An Infinite Dimension Store

077 Institute of Theoretical Physics

“Half price vegetables! Half price vegetables!”

After saying goodbye to Lu Yu, Kamijou Touma looked at the time on his phone.

He was in a hurry.

Only ten minutes left until half price on vegetables!

If he can't catch up this time, he can't even eat bean sprouts these two days.

Supermarkets only offer discounts twice a week!

He immediately began to run as fast as he could.

"Hoo! Hoo!"

The wind whistled beside his ears.

Maybe Kamijou Touma himself didn't notice it, but the speed of his running at this time has gradually surpassed his fastest speed.

It even quickly surpassed the Olympic world record.

Passers-by only saw a windy back.

However, because there are already many superhumans in Academy City.

It didn't cause any disturbance.

After all, the number of LV2 to LV3 body strengthening ability is not rare, "four four seven"


However, what passersby didn't notice was that Kamijou Touma's speed was still increasing.

He's far from reaching his limit.

No, this statement is incorrect.

It should be said that there is no so-called limit on him anymore.

It turned out that running at full strength would take at least a quarter of an hour to reach the distance.

Now, it arrived in just five minutes.

Finally got to the supermarket.

He stepped in.

"Bang! Boom! Boom!"

A colorful hand-held salute sounded, and several shop assistants set paper fireworks on Kamijou Touma's head.

"Congratulations to the customer! You are the 100,000th customer to come to our supermarket for consumption!

Someone who looked like a supermarket manager walked up to him and said.

Supermarkets in Fusang often engage in this kind of activity. They aim at century-old stores. When the customer flow of the supermarket reaches a certain value, usually when the whole number is rounded, this surprise will be triggered.

For such lucky users, supermarkets often give a lot of surprises.

"Congratulations, you have obtained ten 10,000 yuan consumer coupons from our store, and you can choose from various household appliances or furniture sponsored by other brands. 35

The shop assistants also gathered Kamijou Touma to congratulate the lucky customer.

Kamijou Touma was in a dream.

"Am I really not dreaming?"

He squeezed his face in disbelief.

This kind of luck has always been insulated from Kamijou Touma.

But now, he actually got a surprise gift with a total price of at least 100,000 yen or more.

If his friends or classmates know this, they will doubt life, right?

"The lucky package given by the teacher is really amazing!"

Kamijou Touma naturally knew what was happening in front of him because the researcher he met just now gave him a set meal.

I couldn't help but be grateful to him again.

"Guests please come here!"

The clerk surrounded him, ready to take him to take pictures for supermarket promotion.

Usually no one will refuse.

Kamijou Touma naturally would not refuse, he let go of his complicated emotions, showed a smirk, and welcomed his new life.

Lu Yu, who was in the Dimension Store, naturally didn't know Kamijou Touma's current experience.

But you can guess.

Not to mention other buffs, the inherent skill of the golden rule alone will not let the owner fall into poverty.

Maybe it's picking up money, or winning the lottery, there's always a way to make people rich.

Lu Yu's own golden rule didn't work that way, simply because he was already wealthy.

Ordinary money has no meaning to him.

As for the origin point, the power of the golden rule cannot affect the income of the dimensional store.

Although Lu Yu has a good harvest in front of him.

There are more than 30 million origin points lying in the account.

"There are so many guests today.

Lu Yu rubbed his shoulders, feeling a little tired.

Even if Kamijou Touma, whom he had brought in on his own initiative, was excluded, the Dimension Store received many customers today.

Dave, Sakagi, Shokuhou Soki, Butterfly Sisters, Ibuki Suika...

All found in one day.

So even if he hired Taoli as a clerk, he was still a little tired.

After warming up the bento made by Taoli, Lu Yu temporarily closed the dimension store after dinner.

Night is time for rest.

The next morning, after a night of restful sleep, Lu Yu finally recovered his spirits.

At this time, Taoli also completed the initial stage of ability development and returned to the dimensional store.

Lu Yu thought that even if it would be a little easier today, there would still be many guests.

But unexpectedly, the whole day passed, and the dimensional store was completely unattended.

This situation lasted for three or four days.

"so boring!

Because there is no need to worry about survival.

There are no customers in the dimension store, and the biggest influence on Lu Yu is only boredom..

Bored to the point of sometimes, he would go to the dimensional world to watch Pokémon fight.

I have to say that under the constant battle, the fire-breathing dragon became more and more fierce.

"Doesn't the store manager have to take care of his research institute?"

Taoli asked curiously when she saw that Lu Yu had nothing to do.

Although Lu Yu's main identity is the store manager of the dimension store, he still has the identity of a researcher.

Because of the Dark May Project, Lu Yu withdrew from the institute at that time.

But after negotiating with Aleister, Lu Yu not only became the permanent director of Academy City and resumed his position as a researcher, but also directly led an obscure scientific research institute.

Hearing Dolly's question, he replied lazily.

"I'm also doing research, but most of the researchers in Academy City are too low-minded, and almost all of them are researching superpowers. After a long time with Aleister, I found a theoretical physicist from the research institute. .

The mainstream of Academy City's research is the study of superpowers.

Cultivating LV6 is the greatest wish of the entire science city.

Therefore, this utilitarianism leads to a very ironic phenomenon.

That is, in Academy City, which is at the top of the scientific side, there are not many theoretical physics researchers.

Even if the super power itself is based on the theoretical basis of quantum mechanics, Academy City still has few theoretical physicists who study quantum mechanics.

Lu Yu also relied on the ability of his own permanent director to put together a scientific research institute that studies theoretical physics.

He made 1.9 of the capital flow as a permanent director, and most of them were also invested in this research institute.

As for the two research institutes that were incorporated into the Talent Workshop and Higuchi Pharmaceutical, they can only be regarded as tools used by Lu Yu to complete the plan.

"Oh, understand understanding. 39

Dolly nodded.

Although she didn't understand.

After all, unlike the Misaka sisters in the original book, Dolly is a scumbag.

Lu Yu didn't care.

After lying on the table for a while, he suddenly remembered something.

【Meet the Heartbeat of Beautiful Big Sister (Purple)】

"This thing, I remember the system said that it can be used across the world?"

Lu Yu took out the card.

Think about it, just break it off!

After breaking it apart, the card just disappeared.

It looks like nothing happened.

After a minute.


The door of the Dimension Store was pulled open.

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