'. In the eyes of the situation, the power rampage is even enough to destroy Academy City."

Lu Yu handed the existing information to Harusheng Kiyama.

"how come--"

According to the data, some people have tried to wake up those children who fell asleep because of body crystals, but without exception, they all caused the ability to run wild.

This made Harusheng Kiyama fall into despair for a while.

Even though they have been helped, why can't they save those children?

Just when she was completely at a loss.

Lu Yu sent an invitation.

1.9 "So, why don't we work on crystals together and pull those kids out of their sleep?35

He finally revealed his true intentions.

Mushan Chunsheng is a rare brain physiologist. Not only did he develop the fantasy hand, but in the original work, he achieved results that several scientific research teams could not achieve by himself.

After getting the initial samples of the crystals, a way to wake the children was quickly found.

The research ability is not inferior to that of the Kihara clan.

If she is allowed to join the research of body crystals, then the progress of Shokuhou Caoqi's research will definitely be accelerated a lot.

Even if it is only a semi-finished product, it is enough to rescue the sleeping ability person and increase the ability of the existing super ability person several times or even dozens of times.

"Please let me join!"

Mushan Chunsheng was so swayed by Lu Yu's words that there was no possibility of rejection.

Instead, he was quite eager to participate in the progress of crystal research.

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