An Infinite Dimension Store

089 King's Treasure

Intermediate jar?

What's the use of that?!

For Woban, who was used to smoking high-level cans, it would be an insult to only smoke intermediate-level cans.

Ten consecutive draws, which can only get purple items, are meaningless to him.

The [Servant Cage of the Dead] under his command, and if he randomly pulls out a great knight or a great magician, is a purple-level existence.

If it wasn't Lu Yu in front of him, he had to let others know what would happen to insulting a demon king.

However, the person in front of him is none other than Lu Yu, the owner of the Dimension Store.

The more he smoked the jar, the more he could feel the mystery and power of the Dimension Store, and the more he understood that Lu Yu's ability to show off a little bit was really at that level.

Therefore, the Marquis of Vauban can only recognize it.

After all, in the end, it was him who was poor, and he didn't have the confidence to speak out loud.

"Mr. Manager!

Understanding the mystery and power of the Dimension Store, Woban began to use honorific titles.

"Excuse me, how do I get additional origin points?"

"There are not many ways to obtain origin points."

Lu Yu said seriously.

"Recycling the magic props, divine tools or the powers you have that are not available in the dimensional store can get the corresponding origin points. 35

Magic props, as a Demon King, Woban has no shortage of them.

Even if it is lacking, you can also make tributes to the magical associations under your command.

With so many magical associations under his command, there must be many magical props.

However, I also want to know that ordinary magic items are not worth much Origin Points.

Gods, but not the same.

It was a kind of holy relic used by the gods, and even a god-killer wouldn't have much of it.

Marquis Vauban didn't have many divine tools in his hands.

However, the value must be above the magic props.

Thinking of this, the Marquis of Vauban clapped his hands.

A corpse dressed as a knight appeared in front of him.

"Go and bring all the artifacts in my collection.||.

Warban ordered.

The knight's corpse immediately knelt down to take orders, and then disappeared in place.

The living corpse bound by the [Death Servant Cage] can be restored after a period of time even if it is destroyed.

Some of the deceased servants who were destroyed by Lu Yu's repulsion force have now recovered their mobility and can obey the dispatch of the Marquis of Vauban.

After a while, the corpse knight returned.

Holding several boxes in hand.

In the box, there are several objects of different shapes and simple shapes.

These are gods.

"Store manager, how much are these artifacts worth?" Woban asked.

Lu Yu glanced at it and immediately recognized the origin of these artifacts.

He immediately shook his head regretfully.

"These things add up to only a few thousand origin points, you should keep it by yourself, Marquis Vauban!"

Hearing this, Woban frowned deeply.

"Why? These are genuine artifacts!"

Many of these divine tools were used by Woban himself. Although they were not comparable to power, their power was not bad either.

Does the other party want to say that these are fakes, and then lower the price?

He couldn't help but have this idea.

However, Lu Yu's words quickly dispelled his doubts.

"These are indeed genuine artifacts."

Lu Yu nodded first, and then said regretfully.

"But I also said before that things that are not available in the dimensional store are valuable, and these artifacts are all things that the dimensional store already has.

Indra's vajra, Poseidon's trident... He already has these divine tools.

"like this….…"

In order to completely dispel Marquis Vauban's doubts, Lu Yu directly summoned the treasure of the king.

Gold ripples shone on the air behind Lu Yu, forming a sea of ​​gold.

Hundreds of thousands of weapons of A rank or even above protruded part of their bodies in the golden ripples.

Whether it is man-made or God-made weapons, they all appear in this golden ripple.

The shining divine brilliance, as well as the huge fluctuations in magic power, all showed the truth and power of these weapons.

1. What-!'

Woban was dazzled by the hundreds of Noble Phantasms in front of him.

Even as a god-killer, he had never seen so many divine artifacts displayed in front of him, just like some kind of Chinese cabbage.

After the shock, Woban shook his head with a wry smile.

"With the wealth of the store manager, it would be too difficult to find a divine tool that you don't have."

At least at a glance, Woban could see hundreds of weapons that he didn't even know, and these were not all of the store manager's collection.

From this point of view, relying on divine tools to exchange origin points is almost as difficult as reaching the sky.

(Li Dehao) "It's not as exaggerated as you said."

Lu Yu waved his hand, but was very modest: "I haven't collected anything like Karna's God-killing spear.

The setting of the King's Treasure is equivalent to the original book of human wisdom itself. As long as it is the prototype of human inventions and the treasures of the past and present, they will be collected in it, even the divine tools are no exception.

Karna's god-killing spear is a weapon that has never been used in the setting of the Moon World.

Since it has not been used, there is no prototype.

The King's Treasure cannot be collected either.

However, in the Godslayer world, this has become possible.

If I can meet the last king this time, the treasure of the king may be able to complete to a higher level.

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