An Infinite Dimension Store

031 General Manager Lu

"Mr. Manager, hello, my name is Taoli, I'm Xiao Qi's friend!"

Behind Shokuhou Misaki, a brown-haired girl who looked slightly sickly stepped forward and bowed deeply to Lu Yu.

"Thank you for saving your life!"

Sure enough, it was Misaka Mikoto's original clone, Dori.

Seeing the girl so grateful, Lu Yu felt a little embarrassed.

"What are you talking about as a savior? Actually, I didn't do anything. It was Shokuhou who prayed that the guy's luck was okay. It just happened to be something that could save you. It has nothing to do with me."

Hearing this, Dolly shook her head hurriedly.

"No, no, no! The store manager doesn't need to be humble. Even if there is a reason for Xiao Qi's own luck, but without the glimmer of hope you gave, no matter how lucky Xiao Qi is, there is no way to save me."

"Yes! Although I don't want to admit it, without your help, no matter how lucky someone is, it's useless. So you don't need to be humble at all, just accept Taoli and others' thanks generously. It's gone!"

Shokuhou Cao Qi also followed suit.

Both of them are reasonable people. Although Lu Yu did not directly provide the gene repair solution, he provided a hope.

Without this hope, no matter how much effort they put in, it's useless, it's the difference between 0 and 1.

"Well, I accept Taoli's thanks with peace of mind."

Nodding, Lu Yu is not a character that sticks to details, An Ran accepts Taoli's thanks.

But it was only Dolly alone.

"Hey! What do you mean? Why exclude me!"

Shokuhou Caoqi clearly understood what Lu Yu was saying, raised his beautiful eyebrows, clasped his hands tightly in front of his barren chest, his cheeks bulged slightly, and his star-like pupils stared at half dissatisfaction and half aggrieved. Lu Yu.

Why should you treat her differently?

Is it because you are an airport?

But Dolly is not much older than herself! It's just the difference between AA and A!

Seeing the bee-eater's fierce and fierce posture, which is completely different from the elegant posture in the original anime, but it is not cute, Lu Yu smiled gently and said:

"You say thank you or something, but you still call me 'you guy'. How can anyone thank me in such an attitude?"


Shokuhou Cao Qi tilted his small head and nodded thoughtfully.

"Indeed, that's a little rude, sorry."

She herself is a darling lady who has been trained in noble etiquette, and she pays more attention to etiquette than ordinary commoners.

"Then what should I call you? Mr. Lu Yu?"

"Lu Yu is fine, I'm just an ordinary shopkeeper of a dimension store, I don't need to be called honorably."

Lu Yu shook his head and said.


Shokuhou Caoqi was choked by this sentence, and the conditioned reflex wanted to complain, how ordinary the owner of the infinite dimension store is!

But the man in front of him is not only Taoli's savior, but also his own savior. If you want to call himself ordinary, there is no way to pretend that he is an ordinary person.

"Lu Yu..."

For some reason, saying the name alone made her face a little hot.

"In that case, you don't have to call me my full name, just call me Cao Qi or Xiao Qi."

Shokuhou Misaki's eyes wandered around the store, looking a little guilty for some reason.

"After all, you are also my savior, so it doesn't matter if you call me by your name."

"Yes! Then I'll call you Xiao Qi, Cao Qi always finds it weird."

Lu Yu had no worries and accepted the title directly.

Although I know that the Yamato people generally only call their names by their close ties, but as a Chinese, Lu Yu doesn't have much sense of reality, so he didn't notice the delicate girl's mind behind it.

"Little prayer..."

Taoli on the side felt something keenly, but she covered her mouth quite sensible and didn't say anything.

With Xiao Qi's character, if he exposes these careful thoughts in person, he will definitely not let him go.


With the connection of life-saving grace, the atmosphere of several people's communication is also very harmonious.

It happened that he was a little bored alone, and Lu Yu was happy to have someone chat with him.

The pleasant afternoon tea time passed quickly, and their conversation got down to business.

"Can a green quality gene repair solution only prolong life by one year?"

Lu Yu knocked on the table.

"In other words, in addition to thanking you this time, you also want to get a higher-quality gene repair solution, right?"


Shokuhou Misaki nodded, his expression a little heavy.

"It's finally possible to save Dolly, but I can only live one more year. I'm not reconciled!"

"Xiao Qi, it's alright."

The party involved, Taoli, did not feel the slightest sadness, but showed a gentle smile and comforted Shokuhou.

"I'm very happy to have one more year of life! For a whole year, we can go to many places and play a lot of fun things!"

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Having said that, Taoli glanced at Lu Yu and Shokuhou Caoqi, with a sly smile in her eyes, and issued an assist:

"And Mr. Lu Yu, I always feel that being with Xiao Qi and Mr. Lu Yu will definitely not be boring."*

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