An Infinite Dimension Store

018 Orange quality!

After collecting 100,000 Origin Points from Jeff, Lu Yu took out ten advanced jars and handed them to Jeff.

"Is this a premium jar?"

Jeff used his magic to sense the jar in his hand, but he felt nothing.

"It's actually a precious material that can isolate magic power."

Jeff was a little surprised, but after thinking about it, he felt that it was normal. The things in the dimension store must not be inferred by common sense.

"In any case, it is the best situation to be able to solve the curse on me. It is really not good. It would be good if there is a way to kill me."

With this in mind, Jeff opened the first jar.

A mysterious light flashed, and a purple card fell.

"It looks like you are lucky."

The probability of drawing a purple card is not low in advanced jars, but the probability of drawing a blue card is higher.

Lu Yu took the card and looked at the card to introduce.


Card Type: Ability Class

Card Quality: Purple

Card description: A magic that enables any creature to master the power of fire dragons, has a damage bonus to dragons, and comes with the mystery of dragon slaying

Card Introduction: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic

Evaluation: It can enhance the dragon factor in the organism, which is an excellent means to enhance the potential of the individual


"The Dragon Slayer Magic of Fire...Is that so?"

Seeing the card introduction, Jeff was also surprised.

He raised his right hand a little troubled, and the orange-red flame burned in his hand.

"But I know this kind of magic!"

Dragon slayer magic is actually a branch of additional magic, a growth magic that adds dragon power to humans.

For Jeff, a genius who is proficient in all kinds of magic, this magic is not difficult to learn.

"Wait, there's something I forgot to ask."

Lu Yu suddenly realized something and asked.

"Jeff, do you still have dragons in your world?"

The time point at which the Black Mage was in front of him might be a little different from what he thought.


Jeff answered without hesitation: "In my world, the dragons have been slaughtered by a black dragon named Akronoria, and even the dragon king has been killed, my fire dragon slayer Magic was learned not long ago from the remaining thoughts of the Flame Dragon King."


Lu Yu nodded.

It seems that the era that Jeff lived in was still four hundred years ago, when the era of dragons just ended, and Jeff should have already born the demon "END" from his brother's body, that is, Natsu. It was given to the Flame Dragon King Ignilu.

"Since it's a card you don't need, I can also recycle it here."

Lu Yu suggested to.

"The recovery price of the purple ability card is 1000 origin points."

The recycling price of 10,000 jars opened by the source is only 1,000. This recycling rate cannot be said to be black.

But Jeff didn't have a problem with that.

Compared to the infinite possibilities of the jar, the mere dragon-killing magic of fire, probably the shopkeeper did not see it.

"Then trouble the shopkeeper to recycle it."

"make a deal."

Lu Yu put away the card and crossed the thousand source dots to Jeff.

He himself had no intention of using this card.

Although fire dragon slayer magic is not bad, it can also be immune to fire damage, but it has a fatal disadvantage.

That is because the three semicircular canals of humans are different from those of dragons, so when humans complete the dragon slaying magic to a certain extent, they will appear dizzy in vehicles.

In the original work, even Akronoria, the Black Feather of the End, could not avoid this weakness.

Lu Yu now owns a dimensional store. There are as many ways to become stronger. Naturally, he will not choose this method with obvious shortcomings.

But there is some value in collecting it.

The first time he missed the draw, Jeff was still very calm, and immediately opened the second jar.

A mysterious light flashed, and a card appeared.

The orange-red cards sparkle with dazzling and captivating light, dazzling people.

It's an orange card!

"Actually, the second orange card was issued!"

Lu Yu looked at the little white face of Jeff, who was actually a European emperor!

In contrast, Shokuhou Caoqi's face is also very white, but his luck is worlds apart, and he is an authentic African chief.

You must know that although the tenth draw is guaranteed to be an orange, there is no upper limit. It is possible for Jeff to continue to draw orange cards afterward.

"Shopkeeper, what's the use of this card?"

Seeing the orange card, Jeff couldn't help but get excited.

Here's the hope of saving him from the curse!

He has killed too many lives and never wants to hurt innocent people again! *

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