"Yo! How are you!"

Seemingly aware that he was caught, the blond man opened his eyes and greeted everyone with a refreshing look.

"Thank you so much for pulling me up. I was going to swim from the bottom of the sea, but the silt is still very troublesome!""

He patted the clothes on his body, and he said these words that made people want to ask if your mind is alright.

"His Royal Highness the King of Swords, you came from the bottom of the sea?!"

Liliana looked at Tony in front of her as if she saw some rare beast.

Even if it is a godslayer, this kind of behavior is too much of a problem!

In order to avoid Andre's pursuit, he actually swam all the way from the bottom of Tyrrhenian.

Compared with this kind of husky, even the Marquis of Vauban is not so unreasonable.

So, all the godslayers turn around, Lu Yuqing in front of him is the most normal one?!

Thinking about it, Liliana's affection for Lu Yu suddenly increased a lot.

"...Oh, you know me?"

Tony looked at Liliana in front of him and scratched his head.

"Oh, you're, that's who... Elizabeth isn't it, I remember seeing you!"

"No, my name is Liliana Kranichal.

Liliana said coldly.

She had long known that the King of Swords would not remember names, so she did not have any expectations for it.

"Ahaha, sorry! I see, I will remember it next time.

Tony was talking nonsense about "surely next time".

Everyone present cast a distrustful look at him.

So he couldn't help but argue.

"Don't look at me like this, generally I will remember the names of people who can fight well.

This sentence is not false.

Salvatore Tony is a complete idiot when it comes to life.

He doesn't understand anything about human relationships or the distribution of benefits.

But only in the field of combat, he is a rare talent.

With only the sword in his mind, he treats everything sloppily, but only when facing opponents worthy of a fight, he will be completely serious, so he will not forget their names.

When it comes to opponents worthy of fighting, Tony's whole person is alive.

He looked at Liliana and asked casually.

"By the way, since you are also a member of the magic world, then you should know where the recently born compatriot named Lu Yu lives now.||?"

Although he put on a "I will not do anything, just ask" attitude.

But anyone who has heard rumors about him will not believe it, right?


Liliana felt speechless.

Lu Yuqing was by his side, but he didn't speak, and she didn't know his specific plans.

Should I say something to the King of Swords?

When she didn't know what to do, Lu Yu took the initiative to speak:

"Are you looking for me?"

Liliana breathed a sigh of relief, but her heart tightened.

Tony's eyes lit up without any doubt.

"Are you a new compatriot! Hahaha, I didn't expect that I was so lucky, and I ran into you directly!

He was really happy, he thought it would take half a day to find someone.

"You're looking for me, and I happen to be looking for you too.

Lu Yu smiled slightly, then said bluntly.

"The magic guild under your command has a divine tool called the Gorgon Stone. What are the conditions for me to get it?"

Unlike the Marquis of Vauban, there is no need for any tricks to deal with someone like Tony.

Just say it.

Tony also liked Lu Yu's straightforward attitude.

"Gorgon Stone...I don't know what it is, but since you speak, I can ask them to give it to you.

As he spoke, he showed a cunning smile unique to a warrior.

"But the premise is that you want to fight me!"

As a soldier, what he desires most is a battle.

It's a pity that no one of the existing godslayers is willing to fight him.

Aisha, John, and Alek, the three god-killers, are still missing, and they can't be found.

The Marquis of Vauban had a grudge against him, and had the power to restrain him.

Although Tony likes fighting, he doesn't like courting death.

Fighting with the leader of Luo Hao will be hanged and beaten, and there is no fun in fighting at all.

So when he heard that a new godslayer appeared, he immediately ran over happily.

"..a fight, no problem. 35

Lu Yu nodded, accepting it readily.

Tony is very satisfied with this unpretentious and decisive attitude.

After confirming the eyes, the opponent must also be a warrior!

"Very good, as expected of my brother!"

He happily untied the box on his back and opened it on the deck.

"I was a compatriot just now, but I was promoted to a brother so quickly. 35

Lu Yu was speechless at Tony's rapid change in attitude.

But this kind of attitude is a good thing for Lu Yu, so he doesn't care.

The wooden box opened, revealing a long sword inside.

Lu Yu, who has always been accompanied by a Noble Phantasm, can see at a glance that this long sword is a mass-produced assembly line product.

Tony, known as the King of Swords, held the hilt of the sword, and his temperament (Li Qian's) suddenly changed.

From the husky style, instantly switch to the sword-like warrior style.

The atmosphere also suddenly chilled.

"Etc., etc!

Liliana raised her hand to break the tension.

"Are the two princes planning to fight here?"

This is on the yacht, and it can't stand the aftermath of the battle between the two godslayers.

"Oh, it seems inconvenient."

Tony scratched his head and said.

If his sword wants to exert its power, it is naturally more convenient on land than on the sea.

"You've been on your way all day, don't you need to rest?"

Lu Yu also had no intention of fighting immediately.

"If you weren't defeated by me in your heyday, you'd probably be unwilling, Qin!"

With such a small smile, he spoke provocative words.

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