An Infinite Dimension Store

023 Jeff's Little Gift

"Would you like to touch it?"

Lu Yu looked at the excited Jeff and took the initiative to invite him.

"Although I don't know what race the egg is, the little guy seems to be very energetic and feels like he will be born soon."

When Lu Yu hugged the egg, the 20- or 30-centimeter-sized egg still moved a bit. It was obvious that the life in the egg shell had already formed, and it was just waiting to break out of the shell.

Seeing the elf egg that Lu Yu handed over, Jeff flinched for a while.

Desire and fear changed dramatically on his face.

"Is it really possible?"

Jeff looked at his hands, sinking into self-deprecation.

"A guy like me who has taken countless lives is really qualified to touch the sacred new life?"

"Who knows if you don't try?"

Lu Yu smiled and shoved the elf egg directly into Jeff's hand, then let go.

"and many more!"

Jeff wanted to resist, but was worried that Lu Yu would let go and had to hold the elf egg in his arms.

Feeling the flow of youthful life within the eggshell, a warm smile appeared on his face uncontrollably.

Ever since he was cursed by the god Anxelam, Jerf, who had never felt the breath of life at close range, felt satisfied.

It took a long time for Jeff to recover from the healed mental state.

Looking at the elf egg in his hand, Jeff asked Lu Yu with a moved face.

"Mr. Store Manager, this little guy seems to be a fire monster. If you don't mind, can I give him some gifts?"

When Pokémon is placed in the fairy tail world, it probably belongs to the first-class of Warcraft.


Lu Yu thought about it, as the strongest magician of his time, the gift that Jeff gave would definitely not be bad.

And Jeff, who cherished life, obviously couldn't do anything that would endanger the elf egg.

Even if there is any accident, it can be repaired by relying on the origin point.

So he nodded, half-jokingly.

"Gifts are fine, as long as you don't turn this little guy into a demon!"

Jeff is the world-famous creator of demons, and Lu Yu had to be vaccinated in advance.

In fact, it doesn't matter if a Pokémon has one more attribute, and the evil attribute can also be immune to the damage of the super power attribute, which is not a loss.

But Jeff's personal aesthetics are too bad. The humanoid Zelf demons and female demons like Liang Yuetian are pretty decent, but their demon form looks really ugly.

Whether it is strong or not is something that can be solved by buying a jar, but whether it is handsome or not is a matter of a lifetime, and it should not be sloppy.

"I won't do this!"

Jeff was a little dumbfounded, forcing a creature to be a demon, something he wouldn't do.

In his eyes, the devil is just a tool he created, but this elf egg is not like that. It is the pet of the store manager and cannot be treated arbitrarily.

"Just a little bit of high-level magic is stored in this child's body. When needed, this little guy should be able to use it naturally!"

With that said, Jeff mobilized his magic power, and among the thousands of fire magics he had learned, he selected the one most suitable for the little guy in front of him—this is the limit that the elf egg in front of him can bear!

Inject that unique magic into the inside of the fairy egg through magic power.

These magic powers were quickly swallowed up by the greedy little guy, and the magic was naturally absorbed by the little guy.


Jeff wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and exchanged the elf egg for Lu Yu.

Even if it is him, it is not an easy thing to interfere with the interior of life.

"Then I will thank you on behalf of the little guy!"

Thank you Lu Yu.

The elf also seemed to feel that he had returned to the embrace of his master, and moved a few times with excitement.

"Where, these are nothing compared to the care of the store manager for me."

Jeff said sincerely.

The reason why he gave the little guy a gift also had the element of repaying his kindness.

"There is no need to say more polite words."

Lu Yu is not a person who likes to get entangled in virtual ceremony.

"Now that you have lifted the curse, what are you going to do next?"

"After that..."

Jeff thought for a while: "I'm going to find my brother. Although he should be four hundred years later, I should be able to cross time and go to his side through the same method."

Although strictly speaking, Jeff's real brother is dead, and now Natsu is just a demon he resurrected by borrowing his brother's body, but he was cursed by the gods, and obviously he has no desire to continue to subvert life and death.

Just accompany his current younger brother and live a peaceful life.

This is Jeff's greatest wish now.

"Do you like a stable life... Then I wish you all the best!"

Lu Yu didn't mean to interfere with his thoughts.

"But if you have any difficulties, you can come to me, maybe I can help."

Lu Yu is enthusiastic.

Jeff still has hundreds of thousands of Origin Points in his hands, so of course it is the best to get them!

"Well, after finding my brother, I will come to see you when I have time!"

A faint smile appeared on Jeff's face, looking forward to his future life.

"Then welcome next time!"

After the two said goodbye, Jeff closed the door and returned to the original world. *

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