An Infinite Dimension Store

133 100 30Magic Books

Long silver hair, blue eyes, and snow-white skin.

The tender and cute little face was filled with a soft smile, and it looked like he was only about fourteen years old.

The monastic uniform with white as the base and gold as the edge is very iconic.

Lu Yu recognized at a glance that the girl in front of her was the magic book library that carried 13,000 magic books, and was called the nun of the catalog of forbidden magic books.

- Index!

How did this guy come to the Roman Orthodox Church?

Counting the days, she should have had a few days since the last time she erased her memory, and she should have escaped from the "chasing" of Kanzaki Kaori and Stiyl Magnus.

While Lu Yu was contemplating.

Misaka 00001 looked at the nun in front of him and tilted his head.

"Are you asking Misaka for food, Misaka is trying to figure out the situation."


Index nodded immediately.

"I'm hungry! Can I have something to eat?"

Then he stated his desires outright.

"No problem, Mi11-saka affirmed the feeling of feeding the puppy."

Misaka 00001 nodded after thinking for a while.

"Ah! Thank you, and may the Lord bless you!""

The hungry nun first expressed her blessings happily.

However, when she heard the words behind Miss Misaka, her expression became a little complicated.

"Anyway, I'm also a nun, doesn't it hurt to think of me as a cat and a dog!"

Although he was muttering like this, the people who were willing to give him food must be kindhearted people, and Index didn't want to worry about such trivial matters.



Sister Misaka took out a piece of bread and handed it to Index.

It's really like feeding a puppy.

"If it weren't for the fact that you are a girl, I wouldn't accept such a strange feeding! Even nuns have preparations for salt...

The next words were completely inaudible because the bread was stuffed in my mouth.

The nun, who had not eaten fresh bread for a long time, still lost her appetite and accepted the feeding of Sister Misaka with peace of mind.

not far away.

The former Pope of the Amakusa-style Cross Church, one of the less than twenty saints in the world, Kanzaki Kaori, and a colleague of the Church of Necessary Evil, Stiyl Magnus, stood on the roof, quietly watching the forest beside the forest. The nun stuttering on bread.

"That's great, I didn't find anything to eat yesterday, and I slept on a tree branch all night. If I didn't eat anything, I would definitely get sick.

Kanzaki Kaori breathed a sigh of relief.

"When he has almost eaten, we will attack."

Stiyl Magnus thought for a while and said.

"What?! Why should the child interrupt her rare rest immediately after having a hard meal?"

Kanzaki Kaori frowned, but did not directly reject it.

She knew that watching Index suffer, the magician around her was as sad as she was.

I wouldn't say such a thing without a reason.

"Although the monastery can withstand powerful attacks and extreme climate changes, it will not be effective against ordinary temperature changes.

Steele said in a worried tone.

"That child doesn't have the physical quality of yours. If she sleeps in a tree all night, she will catch a cold. I can bake her clothes with fire to keep her warm."


Because of the saint's constitution, although Kanzaki Kaori could sense the temperature change, he didn't take it to heart.

Ignoring this change is enough to make people sick.

Although Index is a "banned book catalog", she is an ordinary girl without magic power, and her resistance is not much stronger than that of ordinary people.

"Then wait a moment!

On the edge of the woods.

Sister Misaka happily fed the nun with bread.

Pieces of bread were swallowed.

A few minutes later, the petite nun actually swallowed all four or five people's bread into her stomach.

"Aren't you going to choke?"

Lu Yu said in surprise.

Although I knew before that this nun was a big eater, I didn't expect it to be so exaggerated.

"It's okay! I have special eating skills! 35

After showing a grateful smile to another kind person, Index explained.

"This used to happen a lot, so I was always eating and drinking separately!"

It sounds tragic.

"Why? This is the Vatican City, and there are still quite a few churches in the city. You can place orders at the church!

While thinking about how to abduct this nun into his hands, Lu Yu used his words to keep her.

There are 103,000 magic books, and if you understand all of them, you can reach the level of the devil.

Even if there are some fakes of low value, the overall value is still amazing.

"No, even if they are the same church, there is a difference.

The nun, who doesn't know the sinister world, patiently explained to the kindhearted person.

"I am a nun who belongs to the Anglican Church, and the churches here are all Roman Orthodox churches, and they will not accept my orders.35

"In other words, as long as you can go back to England, can you stop sleeping and sleeping?"

Lu Yu asked with confirmation.

"Yes, as long as I go back to England and find the church I belong to, I'll be safe."

Index nodded.

"Then, do you need help?"

Lu Yu reached out to help.

"It won't take long to fly from Rome airport to London, UK 590. I can take you to the UK.""

"Really?! Great!

Joy burst into Index's green eyes.

However, after rejoicing, she said with some anxiety:

"But I don't seem to have any identification. 39

"The UK hasn't yet left the EU...I mean the identity checks of planes within the EU are not strict, and I also have special channels, so it's fine."

Lu Yu said identification is not important.

Really not, he can also charter a plane.


Originally, Index knew nothing about the props on the science side.

Since Lu Yu said there was no problem, she also thought it was no problem.

But at this time, her expression became hesitant again.

After a few seconds, he shook his head firmly.

"Good-hearted man, thank you very much... But, but, I better not implicate you!

At this time, Lu Yu had already sensed the two breaths approaching behind him.

he asked with a fishing mentality.



"Because this guy is our prey! 35

A female voice as cold and ruthless as the harsh winter rang out.

Kanzaki Kaori stood on the top of a tree ten meters away with Qi Tian Qi Dao in his arms, looking at Lu Yu in front of him with eyes like a knife.

"If you don't want to die, let it go!

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