An Infinite Dimension Store

059 Manager Lu Yu wants employees

After making the request, Suika Ibuki took the membership card and left.

Sister Butterfly was on the mission of the Ghost Killing Team, so naturally she couldn't stay for too long. After thanking Lu Yu again, Megumi Chanel left with Butterfly Shinobi.

Although she had the intention of entrusting Butterfly Ninja to Lu Yu before, Butterfly Chana Hui naturally would not immediately hand over her sister to Lu Yu.

Before getting engaged, it is necessary to test the birth date, and there is no custom of living in the man's house on the first day.

So after staying for a while, and after exchanging feelings, Lu Yu sent the two back.

"There are so many guests today!"

After sending the person away, Lu Yu moved his muscles and sighed.

Surprisingly, there was no response.

Instead, he always felt a subtle gaze staring at him.

He looked back.


She found that Taoli was looking at herself without saying a word, without blinking her eyes.

"Are you playing a game where whoever blinks first loses?"

Lu Yu wondered.


Taoli shook her head: "I just seem to have discovered something, Mr. Store Manager, are you the Loli Control mentioned on the Internet?"

"Huh? What's the meaning of this?"

Lu Yu didn't deny it, but asked rhetorically.

"Xiao Qi, Butterfly Ninja, Silk Flag... I found that the types that the manager likes are all Loli."

Dolly shared the results of her observation.

"It sounds plausible, but it doesn't."

Lu Yu shook his head and said: "You only observed this because most of the people you know are Loli. In fact, I have a good relationship with Mushan Chunsheng, Bushutoxin, Huang Quanchuan Aisui ... many people you don't know. ."


Because she heard too many names of people she didn't know, Dolly's brain was stunned for a while.

"So I'm not a Loli control. I like schoolgirls, schoolgirls, white silk, black silk, absolute fields, etc. I would like to say that as long as they are beautiful, I like them. I am not a separate kind of control, just a simple It's just lust!" Lu Yu declared proudly.

"No, there's nothing to be proud of here, right?"

Dolly subconsciously complained.

"But there's nothing to be ashamed of!"

Lu Yu spread his hands: "It is human instinct to like beautiful things."

"...What you said makes sense, but I can't refute it."

Taoli felt that she was about to be persuaded by Lu Yu.

——Sorry, Xiao Qi, it seems that your future relationship is not destined to be so simple!

She said to her best friend in her heart.

She doesn't mind anything. A person's three views are closely related to what she has experienced. Although she has basic moral concepts in Taoli's world, she does not stubbornly believe in the existence of laws and customs, because her own Birth is the greatest mockery of human ethics.

While Taoli was in a daze, Lu Yu remembered what happened before and had an idea in her heart.

"By the way, Dolly, would you like to be an employee of the Dimension Store?"

Lu Yu asked.

He had this idea when he saw Taoli receiving Sister Butterfly before.

Although Lu Yu thinks she is very friendly, if she encounters a more sensitive guest like Butterfly Ninja, Taoli is more able to gain the trust of the other party.

In addition, when you have something to go out, you can also ask Taoli to help watch the store, so as not to miss the visiting customers.


Dolly stayed for a while.

"Of course it's not the kind of free leek employee I hire you but don't form a labor relationship with you."

Lu Yu smiled: "It's a serious job, with five insurances, one housing fund and a monthly salary. If you need it, you can also pat, feed, and love every day, how about it?"

"Patting and feeding is not a serious job at all!"

Dolly felt like she had been reduced to a miserable rant.

"But if the manager actually needs me, I'm fine!"

After staying in the research institute every day doing nothing, Taoli has long been bored, so she runs to Lu Yu every day. Now that she can do her own work and help her savior, she is of course extremely happy.

"Well, that's fine then."

Lu Yu nodded and opened the management system of the Dimension Store.

"The clerk recruitment module starts..."

"The clerk's identity is confirmed..."

"Identity data verification: clone android [Tao Li]..."

"After the clerk is entered, the clerk is granted low-level authority. This authority is completely subordinate to the store manager. The store manager has the right to cancel the identity of the clerk at any time. All interpretation rights belong to the Dimension Store."

Soon, the system confirmed Taoli's identity, and Lu Yu finally had an employee. *

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