An Infinite Dimension Store

118 Yanhui and Taoli

Hearing Tony's cry for help, Lu Yu didn't pull him directly to Vimana.

Instead, he cleared his throat in a leisurely manner, as if he did not see the huge waves rushing from all directions.

"Calling for help from the enemy in battle, you don't know what it means, right?"


Lu Yu looked at Tony and said.


When Tony heard this, he couldn't help but feel a little depressed.

Calling on the enemy for help in battle... is the equivalent of defeat for a warrior.

As a soldier, he knows this better than anyone else.

However, being fooled to death by oneself is not something that everyone can safely accept.


The sound of huge waves approached, and the ground beneath Tony's feet shook.

Originally, I wanted to hesitate and tangle, but face or something was not as important as life.

"You win!"

Tony dropped the long sword in his hand as a bachelor.

"It's up to you, but before that... hurry up and save me!"

Not to mention the huge waves, the storm engulfed by the huge waves is enough to destroy the skyscrapers. Tony stood on the seabed and felt that he was in crisis, and had to make a scream of urging.

"It's almost there."

Seeing that his goal was achieved, Lu Yu took action.

The moment before the huge wave came, he and Tony disappeared into the sea at the same time.

In the next instant, the two appeared on the beach at the same time.

"Hoo! Hoo!""

Tony collapsed on the beach like a salted fish, gasping for breath.

After swimming for a day, I swam from the sea to Naples, and in a blink of an eye I was almost swallowed by the sea.

He was a little apprehensive when he saw the ocean now.

"Lu Yuqing, the king of swords! Are you finished fighting?"

Liliana, who had been waiting by the beach, saw the two people who suddenly appeared on the beach, and hurried over.

Looking at Tony who is like a Reservoir Dog, and Lu Yu, who is unscathed and has no messy hair, she already has the answer in her heart.

Still want to get the exact answer though.

"Yes, I won. 35'

Lu Yu's answer made Liliana smile.

"The king is naturally invincible! 35

She knelt down and congratulated.

Lu Yu accepted the girl's congratulations with a smile, then turned to look at Tony.

"You said just now, let me deal with it, right?

"That's right.

Tony wouldn't be remiss.

In the beginning the bet of the Gorgon Stone was the spoils of the victor.

But Lu Yu not only defeated him, but also saved his life.

The kindness of saving lives still needs to be repaid.

"However, I said in advance that apart from swords and powers, other things are in my name, but I don't know.

Tony said frankly.

"If you want something else, you need to talk to that guy Andre."

He himself has the consciousness of a mascot.

"That's right."

Lu Yu gave an unexpected answer.

"I don't care about anything else, what I want is your power.

"Power? 35

Tony was taken aback.

Immediately, he folded his arms around his chest and looked alert.

"The battle between godslayers will not gain power!

Lu Yu was speechless.

"I won't cut you, if I really wanted to, I wouldn't save you at that time!"

"Then what do you mean when you say you want power or something?"

Tony was relieved and asked curiously.

"Literally, I have the ability to copy power... Of course if you plan to sell it directly to me!"5

Having said that, Lu Yu paused.

"I forgot to introduce myself. Apart from the godslayer, I am also the owner of the dimensional shop."9

After some introductions, Tony understood the existence of the Dimension Store.

"The old man has already obtained good things!"

After Tony heard that his enemy, the Marquis of Vauban, had done it, he immediately chose to start smoking jars without hesitation.

This is a good opportunity to gain strength, and he can't fall behind the Marquis of Vauban.

Otherwise, one day the old man was smothered to death, and he didn't know how he died.

As for the power mentioned earlier, he did not hesitate to sell it to Lu Yu in the form of a copy template.

There are elements of retribution and self-confidence.

He believes that without his swordsmanship, even if he gains the same power, he is definitely not his opponent.

"So, are you sure you want to get a high-level jar for ten consecutive draws?

Lu Yu routinely confirmed it.


Tony nodded.



After playing a few useless cards, Tony got a skill card that he liked very much.

"Oh oh oh! Is this the sword move of the legendary swordsman!"

Tony, a swordsman, loves this card.

Card Type: Skill Class

Card Quality: Purple

Card description: One flash from the real world, and then two flashes overlapped completely at the same time, ignoring the concept of time and space, resulting in a slash from three directions. That is the "multi-dimensional twisting phenomenon" that surpasses the elements of speed, sophistication, and feint attack. It is the proud move of the famous swordsman.

Card Introduction: Anti-human Demon Sword Yanhui

Evaluation: The skill is almost Tao, quite superb sword move, recommended for swordsman masters, not very useful for those who are not familiar with swordsmanship

For Tony, who also belongs to the swordsman, this skill is really useful.

If he thoroughly understands this skill, his swordsmanship will surely reach a higher level!

Although the following cards are not satisfactory.

But Tony, who has tasted the sweetness, has no idea of ​​stopping.

"Manager, give me another ten draws!"

"OK! 580"

Lu Yu happily handed over the premium jar and crossed over the origin point on Tony's account.

It seems that another heavy user of jars has been cultivated, which is really gratifying.

Unlike the veteran godslayer Marquis Vauban.

Tony doesn't have much power, and it's only been a few years since he killed God.

So there are not many origin points in him.

After three rounds of ten consecutive draws, it was completely empty.

Then asked the same question as the Marquis of Vauban.

"How can I keep getting Origin Points?"9

He got the same answer as the Marquis of Vauban.

"I can ask my subordinates to present them to the society, but there are not many magical tools... Sure enough, power is still the most valuable!"

After much deliberation, Tony found out.

For their god-killers, the only way to become stronger is the god of disobedience!

Seeing the fighting spirit in Tony's eyes.

Lu Yu is very happy.

From his point of view, both Marquis Vauban and Tony are equivalent to his workers.

It takes hard work and power to sell it to Lu Yu and get Origin Points.

Lu Yu just needs to wait for them to accumulate enough source points, and then cut the leeks one by one.

Just when he showed the same smile as the evil big capitalist, a warning sound came from the dimension store.

It was Dolly who was looking for him.

"Manager, there is a customer who wants to discuss a long-term deal with you. Would it be convenient for you to come?"

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