An Infinite Dimension Store

135 Crushing and Confession

This is the power obtained after killing Perseus.

【The Day of Eternal Burning】.

It is the power that can manipulate Yang Yan.

Although Lu Yu can completely control the power of Yang Yan, let it perfectly destroy the witch hunter king without causing any damage.

But in order to play a deterrent role, he did not limit the power too much.

Rao is so, but also caused a very terrifying destruction.

If the broad Tiber River hadn't blocked the heat wave of Yang Yan, this Yang Yan might have destroyed half of the Vatican.


Feel the hot wind in your ears, and the sulphur smell unique to magma.

Steele took a sip.

He was a genius rune magician, a front-line combatant even in the Anglican Church.

But he had never seen such a bright and terrifying white light of destruction.

This attack has surpassed the level of the Pope, and I am afraid that the dragon of St. George in the Sanctuary is qualified to be compared with it.

A magician at the sanctuary level...that is equivalent to the combat power of an angel.

It is a rare existence in any church.

Even Kanzaki, who is a saint, can only touch the bottom of the sanctuary level only in the state of the god splitter.

"Who is Your Excellency?

Kanzaki Kaori was also completely restless.

Although she is a saint, she is completely unable to compete with the Yang Yan just now.

Immediately die, no accident.

"It has been said that you should answer the question of 590. 35

Lu Yu said firmly.

"Mr. Kindhearted Man is amazing!"

Index clapped behind Lu Yu's back.

Seeing Lu Yu's strength, she no longer worried about the two pursuers.

"My name is Lu Yu, don't call me a kind person, it sounds like a good person card.

Lu Yu corrected her title.

"Okay, Lu Yu, Lu Yu, I remember."

Index nodded happily and said.

"My name is Index, thank you for your help!

The scene where the two had a good conversation made Kanzaki Kaori even more upset.

The Yang Yan Lu Yu just now did not have any gestures or movements, nor did he sing or use runes.

So she couldn't tell what spell Lu Yu was using at all.

But Index couldn't be taken away just like that.

It seems that we can only try a quick fix.

"I'm sorry, I can't control the power of this move!

Stigma Liberation!

Godbreaker Mode is on!

"My magical name is Salvare000, and I help those who cannot be saved.

"This is my kill shot, let it end this battle (bbbj)!

——Silver sword light flashed.

"Only Flash!"

Like thunder, from stillness to movement.

Kanzaki Kaori slashed Lu Yu with all his might with great speed.

The blade instantly cut through the sound barrier, cut through the atmosphere, and slashed at Lu Yu with a city-destroying momentum.

This violent blade touched Lu Yu's finger in the blink of an eye.


"Crack! 35

The blade was crushed by Lu Yu.

at the same time.


With the other hand, Lu Yu punched Kaori Kanzaki in the abdomen.


The saint's body was directly smashed to the ground by this tremendous force.

The earth was shattered by huge cracks like spider webs.

Kanzaki, who completely liberated the stigmata form, was directly knocked over by Lu Yu's punch and fainted.


Stiyl looked at Kanzaki who was rushing into the street in an instant, and he didn't even have the idea of ​​running away.

Seeing that Lu Yu's eyes turned to himself, he forced himself to calm down and no longer have weak legs.


A small flame appeared on his finger, and Steele lit the last cigarette.

There is no way for this cigarette to make him cast a more powerful spell, and there is no way for him to escape, much less to defeat the enemy.


Let him die with dignity.


Lu Yu knocked him unconscious with a punch, then took the two losers and left the battlefield.

The Vatican is the seat of God's right seat, causing too much commotion is not conducive to the development of his future branches.

Go back to the branch of the Dimension Store and throw Kanzaki Kaori and Stiyl aside.

Lu Yu put the re-bought bread on the table in the tea room.

While eating, I listened to Index introducing myself.

"That is to say, these two villains are chasing and killing you in pursuit of the 103,000 magic books on you.

Lu Yu nodded.

"It should be, but Lu Yu, I'm curious, what spell did you use just now?"

Index was very curious about the Yang Yan that Lu Yu cast just now.

"I should be able to see the principle of ordinary magic, but I can't see your flame at all. It seems to be the fire of light of Zoroastrianism. It looks like it comes from the god of the sun and the contract. Mithra, but has other attributes, and does not need to chant at all, it is really convenient!

As a catalog of forbidden magic books, Index's eyesight surpassed that of most magicians, and she could quickly understand even the most bizarre spells.

However, I have never seen a spell that does not require any advance preparation, but can be cast instantly.

"Even if you didn't do anything, you can analyze it to this level just by looking at it, it is indeed a list of forbidden books.

Lu Yu praised sincerely.

In addition to being a saint, Kanzaki is also a very powerful magician, but he can't see anything.

"Hehe~ I can't use magic, but I'm a magician!

The praised Index was very happy.

"I'm not using a magic technique, but a usurped power... But I'll talk about the details later, I don't have the habit of revealing my information to the enemy. More

Lu Yu doesn't really care about exposing his power, after all, that's not his main means.

But now is not the time to talk about that.

Hearing his words, Index turned her gaze to the two people who were bound by iron chains in the corner.

Involuntarily, he moved to Lu Yu's side in fear, trying his best to stay away from the two.

"Sure enough, I can't hide it from your Excellency. 35

Kanzaki opened his eyes with a wry smile and struggled to sit on the ground.

Lu Yu's punch was naturally useless.

Otherwise, even a saint, one punch would be enough to knock her out.

So she woke up not long after, thinking she could overhear some information.

But it was still found.

Facing this overwhelmingly powerful opponent, she finally tasted the despair that other ordinary magicians had when they faced her.

I don't know what material the chains on my body are made of.

Even the power of the saint is completely unable to break free.

The option of resistance does not exist at all.

So, after weighing it, she chose to tell the whole story.

"Mr. Lu Yu, my name is Kanzaki Kaori, my true identity is a magician affiliated with the Church of the English Puritan 'Necessary Evil', and Index is actually a colleague...

"Our 'chasing' is for...because Index's brain can only store memories for one year...

She said everything.

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